11/9 〜 11/12

ラジオ英会話   Monday, November 9

So Katie, what's another situation going to be like?
Leo is talking to his Japanese grandma.


                                • -

Where's Mom, Gramma?
She's sleeping in. Have some miso soup.
Mom always makes me waffles and scrambled eggs.
Well, I'm not Mom. Here’s your fish and rice.
What do you usually eat for lunch?
A sandwich.
Uh-oh. This bread is moldy. I'll pack some treats instead.
Yay! Treats!
Sh! Use your inside voice. Don't spill the beans.
I won't.
Here’s your namasu, ohitashi, mezashi and umeboshi, omusubi, osumashi, tamagoyaki.
Wow. You rap, Grandma. (おばあちゃん、ラップを歌っているね)
I do?
You rock. (You rock. = 最高!)
No. I cook.

                        • -

Wow! That was a mouthful.   (mouthful = 言いにくい長い言葉)
Well, tomorrow, Mary gets a lecture, but don't spill the beans.
We won’t.

ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, November 10

Somebody spilled the beans.
Sugar beans.

                            • -

So Jeff, what’s another situation going to be like today?
Mr. Gardner is quite upset with the situation. And he may sound a little different too.

                                    • -

I’m concerned about the eating habits Leo may be developing.
Leo is a picky eater. He’s always been that way.
Nonetheless, he shouldn’t be eating cookies and marshmallows for lunch.
Pardon me?
That was his lunch ― cookies and marshmallows! No apple, no sandwich, just those for the past three days.
I had no idea!
Packing a sugar-filled lunch sends the wrong message to children.
I mean I have just rejoined the workforce.
(rejoined the workforce = 職場復帰をした)
That’s cause for an adjustment of roles in the family.
(cause for 〜の原因、〜の理由)
Well, I understand the situation, but….
I work all day; I come home; my husband doesn’t lift a finger to help. He never picks up after himself. He never vacuums. The only break I can take is when I listen to Rajio Eikaiwa.

{neverは単なる副詞であり、助動詞ではない。ですので、never の後ろの動詞に s がついている}

Oh, you took the words right out of my mouth.
(you took the words right out of my mouth = 今言おうとしていたのに。{この人もラジオ英会話を聞くときリラックスできると言おうとした})

He listens too.
It sounds like he does.
I see. Does she listen to other programs?
No. She’s a picky listener.
That’s a good listener too.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, November 11

Oh, shocking
A whole bag.

                          • -

So what's another situation going to be like today, Katie?
Well, today, Leo’s grandma is talking to Mr. Gardener at her home.

                            • -

Leo was passing out marshmallows to his classmates.
How many marshmallows did he have?
A whole bag.
Oh, no. I had no idea. Who would give him a whole bag of marshmallows?
Leo says his dad does.
I'm going to give my son a good talking-to.
(give someone a good talking-to = うんとしかる)
Several mothers are upset that their children ate marshmallows instead of their lunches.
Oh, dear, that's terrible.
Children need at least one square meal a day. The school's hot lunch program might be a good solution.
I'll keep that in mind, thanks.

You're welcome.
Would you like some more tea?
Yes, please.
Would you like some marshmallows?

Wow, this family must like marshmallows.
Oh, yes.
I can kind of relate to that …
Oh, really?
Because my mother always try to make a square meal for me in a suck lunch.
Oh, really?
And I would always trade my apple for donuts.
So she always said, "Don't trade your apples for donuts."
You were a trader.
I was.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, November 12

Somebody spilled the beans.
The teacher did, right?
That’s right.

                        • -

I’m on it.
Well done.

Are you on it?
I’m on it.

Okay. So, what’s another situation going to be like, Jeff?
Well, this time, Mary is a sergeant major.

                                                • -

Private Doe.
Yes, ma’am.
As you were. (元へ、休め)
Yes, ma’am.
Mr. Gardener wanted to have a little talk with me today.
Oh, how did it go, ma’am?
It was no picnic.
What did he say, ma’am?
He was taken aback by Leo’s lunch of marshmallows and cookies!
Ah, yeah… I mean, yes, ma’am. We ran out of fresh bread for sandwiches, ma’am.
You need to get groceries!
I’m on it, ma’am! I’m going to the supermarket right now, ma’am.

                                  • -

All right, Private. What are you waiting for, Private Doe?
Rajio Eikaiwa is starting shortly, ma’am.
All right. As you were.   (As you were = 休め)

As you were. Hmm … Well, Private Doe.
Yes, sir.
Well, just call me Ken. Is it hard to deal with the sergeant?
Yes, sir, Ken, sir. It’s no picnic.
Thank you, sir.
You’re welcome, sir.

Now we have to end the program.
We’re on it!