12/14 - 12/15, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, December 14

K: Is it 150 miles here?
C: No.
J: 150,000 miles.
C: That's a lot.
K: Yeah, but still he could trade it in?
J: I think so. Yeah.
K: OK.

(1マイルは約 1.6km 150,000 miles = 241,401 kilos)

U R the ★
KCJ: Smooth.

J: All right, Carolyn. You are the star.
C: Great.

J: It's a long way to Gakushuji.
C: You could take a short cut.
J: Oh, yeah?
C: Uh-huh. But it's pretty bumpy.
J: Hmm... I think I'll try it.

Say It!
K: Jeff-san...
J: Uh-huh.
K: Are you ready?
C: Jeff has to do it five times, right?
J: Well, I'm ... um...
K: She is very encouraging, isn't she?
C: I mean, Jeff can definitely do it five times, right?
K: Oh. That's better. But uh... What do you think, Jeff?
J: Yeah, a big breath ... I will try.
K: OK.
J: I'm as ready as I'll ever be.
K: OK.

J: How many miles does your pickup have on it? ×5

C: Wow.
K: You are right, Carolyn. And you are right, Jeff.
C: That's amazing.

C: Awesome!
KCJ: You are really on it.

(You are really on it. = 乗ってるねえ。絶好調だね。)

Write It!
★ ジョンはそうしてみたい気がします
K: Tempting という言葉、ダイアログにありますね。
C: That's right. We have the phrase "sounds tempting" in the dialog.
K: That's right.
C: So we are going to use it here. We'll start with the word "it." So, it'll be "It sounds tempting to John."
C: And we can also write this another way. We can start with "John."
K: Uh-huh.
C: And we can write, "John thinks it's tempting."

★ 家具を買うことにします
J: Well, there's also two ways of saying this.
K: OK.
J: The first one would be "decides to buy furniture."
K: OK.
J: And the second one would be "is going to buy furniture."
K: I see.

C: John has a pickup and Machi says that he could trade it in. It sounds tempting to John but he decides to buy furniture first.

J: John has a pickup and Machi says he could trade it in. John thinks it's tempting but he's going to buy furniture first.

J: I bet they did.
C: Me, too. Yeah.
K: Right.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Carolyn.
C: Yes.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like this time?
C: Well, now, John is in Machi's new space car.
K: Oh. They are still on the moon. Uh?
C: Yes.

J: I wish I could afford a space car like this.
M: How many kilometers does your car have on it?
J: Around 150,000 K.
M: You could trade it in.
J: Oh, yeah?
M: They can set up the financing for you.
J: Sounds tempting.
M: You could pay off the loan in only 136 months.
J: Well, I should buy furniture for my apartment on Mars first.
M: Hmm.... Let me know if you change your mind.
J: OK.

K: That was a long-term payment, wasn't it?
C: Yeah. It was 136 months.
K: OK. Well, I could go on maybe ... or maybe I should say I wish I could go on, but it's time. So, until next time ....


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, December 15

Apply It!
K: Two hundred and sixty dollars. ⇒ 正式な読み方
Two hundred sixty という言い方もありますね。
J: Yes, some people cut the "and." Yes.
K: もうひとつが Two sixty. これも大丈夫ですね?
C: Oh, yeah, of course.
J: Yes.
K: It's quite conversation.
C: Yeah, it's easy to say. It's short and sweet.

U R the ★
KCJ: You did a good job.

C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: All right.

C: You did a lot of shopping!
J: Yes. Altogether that makes $500 or so.
C: Are these magnets for your friends?
J: Yes, and for my colleagues, too.
C: Oh. They are really cute.
J: Thank you. I thought they like them.

Say It!
K: Jeff, are you ready five times in one breath?
J: Yes. There's a good way of doing this.
K: Oh, you did it too.

J: Taking a big breath.
K: All right.

J: There's a matching recliner. ×5
K: Perfect!

J: Yeah.
C: Great.
KCJ: We are no match for you.

(no match for = 比べ物にならない、~にはかなわない)

Write It!
★ ジョンは……を買いたいと思っています
J: There's a couple of ways of saying this.
K: All right.
J: One is "John is interested in buying 何々."
K: Oh, "interested in buying 何々."
J: And the other way is "John is thinking of buying 何々."
K: I see.
J: So "interested in" or "thinking of."

J: John is interested in buying a couch, a recliner and a coffee table. Altogether that makes $260, but he only has $200 on him.

C: John is thinking of buying a couch, a recliner and a coffee table. Altogether that makes $260, but he only has $200 on him.

C: We know you did it.
J: We're rooting for you.

(be rooting for you = 応援する)

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like this time?
J: Of course, we're continuing with our story.
K: So?
J: Uh-huh. John is at a moving sale at a home on the moon.

M: John, this couch is in great condition.
J: Yeah, it's really comfy.
M: They're asking 300 yellars for it. There's a matching recliner.

(yellars = yen + dollars の造語)

J: What's the recliner going for?
M: The tag says 100 yellars.
J: Not bad.
M: This anti-gravity coffee table is nice too.
J: We Generation Arms don't drink coffee anymore.

(Generation Arms = Generation Xのようなもの)
月面に最初に上陸した人 = ニール・アームストロング Neil Armstrong にかけているのかもしれません

Traditionalist(伝統主義者世代) = 1928 – 45 年ごろの生まれ
Baby boomers(ベビーブーム世代) = 1945 – 64 年ごろの生まれ
Generation X(X 世代) = 1965 – 80 年ごろの生まれ
Generation Y(Y 世代) = 1980 – 95 年ごろの生まれ
Generation Z(Z 世代) = 1995 年以降の生まれ
Millennial Generation(ミレニアル世代)や、Millennials(ミレニアルズ)とも呼ぶそうです。これは特に 1990 年代半ばから 2000年(ミレニアル)

M: Well, they still drink coffee on Mars.
J: OK. So, what the anti-gravity coffee table going for?
M: It's 200 yellars.
J: Altogether that makes 600 yellars. I only have 350 on me.

K: Sounds like a nice place, the moon.
C: Yeah.
K: Well, today, we did ...
J: ... a lot of different things.
K: Uh-huh.
C: And altogether that means ...
K: Time to go.
J: Oh.