9/9 〜 9/12

ラジオ英会話   Monday, September 9

Katie, what's the New Situation going to be like?
Well, Ken, they are an elderly couple.

                                  • -

I'm not happy with this photo.
Uh? Why not?
Look at the frown lines between my eyebrows.
I don't see them.
Take another picture.
Ugh... Smile of the camera! Oh, it turned out great!
Oh, no! I'm developing crow's feet.
Honey, you don't look a day over 25.
Honest. People think I'm robbing the cradle.

I'm so happy with this photo. he he...
That's the way.
That's the way.
That's the way I like it.

Oh, you don't look a day over 20.... 18.... 15... 12?
Well, that all about it today.


ラジオ英会話  Tuesday, September 10

Jeff, what's the New Situation going to be like?
Well, This time, Doris is a well-grounded businessperson. Tom is on the restless side.

                                                      • -

Did you sleep well last night, Tom?
You know, I didn't sleep a wink. How about you, Dris?
I slept like a log.
You know, you're lucky. I've been having trouble sleeping lately, you know.
That's no fun.
When does the presentation start?
Not until eleven.
You know, I'm feeling a little nervous.
Go catch some Zs.
Oh, thanks. Catch you later.

Have a good rest.
You know, something Doris.
No. What?
Thanks so much.
You are welcome so much.

Nice .... ending.
He can go get rested. He can go catch some Zs.
Yeah. Did you sleep well last night, Katie?

I didn't sleep a wink.
Oh, what happened?
I don't know I think I drink too much coffee before bed.
How about you, Jeff?
Of course, we knew the answer.
Some Zs were the anwer.

How about you, Ken?
I slept fine last night
Oh, good.
.. because um... I think I had a good massarge.
Oh! Nice!


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, September 11

Mosquitoes love me.
They do?
Yes. But I have natural spray that repels them.
You do?

                                                • -

Katie, what's the New Situation going to be like today?
They are mosquitoes.

                        • -

I'm feeling sick from these mosquito coils.
That's funny. They're not bothring me.
The smoke loves me.
Whatch out for the hand.

Hha!! That was close.

Let's fly to the marigolds. They think the flowers repel us.
Really? That's a new one on me.
Is that better?

The smoke keeps comig.
Okay, let's go in the bush.

Well, life goes on.
It sure does.

Maybe they'll go catch some Zs.
Oh, they might need that.

Jeff, you like to work on your garden, right?
Yes, I have a large garaden and I do have mosquitoes in my garden.
Oh, really?
Do they love you?
Do they eat you alive?
No, because I have a secret weapon.
What is it?
My aftershave.
What is that?
Oh, my goodness.
How do you use it?
I just put on the aftershave and then they leave me alone.
Is that right? Wow.
On your whole body?
No. It's just very strong.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, September 12

Wow, she has full of questions.
She surtainly is helpful. She's trying to be helpful.
Oh, I see.

                                          • -

It's getting serious, more and more serious over there. So what's the New Situation going to be like, Jeff, this time?

Ken, I'm so excited. It's a scene from a newfound Shakespeare play ...
Oh, I've heard about it.
Yes. ... called "Lady McCharley."

                                      • -

Are you sleepwalking, my husband?
No, no. I've got a charley horse.
Again? Where?
In my calf.
Not again. You are so prone to muscle cramps. Can you stretch it out?
That's next to impossible.
Are you crying, my husband? You, the war hero, MaCharley, the horse.
No more questions, please!
You may have a mineral deficiency, potassium, calcium, magnesium.
I'm fine. Go back to bed. I'll go to the three witches.
I've got the horse ready for you. You might want to fix it before the King arrives.
Yes, my wife.
And you know what to do.
Yes, my knife, my life, my wife.
You stupid sweet little man.

Scarly, very scarly.

So, Ken, Katie and I were wondering ...
Are you prone to muscle crramps?