4/18 〜 4/21

ラジオ英会話   Monday, April 18

So Katie, what's another situation going to be like?
Well, Ken, this is a scene from an animation.

                                              • -

Are you up for a challenge?
Let's try zero-waste living for one day.
Okay. That'll be fun.
Oh, how about switching from paper towels to reusable rags?
I'll take a lunch box instead of a brown paper bag.
I'll take a shopping bag to supermarket.
You will, Daddy?
Yeah. There's always a first time.
Oh, that's the spirit!
What do we do with the Rajiei textbooks? Shall we dump them?
(dump = to get rid of someone or something that you no longer want or need)
No! Keep them by all means!
(by all means = definitely or certainly)
Oh, that's the spirit!

                    • -

Something sounded very familiar in there.
Yeah, good thing they didn't throw away the textbooks.
That's right. They have to keep those.
They're the keepers there. Can you end the program very, very fast?
That'll be fun.
Yeah. Let's try.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, April 19

Such a pleasant conversation.

              • -

So what's another situation going to be like this time, Jeff?
Me, me, me... me, me, me... me, me me...
Oh, I know. You are going to be a cicada.
No, no. It's a scene from an opera called "Paperless."

Never heard of it.

            • -

I switched to paperless billing for all of our bills.
That's wonderful, honey.
It'll eliminate a lot of paper clutter.
That makes perfect sense.
Ow! I cut my finger on this paper.
Oh, dear. That looks like it hurts.
Now, if everyone reduced their mail, it would help to cut down on deforestation.
(deforestation = the process of removing the trees from an area of land)
And paper cuts.
Oh, you said it.
I said it.
You said it.
I said it.
You said it.
I said it.
You said it.
I said it.
You said it.

They said it and they will say more! So, stay tuned for Rajiei.

Wow! That's a great promo.
Oh, my goodness. I like your operas very much because it'll eliminate a lot of writing time on my part.
Oh, Ken.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, April 20

He is a smart kid.
That's the size of vocabulary. 難しい言葉を使うね
He's beating me there.  僕を越してるよね

                        • -

So Katie...
What's another situation going to be like?
Oh, Ken, it's 40 years later.

                        • -

Mom, what is Dad doing?
He is creating a container garden.
Can I help, Dad?
Sure! You can plant these vegetable seeds.
Why are we growing a garden?
It's a way to cut down on our carbon footprint.
I get it. By planting our own food, we're not using fossil fuels for transporting veggies.
You're a smart kid!
Well, I'm not a kid anymore.
Well, you are smart.
Everybody knows this carbon footprint thing.
Still you are smart.
Well, thank you. Those words have always helped me go on.
(ありがとう。その言葉があるから進みつづけることができるんだよね。/samart [頭の良い子ね]といって褒めてくれることが先に進めむのを助けてくれる。)
You're welcome.

              • -

Very nice.
Well, bye!
Oh, wait!
Ken, what are you doing?
What happened?
It's a way to cut down on our signing out time.
But let's do the usual.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, April 21

He is getting smarter and smarter
He certainly is.

                                  • -

So Jeff, what's another situation going to be like this time?
Oh, you are going to like this, Ken. They sing their lines to the tune of the ABC Song.

                                                      • -

I was awarded second place.
We're so proud of ST you.
Way to go, Leo! Can I eat some of your VW eggs?
Why not?
I learned in science class that cooked food shouldn't sit at room temperature for more than four hours. You might get food poisoning.
How long have those eggs been sitting there?
Pretty much all ABC day.
Hey! Then let's compost it.
Good idea.

How long have you been sitting here?