ラジオ英会話 8/1 8/5, 2022

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 81  Monday, August 1

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. Roza, it's strange being here with you.
R: Why do you say that?
C: Because I'm practicing. That's why.
R: Ugh...

◆ Right after the Japanese translation part
R: There's always been something mysterious about our textbook. Let's take a look, shall we?

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK guys, it's practice time. Today, we are focusing on "about." "About" has this vaguely surrounding image, like the physical sense, look about you, three hundred and sixty degrees and take in everything you can see. So, with this surrounding image, let's practice together.

(vaguely 漠然と、曖昧に approximately, more or less, just about, somewhat)

C: OK, here we go, "This is a book about lions."
Lions, look around it, where do they live, their habitat, what do they eat etc. This is the image of "about."

(habitat 生息地 place of origin, home)

So, once more after me, "This is a book about lions."

R: Next example, "There's always been something mysterious about you."
One more time together, "There's always been something mysterious about you."

C: Let's carry on, "walk about the street"
"bring about many changes"
"come about"

R: And a couple of more, "He's about to leave."
"It's about time to leave."

R: Excellent work.
C: Great, it's about time we got back to the main lesson, right?
R: That's right.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, it's almost time to leave, right?
R: Time to say goodbye... ♪♬
C: ... go back to work. ♬


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 82  Tuesday, August 2

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. Well, I do ride bikes quite often.

◆ Right after the Japanese translation part
C: Well, you can use our textbook too anytime, to build up your English muscles.
R: You'll be riding at a high speed in no time.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: Yes, it's practice time. Today, we are going to practice "at." The image is very easy, isn't it? It's just one point, one point.
And I find what's helpful is a sound to get that feeling across like (ポン). That's it, just one point (ポン).
Are you ready to try that sound? OK, after me (ポン). OK, now let's get on to the language side.
Here we go, "at the bus stop"
"at the door"
"at Shibuya Station"

So, all these are points, right? A couple more, "at school"
"at home"

R: Continuing on. Here are some more points, "at 7:30."
"at noon"
"at present"
"at the moment"
"Life begins at 60."
"I was surprised at the news."

C: OK, let's go bit faster now, "at a high speed."
"at 100 kph"
One more, "selling it at $75."

R: And a few more for me, "at once"
"at first"
"at last"
"at will"

R: That was excellent!
C: Well done, guys.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, guys, what do you think of an exchange student who never studies?
R: I think he is studying, just not what you think he is studying.

C: Well, actually, when I was an exchange student, I didn't study in the real sense of study at all. But I was immersed in the culture. So, my French improved automatically and my knowledge of the culture. So, I don't think it's so bad.
R: Exactly.

(immersed 浸された、埋没した absorb, to become completely involved in something)


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 83  Wednesday, August 3

◆ Opening
R: Well, Mr. Big West, are we gonna (going to) have a great lesson today?
O: あ、大西ってことですね?
R: うん。Akino Roza here.
C: Hi guys. Chris McVay here. I hope so, I mean it's almost done. It should be ready really soon. Ah! We're ready. Let's get started.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK guys, are you ready for another practice? Here we go. We're still looking at this word "at."
You remember, we had some fun last time with (ポン) to get that feeling, right?
Today we are going to introduce a couple of nuances because "at" can also be used to express an activity or even a movement towards a point.
OK, so with all that in mind, let's get started with the practice. Here we go.
"He was at school."
"He was at work."
"He was at table."
"He was at breakfast."
"He was at rest."
"He was at sea."
A couple more, "He was at play."
"He was at a loss."

R: Another example, "The students there aim at becoming ~."
"The students there aim at becoming ~."

C: OK, and the final group, "look at ~"
"stare at ~"
"glance at ~"
"smile at ~"
"laugh at ~"
"jump at ~"
"get at ~"
"be angry at ~"

C: OK guys, how do you think you did? We think you did wonderfully well. So, we won't get angry at you.
R: That's right. That was some good practice.

(some なかなかの、かなりの)

◆ Ending
O: Hey, Chris, have you ever played the lead role in a school play?
C: Well, I used to belong to a French drama group and there I played several lead roles.
O: なるほど。
R: What about you, Sensei?
O: Um... I was a tree.
R: That's not a lead role.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 84  Thursday, August 4

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. Ready for today's lesson?
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. Well, Roza, we are in the company of a noted author, it seems.

(noted 著名な、有名な famous, well known)

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK it's practice time again. This will be our last practice of the word "at."
So, I want you to keep the basic image (ポン) of one point in mind.
But now we are going to introduce a selection of useful phrases that you can memorize and use them as often as possible.
Here we go, "at most"
"at best"
"at worst"

R: Here is a couple more, "She is at her best."
"I'm at my wit's end."

C: "I'm at my wit's end." This is a really nice expression so try to memorize it, OK?
R: Definitely.

C: And a couple more to finish, "He's good at English."
And the last one, "He's not a genius at all."

C: Well done, guys!
R: Excellent work!

◆ Ending
O: Hey, Chris, I think you are very good at public speaking. Is there any way to become good at it?

C: Well, I don't know if I'm good or not, but I usually answer such a question with "preparation is the key." But today, I think we shouldn't underestimate the value of your own voice. Many presenters are rather monotonous, but the best presenters vary their tone of voice a lot, to keep the audiences' interest.

(monotonous 単調な、一本調子の boring, dull)
(vary 変化 change, mix)


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 85  Friday, August 6

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, welcome to Friday's lesson. You know that means? It's time for the review. This is Akino Roza.
C: Hi, everyone, I'm Chris McVay. It's review time. Let's enjoy it.

◆ Ending
R: Hey guys, do you use bookmarks when you are reading a book?
C: Nowadays, I tend to read e-books so, you know, the bookmark is automatic, but I still from time to time use a paper book and I have quite a collection of beautiful bookmarks actually. How about you, Roza?

R: Well, I also have some nice bookmarks, but I usually forget where I put them and I don't have them when I need them. So, I end up using just scrap paper.
C: Oh, what a waste.
R: What about you, Sensei?
O: Uh..., bookmarks? I read so fast that I don't need them.