ラジオ英会話 12/21 - 12/24, 2022

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 151  Monday, November 21

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here.
C: Oh, it's me? Chris McVay here. Sorry, I fell asleep listening to your openings. Only joking.
R: So, do you wanna (want to) get started already?
C: So, let's just do it.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK guys, it's practice time. Today we're focusing on the word "so." Now it's easy. All you have to do is keeping your mind the image of an allow, pointing forward. That's it. So, let's begin.

R: And remember, think in English.

C: OK, "That movie was so impressive that I can't forget it."
OK, once more, "That movie was so impressive that I can't forget it."

R: Let's continue. Here is an example of the causal effect "so."

(causal effect 因果関係)

"I didn't use sunscreen, so I got burned."
Let's try one more time, "I didn't use sunscreen, so I got burned."

C: Yeah, that happens to me a lot, Roza, with my skin.
R: I bet.

C: Next one, here we go. "I was going to film her so that people would believe me."
You remember this from the dialogue, right? So, once more, "I was going to film her so that people would believe me."

R: And the last few, these are agreement "'so's,"
"I think so."
"I hope so."
"So do I."

R: That was so easy, right, guys?
C: And so good.

◆ Ending
O: Hey Roza, do your cats talk?
R: Yes, of course. For example, when my cat says にゃわぁぉ~ん that means, "I have a toy in my mouth and I'm pretending like I've caught some prey."

(prey 獲物)

C: Oh my god. You know what? I have a friend who has a cat, and it talks with its ears, fluent communication.


I’m tired from と I’m tired of の違い
I'm tired from running. 走ったので疲れている。
I'm tired of running.  走ることに飽きている。
(from と of で意味が変わるのですね)


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 157  Tuesday, November 22

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, this is Akino Roza. Chris!!
C: What?
R: You're snoring, too?
C: No, no. I never snore, never ever, ever. Anyway, Chris McVay here. Let's have an exciting lesson with no snoring.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: Hey, are you ready to practice? Today we've got two words. The first is "too," t, double-o, and the second is "rather." "Too" is o-t-t, that means "over the top" or exaggerated. And "rather" always includes a notion of comparison. So, let's have a go practicing these two.

(have a go やってみる)

R: That's right, guys. And remember when you practice, think in English rather than Japanese.
C: Let's start, "I was too tired to sleep."
Once more, "I was too tired to sleep."

R: Continuing on, "This soup is rather tasteless."
One more time, "This soup is rather tasteless."

C: OK, now another "rather," "I'd rather take a walk somewhere."
You can feel the comparison, right? Take a walk rather than do something else. So, we're comparing here. So, with that in mind, let's try once more, "I'd rather take a walk somewhere."

R: And the last one, "The problem is not a lack of intelligence but rather a lack of motivation."
"The problem is not a lack of intelligence but rather a lack of motivation."

C: I'm sure there is no lack of motivation in our listeners, eh?
R: That's right because you guys did great.
C: Well done!

◆ Ending
O: Hey, could we have 鶏のから揚げ rather than アジフライ for a change?
C: Well, I'm a vegetarian so I would always order 鶏の唐揚げ.

(ベジタリアンなのに鶏のから揚げ? ジョークですかね? )


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 158  Wednesday, November 23

◆ Opening
R: Hey guys, this is Akino Roza. Let's get started.
C: OK guys, Chris McVay here. I'm dying for some rich chocolate cake so, let's hurry and finish this lesson, OK?

◆ Right after the Japanese translation part
R: By the way, have you read our textbook? If not, you must read it. I can make a list of the best lessons to read.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: It's practice time. And today, we are focusing on the word "ever," which basically means "at any time." So, it contains the nuance of freedom of choice which naturally leads to combinations like whatever, whoever, whenever, however. OK? So, let's get started.

R: And remember, whatever you do, think in English.
C: "This is the best pizza I've ever had."
R: Let's continue. "I hope our relationship will last forever."
And one more, "I hardly ever study English."

C: OK, one more here, "You're as lovely as ever."
So, at any time since I've met you.
R: And our last example, "I'll support you whatever you do."

C: Well done, guys.
R: Excellent work! And remember, we'll support you whatever you do.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, have you ever ridden an elephant?
C: Actually yes, I have in India and in Thailand. How about you, Roza?
R: Yeah, I've ridden an elephant in Thailand too, but I prefer giving an elephant a bath.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 159  Thursday, November 24

◆ Opening
R: Sensei, you never do a normal opening. What happened? Hey everyone, Akino Roza here.
C: Yeah, Chris McVay here. I'm looking forward to seeing how this lesson goes then.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK guys, it's practice time. Today, we are looking at the word "never." Well, this is very easy because we've just seen "ever" and "never" is the opposite of "ever." So instead of "at any time," it's "at no time." Are you ready?

R: This should be easy, right, guys? So, remember think only in English.

C: Gotcha! Here we go, "He never listens to my advice."
"He never listens to my advice."

R: Let's go through a few more examples, "Never do it again."
"Never let anyone walk all over you."
"Never say never."
"Never mind."

C: OK, and the final one, a bit strange maybe, "Never have I seen a spaceship like this!"

C: Roza, have you ever seen a spaceship?
R: I can't say that I have.
C: Never.
R: Never
C: OK, once more then, "Never have I seen a spaceship like this!"

C: Excellent, well done, guys.
R: Fantastic work.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, which ruins attract you most?
C: Well, I can think of a few, perhaps. The most interesting I visited are Machu Picchu in Peru, or Angkor Wat in Cambodia, or maybe less famous Tikal in Guatemala. I like ruins.
R: Wow, you've been to a lot. I would like to go to Machu Picchu one day though.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 160  Friday, November 25

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, thanks for joining us again. This is Akino Roza.
C: Hi guys, Chris McVay here. Are you ready for the final review of the month? Let's get going.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, what’s your favorite saying?
R: Well, I think my favorite saying is 一石二鳥, "Kill two birds with the one stone." What about you, Chris?
C: Hmm… difficult to choose but I think I'd go for "All's well that ends well."