3/14 〜 3/17

ラジオ英会話   Monday, March 14

She is miserable.  (miserable = 惨めな、わずかな、悲惨な、extremely unhappy or uncomfortable)
There is no pleasing, Donna.

                              • -

So Katie.
What's another situation going to be like today?
Me, me, me ... They sing their lines to the tune of "The ABC Song."
You, you, you.

                        • -

How's work, Donna?
It's getting old, Paul.
Too bad.
I feel like I'm stuck in a rut.
But you're traveling all over the country.
I'm tired of living out of a suitcase.
How about asking for a desk job?
No thank you very much. Been there, done that.
Maybe you should look for another job.
That's too much trouble.

Wow, big finish.
Yeah. How can we help her?
Oh. No. I think I've ... with people like that, been there, done there. No thank you very much.
No way to help.
No way.
Well, I have a question for you.
Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a rut?
No, never.
Wow. What great partners.


ラジオ英会話 Tuesday, March 15


                                      • -

So what's another situation going to be like this time?
Oh, this time, they are incorrigible word players.
(incorrigible = 救い難い、手に負えない、someone who is incorrigible does bad things or has bad habits and will not change)

                                  • -

That bear is up to his old tricks again.
What happened?
He raided all the honey from the Rajiei Apiary -- in broad daylight!
That scoundrel! Did they catch him?
(scoundrel = 悪党、ろくでなし、a man who behaves in an unfair or dishonest way)
Nope. He disappeared without a trace.
This is a problem that's not going to go away.
I know. He's giving all of us a bad name!
You can say that again.
He's giving all of us a bad name!
I barely know that guy's name.
People call him Bad Bear.
They have not much imagination, do they?
Nah. People are people. Sometimes I can't bear them and their self-righteous invasive nature.
(self-righteous = 自分だけが正しいと思っている、独善的な、自分本位の、自己中心的な、独り善がりの、showing that you are too proud of your own moral behavior or beliefs, especially in a way that annoys other people, egoistical, self-satisfied)
(invasive = 侵略的な、侵襲的な)
It's unbearable.
Very much so.

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Bear who?
Bear has all the honey gone?
Aw... that's unbearable.
(unbearable = 耐えられない、忍びがたい、我慢できない、気に食わない、so extreme that you cannot deal with the pain, feeling, etc.)
Very sorry.

Wow, these people are up to their old tricks again. Oh, my goodness.
They sure are.
It's unbearable.
The problem that’s not going to go away.
I know.


ラジオ英会話 Wednesday, March 16

So, you're not so sure.
No. I kind of like parties.
He certainly seems like Mr. Wrong.

                            • -

So Katie, what's another situation going to be like?
Well, Ken, first are you going?
To Scarborough Fair.
Uh, not today. But why do you ask?
Well, because today, they sing their lines to the tune of "Scarborough Fair."

                                    • -

Are you guys going to the party?
No. Henry said he'd rather stay home and watch TV.
Make him go.
He'll say no. He's really set in his ways.
Then let's meet at the mall tomorrow.
Henry hates the mall.
Annabelle, what do you see in Henry?
I thought he was Mr. Right, but I'm not so sure anymore.

Sounds tragic.
I wonder how you guys do that.
Hey, Ken.
How about changing the ending to the show?
Yeah, let's do it.
No way.
Oh, he's really set in his ways. Ken, you're really set in your ways.
What's wrong with that?
Oh, Ken ….


ラジオ英会話 Thursday, March 17

You lose, she wins.
Yeah. A story of my life.
Oh, year?
Very clever.
At the end, you're saying "Pancake Parlor ugh...." or something

                            • -

So what's another situation going to be like today?
Well, unfortunately, they don't get along.

                                      • -

Hey, yourself.
Say, Winnie, how about eating at Tiffany's?
Breakfast at Tiffany's? Are you kidding? We always eat at the Pancake Parlor.
I just want to eat somewhere else for a change of pace.
What's wrong with pancakes?
Well, go ahead and eat at Tiffany's with Catherine Hepburn.
What was that?
Audrey Hepburn starred in that movie with George Chakiris.
George Peppard, not Chakiris. Chakiris starred in ...
West Side Story.

Why don't you like the Pancake Parlor?
I didn't say I didn’t.
(嫌いだなんて言ってないよ。I didn’t say, “I don’t like the Pancake Parlor. のこと)
You sounded like you didn’t.
It was just a thought. I'm sorry I asked!
Why are you so upset?
I'm not.
You are too.
Forget it.

Just over a little breakfast at Tiffany's. No, not Tiffany's, it's the Pancake Parlor.
Life goes on.
It certainly does.
Not Tif ....
Hey Ken.
Yes, Katie?
How about changing the ending for a change of pace.
Yeah, let's do that.
What's wrong with the ending that we have now? Well, that's about it for today, so until next time.
Keep listening.
Keep practicing.
And keep on smiling.
Sorry we asked.
You should be.