5/8 〜 5/11

ラジオ英会話   Monday, May 8

Nice peaceful music.
Yes, and the garden is on its way.

(on its way = happening or arriving soon)

                        • -

So, Katie...
What's another situation going to be like?
Mary doesn't seem to be interested.

                            • -

Marry, I've been reading up on organic gardening.
That's nice, John.
It'd be nice to eat garden-fresh lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers every day.
It would. If only the farmers market were closer to town ...
We could grow our own food.
In the backyard. Look, I've already made up a garden plan.
Oh! You've put some thought into this.

Yes. You don't seem to be interested.
Well, I am. But I'm listening to Rajio Eikaiwa.
Rajio ... what?
Hmm... sounds familiar. What do I know that from?
You are on that program.
Oh, that's right. Ha ha ha ha ha... Just a senior moment.

(senior moment = 年寄りの物忘れto forget something in a way that is thought to be typical of people who are old)

Oh, come on!
No way.
It happens sometime.

        • -

Well, well, well, I've been reading up on effective radio program writing.
Wow! You've put some though into this.
Yeah, I've learned a lot of things. The important thing is this ... finish it quick.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, May 9

30 by 30 feet.   (914.4 cm 約9mちょっと)
Very big.
It's huge.
A lot of work.
Hmm ... a lot of bugs and weeding.
Oh, yes,

                            • -

So Jeff ...
What's another situation going to be like today?
Oh, it's the future. It's 50 years from now.

            • -

Here's the layout of the garden.
Is this the size --- one by one meters?
No. One by one kilometers. I decided to think big.
I hope you're not biting off more than you can chew.
I can handle it. I've got 30 farm robots ready for the job.
Ah! It won’t be a lot of work to maintain the garden with so many robots.
That's what I'm counting on.

(count on 〜を頼りにする、〜を当てにする)

I'm sure it would be great. What are you going to grow?
The dream vegetables, potato-may-banana-cumbers.
Wow, great! I love potato-may-banana-cumbers. Anything else?
Yes. Your favorite, super-cauliflower-ristic-eggplant-dociouse.
No way. I love and adore super-cauliflower-ristic-eggplant-dociouse.

(メリーポピンズの It's Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! を少し変えて)

They are hard to say but easy to make.

                  • -

Wow! He decided to think big.
Yeah, I don't think I can handle that.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, May 10

The plot thickens.

(The plot thickens = a situation suddenly becomes more complicated or mysterious)

                              • -

So Katie, what's another situation going to be like this time?
Oh, poor John. Mary seems indifferent to John's plan.

(indifferent = not interested in or concerned about something)

                        • -

We're going to make a compost pile here.
Did you say we? This is your project, not mine.
Leo has volunteered to be in charge of composting.
So Leo knows about your plan?
It was Leo's idea to start a garden in the first place.
Why am I the last one to hear about this?
Sorry. I meant to talk to you about it last night.

Well, I'm sorry but your plan is a lost cause.

(lost cause = 失敗に終わった、見込みがない運動 a cause with no chance of success)

Why do you say that?
Because a new famers market is going to open at the Rajiei park.
No!!!! When?
Next week.
Why are we the last ones to hear about this?
You've been too busy.

Well, John, it seems like it was a bad idea.
But it was Leo's idea to have a garden in the first place.
Oh, I see. Okay.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, May 11

Oh-oh. Oops!

                  • -

Wow! They're talking loudly there. What's another situation going to be like, Jeff?
Well, this time, they are whispering.

                        • -

I'd like to plant four rows of corn here.
Doesn't corn need full sunlight? This area has a lot of shade.
I'm going to ask Mr. Crabtree to cut down that good-for-nothing cottonwood tree of his.
You can't ask him to do that.
Our backyard is littered with cottonwood seedpods every June!
Hey! I can hear every word you're saying!
Oops a daisy!

What did you say?
You heard me. I said “Our backyard is ...”
No. Just now. Didn't you say "Oops a daisy"?
No, I didn't.
Yes, you did
Come on! That's what my mother said. I did not say it.
You did too.
Did! Did, did, did ...
I heard you say it.
Oops a daisy.

Well, Mr. Crabtree seems like a shady character.

(shady character = いかがわしい人物, きな臭い男 a suspicious, dark, person)

He … kind of does. Yeah.
Oh, yes.
We'll have to see.