7/19 - 7/21, 2021

遠山顕の英会話楽習    Monday, July 19

J: Right. Question 1: What did they do when they got to the beach?

K: Carolyn, what happened?
C: Well, they built a boat, launched it, and headed for the Ogres' island or Onigashima.

J: So, here's another good thing. Momotaro didn't have to build that boat by himself.
C: Yes.
K: How true.
J: He had help.
C: And this is where meet the last member of their team, right?
J: Right, the pheasant.
C: Yes.
K: How useful the pheasant was.
J: Yes. He can scout ahead.

(scout 偵察に出る make a search for someone or something in various place)

C: Yes.
K: Uh-huh.
J: Even in a foggy sea.
K: Right. The monkey couldn't do it.
C: No.
J: No, and a dog couldn't do it.
K: Um...
J: No. So, they each have their skills.
K: Right.
C: And each got a dumpling.
J: Yeah. The pheasant wanted a dumpling as well.
K: Right. So, they found their right master and the master found the right guys, right subjects.
J: That's right.
K: Right.
J: So, the pheasant was able to go and scout ahead, and see what was going at the island. How many they were, where they were and ...
K: What they were doing?
J: What they were doing? Yeah. All of that information.
C: Because it was difficult to see because it was foggy.
J: Right, exactly.
K: Right. And they get to the island.
J: Right.
C: Yes.
K: And again, the pheasant is of great help here.

(be of great help 大きな助けになる)

C: Yes.
J: He is the eye in the sky.
K: Exactly. So, we all find out that they are merrymaking ... drinking.
J: They're drinking and merrymaking in the middle garden.

(merrymaking 大浮かれ、お祭り騒ぎ the act of celebrating and having an enjoyable time)

K: Yeah. Oh, wow!
C: Yes. And this is what the pheasant comes back and reports to everybody.
J: Right. But he also has other information as well.
C: Hmm...
K: Let's get on to the next one, right?
J: Right.
K: The next question will be ...
J: Question 2. Right. What did the pheasant say about the head ogre?

K: Carolyn, what did he say?
C: Well, he was the biggest of them all and easily identifiable as he had a pair of golden horns on his head.

K: Hmm... gorgeous ogre.
C: Yeah.
K: Oh, my.
J: But they were able to pick him out because they wouldn't know who the leader was unless the pheasant told them which one was.
K: How true.
J: He was uh... easily identifiable.
C: So, that's what the pheasant reported, right? But he also reported that the gate is bolted but there are no guards there, eight?

(bolt かんぬきを掛ける a metal bar on a door or window that slides across to lock it closed)

J: Ah. Right, no guards because they're drinking and merrymaking.
C: Yes.
K: So, what did they do?
C: Ah...
J: Ah!
C: Don't they do something to prepare for battle?
K: Oh! Kibidango, you mean.
C: Yes.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, July 20

C: Right. No.1: How did Momotaro enter the ogres' fortress?

K: So, Jeff, what's the answer?
J: Yes. The monkey climbed up and over the gate and unlocked it.

J: So, they didn't have any guards at the gate. So, it was easy for the monkey to climb up and over.
C: Yes.
J: And unlock it. And that's how they got in.
K: Yeah.
C: They were spotted, right? Two guards came towards them.
K: Uh-huh. And then what happened?
C: Well, after, I guess Momotaro and his buddies got rid of the guards...
K: Uh-huh.
C: And then this is when, you know, the big scary ogre comes out.
K: The throat voice guy.
C: Yeah.
J: Yes. And he comes and he says, "Who are you?" "What do you want?"
K: And he is just scoffing at them, laughing at them because there is one boy and three animals.

(scoffing あざけり、せせら笑)

J: Right, right. Yeah, he thinks that uh... they're gonna (going to) have an easy time overpowering Momotaro and his friends.
K: But they didn't.
J: No.
C: No. I mean Momotaro gave him a chance to surrender. He said, you know, he'll give him a chance but wouldn't take it so...
K: Yeah, he laughed it away.
C: Yap.
J: So, they had a fight. And they finally won, I mean ogre's fought really valiantly as well, right?

(valiantly 勇気を持って with courage or determination)

C: Yes. But in the end, they did surrender.
J: Right.
C: Like they said begged for mercy.

(mercy 慈悲、情け、寛大な措置 forgiveness, sympathy, kindness that makes you forgive someone)

J: Yeah.
K: OK. So, here comes the final question.
C: OK. Question 2: What was one of the things of rare value that the head ogre returned?

K: Jeff, what's the answer?
J: There's actually two possible answers.
K: Okay.
J: They could have come up with. One is a coat that made whoever wore it disappear.
K: Oh.
J: And the other rare item that our listeners could have come up with is a huge mallet, which, when used would spew out gold at each strike.

(spew out 大量に押し出す)

K: Well, he got it made.

(got it made = have it made 成功間違いなしである)

J: Yeah.
C: I'm trying to think which one is better.
J: I don't know. I think the disappearing, invisible cloak would be kind of fun, but the gold would be good too.

(cloak クロークは、袖のない外套。マントとの区別はあいまいだが、マントよりは、体を包み込むものという意味合いが強い。クロークより短く、下半身をあまり覆わないものは、ケープと呼ばれる)

J: So, which would you want?
C: I'm with you, Jeff. Makes you disappear would be fun for sure.
K: Uh-huh.
C: But then there's the gold... Ken, do you have a preference if you could choose one of those?
K: No. I'll take both.
C: Okay. Fire enough.
J: And once he had all those things, he went home to a hero's welcome.
K: Yeah.
J: Yeah, and he was reunited with his mother and father.
C: And in traditional fairytale style...
K: Yes.
C: You know, "They live..."
J: They all lived happily ever after.

J: Yeah, you have to pretend that you are gargling same time with speaking.
J: Growling ... yeah.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, July 21

K: You know, they translate the title "Momotaro" into "Peach Boy."
C: Yeah.
J: Uh-huh.
C: Oh, yes. That's right.
K: That's a cute name. But probably if you pick the very common name in those times, maybe Jack would be good?
C: Oh.
K: Jack and the Beanstalk.
J: Jack and the Beanstalk!
C: Oh, that's right.
J: Yeah.
K: Jack and Jill.
K: Well, I hope they are enjoying Momotaro or ... what should we say? ... Jack the Peach.
J: I hope so too.

K: Well, that's about it for English theater, so until next time...