10/9 〜 10/12

ラジオ英会話   Monday, October 9

She IS as busy as a bee.
Very humorous Queen Bee there.

              • -

So, Katie ...
What's another situation going to be like?
The worker bee is allergic to pollen.

(pollen = a powder produced by flowers)

                        • -

Excuse me, Queen Bee. Could I have a word with you?
I'm in a sticky situation.

(sticky situation = a tough situation to get out of, or a sensitive situation)

Oh, go on.
It's about my physical condition. I'm on the go from morning till night.

(on the go = 絶えず活動して、働きづめで very active or busy)

Oh, you are as busy as a bee.
Yes. To tell the truth, I'm developing an allergy.
Allergy to what... may I ask?
Excuse me?
I'm becoming allergic to pollen.
Oh, that sounds serious. Let's try to work this out.
I appreciate your consideration. Ah-choo!
Oh, bless you.
Thank you.

                    • -

Uh... Ken?
Can we have a word with you?
Oh, yeah. Sure.
I'm becoming allergic to microphones.
And I'm becoming allergic to scripts.
Oh, my goodness.
Uh, you know what?
You've been so busy. You've been busy as the Beatles. You should take a rest and come back.
Oh, thank you.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, October 10

Well, she is addressing the problem nicely.

(address = to try to deal with a problem or question, for example by thinking carefully about it, or by doing things to improve a situation

She certainly is.

                  • -

So, Jeff…
What's another situation going to be like?
Well, this time, it's a conversation between the giants and his wife in "The New Jack and the Beanstalk."

                              • -

Look what that Jack guy did to my castle.
Yes, his beanstalk broke part of the castle walls.
And the buttress, and the keep. I'm going down there to settle this now.

(buttress = a structure made of brick or stone that sticks out from the wall of a building to support it)
(keep = a large strong tower in the center of a castle 日本の城に例えると天守閣にあたる部分)

I don't want to get off to a bad start with him.
He is trying my patience.
Let's try to be neighborly. Be the bigger person.
How do I do that?
Let's be courteous and understanding.

(courteous = polite, especially in a formal way)

I guess you are right.
Let's wait and listen to Rajiei next week, and see if it helps.

                            • -

Well, they listen to Rajiei.
I'd like to meet them.
But I don't want to get off to a bad start with them.
I know.
Well, maybe I shouldn't, we shouldn't.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, October 11

So Katie, what's another situation going to be like?
Well, Ken, Taro Urashima and Princess Oto talk about the turtle.

                          • -

Did something happen between you and Kame-emon?
Not that I know of. I don't think he likes me anymore.
Do you know that for a fact?
No. It's just that the last time I talked to him, he seemed standoffish.

(standoffish = not friendly because they do not want to get involved with other people)

Kame-emon is a really nice guy. He'd give you the shell off his back.
You should talk to him.
Okay. I will. Oh, here he comes. Hello, there, tortoise.
Sir, I told you a thousand times that I'm not a tortoise. I am a turtle.
Oh, sorry, my mistake again.
May I ask why you keep calling me tortoise?
Because that's what they taught us (tortoise).

(turtle = ウミガメ、亀全般 an animal with a shell and four short legs that lives on the land, in the ocean, or in rivers and lakes. The animal that lives on the land is usually called a tortoise)
(tortoise = リクガメ an animal with a thick, hard shell that it can move its head and legs into for protection. It eats plants, moves very slowly, and sleeps during the winter)

                              • -

Alice in Wonderland or something like that? Well, time to go.
Oh! Do you know that for a fact?
I'm pretty sure.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, October 12

So, Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like?
Well, they are not pigeons anymore. This time, they are humans.

                    • -

Is there a downside to retiring?

(downside ⇔ upside)

Some feel they have too much time on their hands. In my case, I feel as free as a bird.
What do you do all day?
I belong to the radio exercise club. Would you like to become a member? It starts at the crack of dawn.

(dawn 夜明け ⇔ dusk 夕暮れ)

I'm not an early bird.

(early bird 早起き ⇔ night owl よいっぱり)
(The early bird catches the worm. = 早起きは三文の得)

Think about it. It starts at 6:30.
I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.
And if you are interested, you can go on listening to an English learning program at 6:45.
That sounds like a couple of fun programs back-to-back.

(back-to-back = 連続して、立て続けに happening one after another, without interruption)

Yes! Just think about it.

                      • -

Well, is there a downside to Rajio Eikaiwa?
I can't think of one.
I can think of one.
What is it?
It's only 15 minutes long.
That's true.
Joking aside ....