10/2 〜 10/5

ラジオ英会話   Monday, October 2

Well, it's October now.
It's a little cold October, isn't it?
It can be.
That's why they call it Octobrrrrr...
Joking aside...

                        • -

So, Katie, what's another situation going to be like today?
Oh, Ken, this time, they are secret agents.

                      • -

Hello, 0010.
Hi, 0011. How are things?
Not so good. I'm not so sure gathering information is my calling.
Oh. I thought you loved your job.
I love that I get to travel and see beautiful places and meet interesting people...but...
But what?
I'm exhausted from my workload.
Have you discussed this with the boss?
Maybe you should. You seem to be suffering from job burnout.

(burnout = the mental and physical condition of having no energy left, or becoming sick after a period of very hard work)

I think you are right. There is one thing I want the boss to let me do.
What is it?
Listen to Rajiei.
Oh, I'll go with you. Let's talk to the boss right now.
Oh, righto

(righto = ようし、オッケー all right, OK, used to express understanding or agree)

              • -

You know, I'm not so sure being on the radio is my calling.
Ken, you are so good.
Oh, no, no, no. Yes, we love that we get to work with you.
I was fishing for that answer.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, October 3

Hmm… Another problem here.

                          • -

So, what's another situation, Jeff, is it going to be like today?
Well, the new neighbor and his wife are talking about the couple next door.

                                  • -

Have you noticed that the neighbor's parked their car too close to our house?
No, that's not good.
I told the lady I call the police.
You did? What did she say?
She said, "Sorry" and moved the car.
That's good.
Then her husband yelled at me next morning saying, "It's a public street. We can park anywhere we please!" Who does he think he is!
That makes sense, though.  (それいえてるけれどね)
Whose side are you on?  (誰の味方なんだよ。/どっちの側についてるんだよ?)
I'm on your side, honey. But you don't want to make a scene.

It must be them.
No, it's Rajiei. Come on, honey.
Aha ha ha ha... All righty!

                          • -

Good ending. All right.
Well, that's about it for...
Oh, but, wait, Ken. We still have a few minutes.
I can finish any time I please.
Oh, you are right.
Yes. That's true.
No, no, no. It may be just about the right time now, right?


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, October 4

It’s a difficult situation.

                • -

So, Katie, what's another situation going to be like?
Oh, Ken, poor Rhonda. This time, Rhonda has hurt her back.

                  • -

I'm sorry, Dylan. I have to cancel my move. I threw out my back.
Oh! Are you in pain, Rhonda?
I'm afraid so.
I'll be right there. In the meantime, why don't you ask Brad to lift the heavy stuff for you?
I'd rather not. He's been acting distant lately.
That's not like him. You helped him move. He owes you one.
Yeah. I thought we were better friends than that.

Don't cancel just yet. I'll call Brad and we'll come to your place together.
Oh, no, Rhonda! Just cancel and wait for me!
I can't. I'm in the ambulance.

                        • -

You know, I've been acting rather distant lately. To make it up, I'll buy you ice cream.

(make it up = 埋め合わせをする to do something good for someone you have upset; in order to become friends with them again)
Hmm... All right.
Hmm... OK. Maybe.
Now you ARE acting distant.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, October 5

So she doesn't know what exactly is the cause.
No, she just needs a change.
She doesn't have a handle on it.

(have a handle on it = 〜を把握する、理解する、〜を操る、〜を管理する deal with it)

                        • -

So, Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like?
Are you ready to rumble?

(rumble = けんかする、騒ぎを起こす fight, to take part in a fight in the streets between groups of people)

Oh, yeah.
Well, this time, they are professional wrestlers.

                                    • -

It's time for me to make some changes.
Do you want to start a flesh in a different association?
It's not that.
What's the problem?
I feel like something is missing.
You're getting tired of the same old thing.
I don't know. I can't get a handle on it. Maybe I should retire.
Retire? Ha! That's a whole new ball game.

Actually that's what I'm thinking of doing next.
I always wanted to be on a defense team.
No offense, but you're 51.

(no offense = 悪気はない、気を悪くしないでね  I hate to say this… )

No offense taken. I think I can!

                    • -

51 years old.
Fifty-one and having fun.
And he thinks it's time for him to make some changes.
Some changes. That's a huge change.
That's a big one.
Oh, yeah.