6/20 〜 6/23

ラジオ英会話   Monday, June 20

The last word...

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So, Katie, what's another situation going to be like this time?
Well, Ken, the hare is a filmmaker.

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Mr. Hare, you have a reputation for being very fast on your feet.
Of course! I'm the fastest in the land!
Do you recall that fateful day you raced the tortoise?
tortoise = an animal that walks slowly and can pull its head and legs into the shell on its back)
(an animal with a shell and four short legs that lives on the land, in the ocean, or in rivers and lakes. The animal that lives on the land is usually called a tortoise.)

Ha! How could I forget?
How did you feel about losing that race?
Tsk, tsk. You've got it all wrong. That race was rigged!
I'm afraid I disagree.
I've noticed some people feel that way for some reason I can't fathom. To put the record straight, I'm making a movie based on what really happened during that race.
(fathom = 人の考えなどを探る、推測する、見抜く、理解する to understand something complicated or mysterious)
(To put the record straight = 記録を正す, 誤解を解く/正す)
You are?
And I'm not changing anything.
You're not?
Not even a hair.
How did you guys feel about that pun?
It was hair-raising.
(hair-raising = 身の毛のよだつような、興奮でゾクッとする/ extremely alarming)
I want to hear (hare/hair) more.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, June 21

Jeff, what's another situation going to be like?
Well, this time, the tortoise gets upset.

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Mr. Tortoise, I have a message for you from the hare.
Hmm... What did he say?
He seems to believe the race was rigged.
That's ridiculous!
My sentiments exactly.
The way I look at it, the race was fair and square.
I agree with you one hundred percent. Nevertheless, the hare wants to challenge you to another race.
Nothing doing! Once is enough. Twice is too much. Thrice is stupidity!
thrice = three times)
(stupidity = 愚かさ, lack of intelligence or thought)

I learned that in school. Our teacher taught us (tortoise).

                      • -

Oh, my goodness.
A groaner.
(groan =うめく to make a long low sound, for example because you are in pain or unhappy)
I think Lewis Carroll said the same pun.

Oh, did he?
Well, here's a big question, rather.
Oh, oh!
What is life?
The way I look at it, every cloud has a silver lining.
I agree with you one hundred percent.
Oh, I agree with you one hundred percent.
Oh, thank you.
Yeah. How about you, Jeff?
Um... The way I look at it, life is a rainbow, but never a fortune.
I agree with you one hundred percent.
Yeah, one hundred fifty percent there.

How about you, Ken?
The way I look at it, life is Rajio Eikaiwa.
I agree with you one hundred percent.
One hundred percent.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, June 22

So, what's another situation going to be like this time, Katie?
A grape talks to the fox.

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Mr. Fox, do you remember the day when you saw a bunch of grapes hanging on a vine?
Oh, yes. I was very thirsty on that hot summer day! It was around here now that you mention it.
(now that you mention it = そういえば、言われてみれば、敢えて言うなら)
It was this tree of mine. Those grapes were my great, great, great grandparents.
Is that right? My! Time flies.
(My =〔驚きなどを表して〕おやまあ、あらまあ)
But you didn't eat them.
I actually saved their lives.
That's right! That's the story handed down our family tree.
(hand down = 後世に残す、伝える)
Well, someone has to be right.
Yes, Mr. Fox. And we are very grateful (grape-ful).
That's exhilarating (fox-ilarating).
(exhilarating = making you feel extremely happy, excited, and full of energy)

                      • -

Oh, my goodness.
Well, even with those puns, it's a heartwarming story.
I actually tasted that grape. No, I don't think so.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, June 23

Of course.
Of course.
The crow had to be cautious.
(cautious = careful to avoid problems or danger)

                                • -

So what's another situation going to be like?
Well, the time, the crow is an opera singer.

                            • -

You had cheese in your beak.
Yes. And the fox worshipped me. He went on and on about how beautiful my voice was. He said it was alluring, captivating and exhilarating.
And he wanted to hear your voice.
You're right about that. But then who wouldn't. I sang the Aria from Manon Lescaut.
(Manon Lescautマノン・レスコージャコモ・プッチーニが35歳の時に発表したオペラ(プッチーニのオペラ第3作)
(Area = オペラで、オーケストラの伴奏で独唱する叙情的な曲)

And when you dropped the cheese, the fox stole it.
On the contrary, he brought it back to me. So I gave it to him.
Of course. Anything for my fans whose number is … crowing.
(crowing ⇒ crow カラスが歌っている…… ダジャレです)

Congratulations, Ms. Crow.
Oh, thank you.



6月号 P.60 の挿絵にお気づきになりましたか? RAJIEI LEARNER (ラジ英学習者)の銅像が立っています。

木曜日のAnther Situation ではカラスがオペラを歌っています。どうしてカラスがオペラを歌っているのでしょう?
 ↓ ↓

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ヤマちゃんって誰? 私の生徒さんです。非常に優秀で私を越しています。ラジ英を毎週隅々まで勉強しつくしています。ヤマちゃん、解説ありがとう!