5/14 〜 5/16

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, May 14

Hmm... the wind is picking up.
Yeah, not a good sign.

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Write It!

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★ ラブリアに近づいているはapproaching to?

Well, actually we wouldn't say "approaching to." We just say "approaching." We don't need a word "to."
So you say approaching Lovelia?
Yes, "approaching Lovelia," not "approaching to Lovelia."

★ 可能性がある

Well, in the dialogue we used "may." "May" means maybe it will, maybe it won't. But if you use "could," that's a little more possibility.
I see.

★ 最悪の事態に備える

This is a set phrase, right?
Yeah, that's right, Ken. It’s set phrase. "Prepare for the worst."

                          • -

There's a cyclone approaching Lovelia. It could make landfall. Let's prepare for the worst.

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In Another Situation!

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So Carolyn, what's another situation going to be like this time?
Well, Ken, this time, they sing their lines to tune of "Three Blind Mice."

Can you do it?
Well, we could but ...
We may or may not
Probably won't.
Let's hear it then.

                                  • -

Why are we buying so much food?
There's a typhoon approaching.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, you mean typhoon Jeffry? I heard that it may not make landfall.
Well, you never know.
Right. Let's buy some batteries in case there's a power outage.
Good idea. Oh, listen to that! The wind is picking up.
Let's go home.

Oh, I was expecting Let's go home
Go around and round and round...

(go around = ひと回りする round and round = 同じ所をグルグル回る)

Yeah, keep going
Start from the beginning
Well, the end of the program is approaching
... for today.

                                                        • -

Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons are all tropical storms. They are all the same thing but are given different names depending on where they appear.

typhoon = in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
hurricane = over the North Atlantic Ocean and Northeast Pacific.
cyclone = in the South Pacific and Indian Ocean


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, May 15

Oh, wonderfully depressing here.

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Write It!

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★ このところ好天が続いている
So instead of "We're having," it's been going on for a while. "We've been having."

★ 好天とは?
This time it's not nasty weather, "It's great weather." Or "fantastic weather."

★ 快適な週末に「なりそうだ」とは?
Well, we could say, "It seems like." But we could also say. "It looks like." Both are okay.

★ 快適な週末になる
Well, here we would say, "we're in for a nice weekend." It's from the dialogue. We use this phrase in the dialogue. I think we said "I guess we're in for a hot summer."

This has a more positive nuance here.

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We've been having great weather these days. It seems like we're in for a nice weekend.
We've been having fantastic weather these days. It looks like we're in for a nice weekend.

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In Another Situation!

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So Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like?
Oh, this time, they're six years old.

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We're having nasty weather again today, Jane.
I'll say, Dick. It's been cold and wet all week!
What's the weather like for tomorrow?
It's going to clear up.
Thank goodness!
They're predicting record highs for the rest of the month!
I guess we are in for a hot summer.
Yup. That's the way it goes.

                            • -

Well, you know, it seems like we'll be having a nice summer.
Oh, I hope it's not too long and hot and muggy. That's nasty.
What? That's not nasty. It's great!
You like the hot, muggy weather.
Maybe that's a Canadian way.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, May 16

Do you use a day planner?
Yes. I have two day planners.
Oh, my goodness.
In case I lose one.
Oh, wow, what a great idea!
Don't you guys use day planners?
I do. But I don't have two.
I don't have two, either.
Oh, you have three?
Oh, no! Wow! We can't beat you there!

(can’t beat you = never win)

                      • -

I panic every morning because I can't find a thing to wear.
Family is the most important thing.
It's a beautiful thing to be able to use that thing like this.
It is.
That's the thing, all right.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
The thing is, I'm not entering the contest.
One thing I need to know is; is the place safe?
The first thing you should do is go to the embassy.
The funny thing is that we're all Leos.

星座 Zodiac Signs

牡羊座(おひつじ): Aries(エリース) 3/21 - 4/19
牡牛座(おうし): Taurus(トーラス) 4/20 - 5/20
双子座(ふたご座): Gemini(ジェミナイ) 5/21 - 6/21
蟹座(かに座): Cancer(キャンサー) 6/22 - 7/22
獅子座(しし座): Leo(リオ) 7/23 - 8/22
乙女座(おとめ座): Virgo(ヴァーゴ) 8/23 - 9/22
天秤座(てんびん座): Libra(リブラ) 9/23 - 10/23
蠍座(さそり座): Scorpio(スコーピオ) 10/24 - 11/22
射手座(いて座): Sagittarius(サジタリアス) 11/23 - 12/23
山羊座(やぎ座): Capricorn(キャプリコーン) 12/24 - 1/19
水瓶座みずがめ座): Aquarius(アクエリアス) 1/20 - 2/18
魚座うお座): Pisces(パイシース) 2/19 - 3/20

十二支 Chinese Zodiac

子 (ね): Rat
丑 (うし): Ox
寅 (とら): Tiger
卯 (う): Rabbit / Hare
辰 (たつ): Dragon
巳 (み): Snake
午 (うま): Horse
未 (ひつじ): Sheep
申 (さる): Monkey
酉 (とり): Rooster / Cock
戌 (いぬ): Dog
亥 (い): Pig / Boar