9/4 〜 9/7

ラジオ英会話   Monday, September 4

Do you remember what month this is?
Yes, September!
Let's make it one to remember.
Oh, yeah.

                              • -

So, what's another situation going to be like, Katie?
Ken, it's a scene from a movie called Casablanca Revisited.

                          • -

Is the fog going to lift anytime soon, Rick?
Who knows, Elsa?
Do you think we'll miss our connection in Paris?
It certainly looks that way.
Will we have to pay for another plane ticket to Casablanca?
Let's cross that bridge when we come to it.
Oh! We're taking off!
Maybe we'll make our connection after all.
But if... they take you away?
Well, we'll always have Tokyo.
Isn't this Osaka?
It's so foggy, I don't know. Have some water, Elsa.
Okay, Rick.
Here's looking at you, kid. (君の瞳に乾杯)
You too, kiddo. (kiddo = きみ、おまえ)
And here's being with you on Rajiei, everybody.

                  • -

What do you call it? Photobombing? No, no, no. That's not a photobombing, dialog-bombing.

(photobombing = 変な顔で他の人の写真に写りこむ)
(Photobombing is the act of accidentally or purposely putting oneself into the view of a photograph, often in order to play a practical joke on the photographer or the subjects.)

That's right.
It certainly looks that way.
Yes, you're right. It certainly does.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, September 5

Oh, my goodness.
She said something very interesting.
Was that a mispronunciation?
I don't think so.

                  • -

So, what's another situation going to be like, Jeff?
Well, this time, they are quite upset about Georgia.

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Where is Georgia?
I imagine she got tied up at work. She'll show up eventually.
That's so inconsiderate.
That's Georgia.
Well, I'm getting hungry. I skipped breakfast.
There's no use waiting for her. Let's order now.
Shouldn't we call her first? She might be on her way.
I don't want to talk to her right now. I'm hangry!
Me, too! A hungry man is an angry man!
Are you ready to order?
Yes … terday!

Uh, what would you like to have?
Anything that doesn't take long!
Coming right up, folks. They're really hangry. Wow

            • -

Is the food here yet?
No, not yet.
I imagine he got tied up in the kitchen.
I think you are right.
I think so.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, September 6

So, Katie, what's another situation going to be like?
Well, very exciting. They are in a chopper searching for prison escape artist called Papillon Jr.

There is a movie uh ... called Papillion.
Steve Mcqueen.

                              • -

Why are we in the chopper?
Pepion Jr. broke out of the New Devils Island prison.
How in the world did he do that?
Beats me. The guard was sitting in front of his cell all morning staring at the door.

(cell = 監房、独房
Hmm. I have a hunch he's already on the mainland.
But the sea is rough and infested with sharks.

(infested = うじゃうじゃ full of something harmful or unpleasant)

Look! There's a blue boat on the shore!
Pretty smart! Great camouflage. How on earth did he paint the boat blue?
Beats me.
Well, keep listening to Rajiei and you may find out!

                  • -

Very suspenseful.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, September 7

Sounds hope.
Hopeful, upbeat.
I hope they'll win.

                        • -

So, Jeff...
What’s another situation going to be like this time?
Well, this time, the reporter interviews the manager for the Matakatsu High Shool baseball team.

                          • -

Matakatsu High didn't make it to Koshien last time.
We has some setbacks, but things are looking up now.
They certainly are. You have some dynamic new players on your team.
We do. And we have some new focus on new team work.
The question is, can Matakatsu win the pennant?

(pennant = 優勝旗 in the U.S., the flag that is the symbol and prize for winning one of the national competitions in professional baseball)

We stand a good chance.
Well, best of luck.

                                • -

Well, Matakatsu may win again.
Speaking of coming a long way ….
Rajiei has come a long way.
Yes, it has.
Yeah, the dialogs in another situation just keep getting better and funnier and my goodness.
And all the personalities on the radio are getting older and older.
We stand a good chance of getting even older.
Good or bad, I don't know. We are not getting any younger.
Oh, my goodness.
But our listeners stand a good chance of speaking English better every day.
That keeps us young.
That's right.
Is there going to be another program tomorrow, by the way?
We stand a good chance.