4/3 〜 4/6

ラジオ英会話   Monday, April 3

So what's another situation going to be like, Katie?
They can't stop laughing.

                        • -

Bob, I'm swamped with work!
Oh, no! Why don't you make a to-do list?
I did. I have 31 things to do.
Wow! Still it's better than 32.
You said it!

(You said it. = まったくそのとおりだ That’s right. It’s true.)

Is it really necessary to do everything today?
Not really.
Cross out the things that aren't urgent. Then start with the most difficult task.
That'll take all morning!
It'll be worth it, Anna. Trust me.
Where did you get that idea?
On the one and only Rajio Eikaiwa.

(one and only = ただひとつの、かけがえのない)


                        • -

What a wonderful happy ending here.
Well, listeners must be swamped with work this month.
Right, but keep listening to Rajio Eikaiwa.
It'll be worth it.
Once again, until next time ...
Keep listening.
Keep practicing.
And Keep on smiling.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, April 4

So what's another situation going to be like?
Well, this time, they are in a jungle.

                              • -

Don, I'm no good at this sort of photography.
That's not true, Linda.
There's not an animal in sight.
Let me help you out.

Hi, guys. I'm Rilla.
Rilla? Could you run up that tree for me?

(run up = 走って上る、駆けのぼる、駆け上がる)

Sure. Like this?
Go Rilla, go!
I got some good shots! This is easier than I thought. Rilla, can you call for a lion for me?
Sorry, they are all tied up, lions and tigers and bears and all. They are listening to Rajio Eikaiwa.

(tied up = 動けない to keep busy)

Oh, my! It's a wrap, Don. (a wrap =〔撮影の〕終了)

Here's the radio, Linda.
May I join you too?
Oh! Be our guest.
Thank you.

                          • -

Not very scary jungle.
Another shameless promotion of Rajio Eikaiwa.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, April 7

So Katie, what's another situation going to be like, this time?
Oh, Mr. Payne has tennis elbow.

Probably from playing too much tennis?
I’d say.   (I’d say. = だろうと思います I would say so as well.)

                        • -

How are you doing, Mr. Payne?
Not good. I have tennis elbow from playing it so much.
There's a way around that.
Oh, no! I just deleted my whole document!
Press Control-Z to get it back.
It's back! Now I need to copy this part and paste it here.
Press Control-C and then hit Control-V.
Emma, you just made my life easier!

Glad to be of help.

(Glad to be of help. = お役に立てて嬉しいよ)
(I’m glad to be of your help. = お役に立てて嬉しいです。)

Did I hear you say there's a way around it?
Yes, Mr. Payne.
What is it?
Take a break from playing tennis.
Oh. What would you recommend I do instead?
Enjoy listening to Rajiei.
Oh, I'll certainly do that.

                        • -

All right. Well, signing out message seems uh… pretty lengthy.

(lengthy = 長くて退屈な long, often lasting for longer than you want or expect)

There's a way around that.
Oh, I know. So until next time.
Keep listening.
Keep practicing.
And keep on smiling.

Well done.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, April 6

So Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like this time?
Hmm Hmm … ♬ ♪
Oh, you are singing.
Yes. And it's not my birthday. They sing their lines to the tune of "Happy Birthday to You."

Good luck, everybody.
Thanks we’ll need it.

                              • -

♬ ♪
Let's take five, Belle.
Oh, I wish I could. I've got tons of email messages to answer.
You do?
Yes. Every time I answer an email, they shoot back another question. It's a losing battle.
I call my clients and answer all their questions on the phone all the time. It's a real time-saver.
Gee. I never thought of that. That's brilliant, Andy!
Are you ready for a break?
You bet, I am.

                      • -

Wow! It was actually easier than I thought.
What a great rendition of the old song.

(rendition = 演奏 a particular way of performing a song, poem, piece of music, etc.)

Well, I like this singing idea. It's a real time-sever. I don't have to write a lot. Well, let's take five.

(take five = 5分間休憩する、仕事をひと休みする take a five-minute break / take ten = take a ten minute break)

All right.
But before we do....