8/21 〜 8/24

ラジオ英会話   Monday, August 21

Things happen.
They do.
Life is full of ...
... surprises.

                        • -

So what's another situation going to be like, Katie?
Right. It's a scene from a melodrama.

                        • -

Sir, Penny got some information about your brother from a genealogy research website.

(genealogy = the history of one family)

Oh, what did you find out, Penny, dear?
First of all, father, Uncle Henry moved here from Boston two years ago.
Oh. He came back home! Oh, he must have a low opinion of me.
I would not jump to conclusions if I were you, sir.
Father, it says that Uncle Henry has been married for 45 years.
Wow! Isn't that something?
It is, isn't it?
Oh, father, I have a feeling everything will be all right.

                  • -

After that bad acting, you must have a low opinion of us.
Oh, my goodness.
No, no, no. I always have a high opinion of you guys here. Thank you.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, August 22

Wow! Penny is being very helpful.
It looks like things are moving forward.

                      • -

So, what's another situation going to be like this time?
Oh, Ken, you are going to like this. Sherlock Holmes talks about his archenemy in a friendly way.

                                • -

I'd like to reconnect with Moriarty.
Oh? What made you change your mind, Holmes?
I'm not getting any younger, Watson. Someone needs to hold out the olive branch.
You won't regret it, Sherlock.
The trouble is I don't know what to say to him.
Mary, why don't you call the professor and sound him out?
Would you do that for me, Mary, dear?
Elementary, Sherlock.

(elementary = 簡単な simple or easy)
(Elementary, my dear Watson. = 「簡単なことだよ、ワトソン君」  シャーロックホームズが友人ワトソンに謎解きをするときの言葉)

Oh, thank you very much indeed!

                        • -

You know, I'd like to reconnect with my computer.
It hasn't been doing so well.
Oh, no.
No, no, no. I was just kidding. Sorry.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, August 23

Oh, it was all a big misunderstanding.
I small a happy ending here.

                          • -

So, what's another situation going to be like, Katie?
Well, it's a continuing story from the last Another Situation.

So, what was the Another Situation last time?
I think it was Sherlock Holmes.
Oh, my!
Sherlock Holmes! And he was talking about Moriarty.
Uh-huh, his archenemy.
Let's hear it.

                          • -

So, how did it go, Mary?
Well, I will say Professor Moriarty was completely taken off guard.
He thought you had broken with him.
I thought the same thing.
What did I tell you, Holmes? It was all a big misunderstanding.
How could you guess all this, Watson?
Elementary, Holmes.
I invited the professor and his wife out for dinner tomorrow night.
Mary Watson, you are a genius.
Holmes, you and Moriarty are going to hit it off.
You think so, Watson?
No, no, Holmes. I know so.

 ↑ ↑
Do you think so? No, I don't think so. I know so.)

Oh, you know so, eh?
We know so.

                          • -

OK, Katie and Jeff, here's a question. What would you say if you disown someone but you have changed your mind?

(disown = 縁を切る、勘当する no longer have any connection with someone that you were closely connected with)

We would reconcile.

(reconcile = become friendly again after a disagreement / to make someone accept a situation even though they do not like it)

You would reconcile with that person.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, August 24

It's amazing we survived.
Well, full circle back to the toolbox.
Back together again.

                    • -

So, Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like?
Well, they're a little tipsy.

(tipsy = slightly drunk)

                      • -

You look just like your mother, Penny. She was a lovely person.
So that's where her looks come from.
If it weren't for your dad, I would have never left home and met my beautiful wife, Beth.
Oh, Henry.
I'm not a writer. (僕は作家[ライター]のオー・ヘンリーじゃないよ)

By the way, this is for you, George.
Dad's toolbox.
No, YOUR toolbox. I've been wanting to give that back to you for years.
Remember the time when you climbed that elm tree?
Excuse me, everyone, Rajio Eikaiwa is starting in no time.

                      • -

Actually, it's ending.
But if it weren't for Rajio Eikaiwa, I would have never come to work today.
Oh, my goodness.
Good example sentence.