1/15 〜 1/18

ラジオ英会話   Monday, January 15

She ate everything.
She did.
Yes, she did.

            • -

What's another situation going to be like?
The woman loves Japanese cakes.

                                  • -

Kinako, whatever happened to that box of Japanese cakes that your mother gave us?

(Whatever happened to = 一体どうなったのですか? used to ask where a person or thing is now / e.g. Whatever happened to Steve? I haven’t seen him for years.)
(What happened = どうしたの?何かあった?)

I ate them.
You ate the whole box of "wagashi"?
Yes. You know me, Frank. I can't eat just one.
You could have saved some for me.
I couldn't help it. They were so good. I loved the ones with strawberries inside.
Oh, don't rub it in. That's my favorite.

(rub it in = 事実・不愉快なことなどをわざと繰り返して言う、ネチネチ言う they keep talking about something that makes you feel embarrassed or upset. I know I made a mistake, but you don't have to rub it in.)

Sorry. Oh, look! I found one.
Ah, great.
Ha ha. Just kidding.

                          • -

So she is an anko-holic or something.
What it is? Yes?
She can't eat just one.
Oh my!
It sounds like me. I can't eat just one of anything sweet.
Oh, you have uh... what do you call that?

A sweet tooth.
Sweet tooth. Oh, my goodness.

(sweet tooth = you like eating sweet foods, especially sweets and chocolate)

Yes. I still have more than one, I think.
I have a sweet tooth, too.

You do too.
Oh, yes.
Oh, my goodness.
How about you, Ken?
Well, I have a sweet tooth too but it's kind of short, you know.
Just a small one.
And I have a sweet personality.
Just kidding.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, January 16

Oh, scary!
Ha ha ha...
So bears are afraid of dogs, too. Wow!

                                  • -

So Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like?
Well, this time, they are little bears.

                      • -

Do you mind if I step outside, Brownie? I want to raid a beehive.

(raid = 襲う a short sudden attack)

Yum! I'll keep you company, Grizzly.
I crave honey every day. I've been trying to kick this habit for years.

(crave = feel a powerful desire for something)

What's wrong with eating honey?
Nothing except that the bee keeper's dog guards the beehives.
Aaah! Run, Brownie!
That was scary.
Let's try again later.
No, thank you very much. I'll be busy.
Oh, I can't bear that.

I'll be busy. I can't bear it.
Punning habit, well, you know. I can't kick it. But anyway...


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, January 17

Indecisive person here.

(indecisive = 決断力のない unable to make decisions)

No convictions.

(conviction = 強い信念 a strong belief or opinion about something)

                                      • -

So Katie, what's another situation going to be like?
Oh, it sounds very happy. They sing their lines to the tune of "Happy Birthday to You."

He doesn't sound too happy though.
Good luck.

                    • -

Good morning, Aaron.
What's so good about it?
What's wrong?
I have a splitting headache.
Too bad. Should we order the usual?
I gave up coffee yesterday.
Oh! You're suffering from caffeine withdrawal.

(withdrawal = 依存性薬物の離脱症状 a period during which someone feels sick because they have stopped taking a drug or other substance that they are addicted to)

Mary, I guess you're right.
According to a recent study, drinking coffee is good for you.
Really? Then I'll have coffee after all. Good morning to YOU!

          • -

Wow! He got ...
... happy all of a sudden.

(all of a sudden = very quickly)

Finally he said, "Good morning." Uh... here is a simple question for you.
For you two.
Do you like coffee?
Oh, I do. I'm a morning coffee drinker and an afternoon coffee drinker.
I think I'm the only one on this show that doesn't like coffee.
That means you don't like (coffee.)
I don't. I don't drink it. No.
You don't drink it.
I don't.
Oh. Wow.

I'm already happy and ...
Coffee relaxes me.
So are you telling me that I'm not a happy person? Well, should we do the usual here?
Oh, yes, let's.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, January 18

She IS forgetful.
She sure is.

                        • -

So, Jeff.
What's another situation going to be like?
Do you like plays?
Oh, I do.
Well, this time, they are Shakespearean actors.

Plays, I see, those plays. I thought it was a, you know, hopscotch and ....
Oh, no.
Janken-pon and that stuff. Okay!

(hopscotch = けんけんぱ a children’s game that involves jumping on a set of squares that you draw on the ground)

                          • -

Siya, I think I forgot to lock the door. Can we turn around?
No problem, Madan. Better safe than sorry.
Oh, I guess I locked it.

That's good.
Hmm. When I'm really, really, really, really tired, I get so forgetful.
Why are you so tired?
I have a habit of watching TV all night.
Really? Are there any good shows on?
I can't remember.
Oh. Perhaps you should try Rajio Eikaiwa instead.
Oh, jolly good.

(jolly good = very good or enjoyable, used to express agreement or consent.)

                        • -

Bad commercial, oh, I mean, good one. Okay. Well, I have a habit of saying something nasty at the end of this "Today's Dialog in Another Situation!" But ....

(nasty = not nice, bad or very unpleasant, dirty, awful)