5/12 〜 5/15

ラジオ英会話    Monday, May 12

Katie, what's the new situation going to be like?
Well, it may be a bit over the top.
They tend to talk dramatically.

                                        • -

Ohhhh, I'm ready for a change.
You'd look great with a pixie cut, Linda.
I wouldn't mind a pixie.
All right. Say, how's Vicky?
Oh, Vicky and I had a falling-out.
Oh, no.
Yes. She was eating me out of house and home.
She could never, never, never, never, never, never, never come up with rent money.
That's a shame.

Will you keep this to yourself?
Of course. Now, back to pixie.
Great! Let's get it out of the way.

(Keep this to yourself. = この件は内緒にしてください)
(Let's get it out of the way. = こういうことは片付けてしまいましょう)

You are hitting the right words.
And you are hitting the content words so well.

I think so too.

Katie, you are always sporting your long hairstyle. That's very nice, but do you ever think of changing your hairstyle once in a while?

(be sporting = show off = 上品に着こなす、スマートにはやす)

You know, I think about twelve or thirteen years ago, I had very, very short hair, in fact, this is a funny story.
I was in San Francisco doing voice training, and I was headed towards the studio and this U.S. military person, got, a man, got on the bus and he saw me and he saluted me. He thought I was in the military.
He thought you were in the military because your hair was short.

Well, that's very interesting.


ラジオ英会話    Tuesday, May 13

After wonderful haircut done.
That's right.

                                                    • -

Well, what's the new situation going to be like, Jeff?
Those crazy people are singing again.
They are singing in a musical called "Thunder, Cell Phone, Sunglasses."
Let's hear it.

                                          • -

There, there, there. You're good to go, go, go, Gary.
Thanks, Betsy.
My, my, my, look at the rain pouring down!
Wouldn't you know it? I came here by bike.
You should wait for it to let up. Is that your phone?
I dropped it! The screen is cracked!
Oh, your sunglasses just fell off.
Shoot! I stepped on them! This is not my day!

But, I've got some good, good, good news.
You do?
Rajio Eikawa is starting in no, no time.
Oh, that makes my day.
Oh, that makes his day.
Oh, that makes our day.

What a great ending. I loved it.
I love happy endings.
That's a huge promotion of the program.
Yes, it was.
Who came up with that?
I wonder.
I wonder. Hmm...

… our title says that "Bad Luck Comes in Threes"...
I wonder how good luck comes...
Ah, that's a great question.
I wonder.

I think it's the same.
Hmm... I do too.
If you are having a good day, it seems like everything goes right.
And so what...
If you are having a bad day, it seems like everything goes wrong, right?

Right. And I think for good luck comes in threes, I know this...
So, you think good luck comes in three.
I do.
And inner clock rule, if they come to things close together and they are good, good, then I know a third one is coming.
You do?
Yes. And it's the same for bad things. If they come bad, bad, pretty close together, then my timing says, "Uh-oh, there is a third one coming," And nine times out of ten, I'm right.

Hu-huh. And it's time to go to Vegas, then ...
That's a good one. Well, you should be my counselor, Katie.

I hope our program has made your day today.
Yes, I hope so too.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, May 14

So, Katie, what's the new situation going to be like this time?
Hmm... this sounds like it's going to be interesting. This is a scene from a film noir called "Sweet Revenge."

                                      • -

How about copper highlights?
Okay. Just make me beautiful.
You're already glamorous, Ella.
You're just saying that.
No, I'm not. Hey, isn't that Chad walking by?
I'm giving him the silent treatment.
He said he was too busy to talk to me!
Uh-oh. He's in the doghouse.
Yap. I'm giving him a taste of his own medicine.

Ouch! You're being cruel, Ella.
Sometime, Duncan boy, you have to be cruel to be kind.

So how did you like it, Duncan boy?
Well, it made me go "hmm..."
But, didn't they sound smooth?
Well, the phrase film noir was invented by a French critic. Are you a great fan of it?
I enjoy watching them because it's so stylized. (Stylized = 型にはまる)
Sometimes, yeah, they are in black and white. They are kind of retro fashion.
Ah, okay.

How about you, Ken?
I love film noir.
Oh, really?
Yes, I grew up with them.
Oh, they came to Japan.
Oh, yeah. So I always thought that ladies are like that.
And Duncan boys were ... the men were like Duncan boys
Okay, okay.
And at the end of the movies,
... those movies, the leading lady always gives the leading man that ... a taste of his own medicine.

(leading lady = 主演女優 leading man = 主演男優)

Yes, sweet revenge.
Sweet or bitter.


ラジオ英会話    Thursday, May 15

It's not good, is it?
It sounds like it's headed downhill.

                                        • -

So, Jeff, what's the new situation going to be like this time?
Lots of fun this time. They are cartoon characters.

                        • -

Hi, Chad! What can I do for you today?
Just a trim. Make it snip, snip, snappy. (snip, snip, snappy = チョキチョキ チョッキン)
All righty. Um, Ella was here yesterday.
Did she say anything about me?
Duncan said that he got an earful.
Ella has a huge ego bigger than earth.
Oh, really?
Yeah! She's constantly, yak, yak, yak, yak, yak, yakking about herself.
Oh, that must be hard to put up with.
It's not easy, let me tell you.

It's time to go.
Okay, boys and girls, be good.
Till tomorrow.

We can adopt this thing.
I mean this sort of style.
Oh, my goodness.
What do you think?
Let's do it.
Every day?

Well, I have a question for you.
How do you make that kind of voice, I mean, what do you need?

Um... you, well, first you need a big ego.
Oh, okay.
And you can't be shy.
All right.
And you try and mimic other people who have done voices like that. You try to impersonate or copy...   (impersonate = 役を演じる)
Oh, okay.
.... other people who have done voices like that.
That sounds like learning English too.
Actually, yes.
... in a way.
Great point.