8/22 〜 8/25

ラジオ英会話   Monday, August 22

They don't seem to have time for...
Students are always busy.

                    • -

So, Katie...
What's another situation going to be like this time?
It's a scene from a melodrama.

                          • -

Oh, I see you're hard at work, darling.
I have tons of homework, sweetie pie.
(tons of = a lot of, lots of)
I have to read this novelette, and write a paper about it by tomorrow!
Oh, that sounds tough, honey.
Maybe I should drop American Lit, pumpkin.
Hmm...You should if it's too much for you, my sweet.
I'm behind in geology too.
Me, too. We should go over our notes together.
Yes, but when, honey bunch?
Good question.
Oh, honey bunch, when?

                      • -

Well, I have tons of things to say about that, but since we don't have time... That’s about it for today.

8月号P.52の挿絵のT-Shirtに気づきましたか? Be as clear as a bell と描いてあります。bell にあたる部分が絵になっていましたが……。as clear as a bell で〔ベルの音のように〕はっきりと聞こえる、とても聞き取りやすい[分かりやすい]という意味があります。

P.60 では、Saved by the bell. = 偶然運よく助かって [ボクサーが終了ゴングでノックアウトから救われることから]
そういえば、ここはベル州立大学でしたね。P.12 のT-shit 注目。
さらに、P. 64 では、Keep on smiling の T-shit を着ています。

すべて、私の生徒さんが気付いています。すごいですねえ〜、こんなところに気づくリスナーたち! そういえば、遠山顕先生に数年前にお会いしたとき、イラストの細かい部分にもこだわっているとお話していらっしゃいました。


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, August 23

Good going. Good bossa nova.

                    • -

So, what's another situation going to be like?
Oh, this time, they are wonder children.

                  • -

What question are we on?
What are the three main rock types?
Sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic.
Yoshi, good going! How did you know that?
I learned it at the age of four at home.
Okay. Let's stop fooling around. Here's a tough one. What is thermal energy?
It's energy possessed by an object ...
... due to the movement of particles inside it.
You're both right! We'll ace the exam tomorrow.
(ace = someone who is very good at doing something)
(We'll ace the exam tomorrow. = 明日の試験で良い成績とるわよ! [ace = エースを狙え!のエース、サービスエースのエース] )
I thought Stanvard would be harder to handle.
(likewise = me too, in the same way, or in a similar way)
So Stanvard is a name of uh...
The university these wonder kids are attending.
Famous Stanvard.

Well, I have a very basic question.
Where are we? I mean what part of the program are we on?
I think this is the end.
I think Jeff is right.
Now I know what to do.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, August 24

Well, that cheered her up.
(immediately = soon)

                              • -

So, Katie, what's another situation going to be like?
Jessica is on Mars.
(Mars = the 4th planet from the sun)

                          • -

Jessica, is everything okay?
I don't think I can make it on Mars.
Yes, you can! Don't sell yourself short.
I wish I'd never left earth. I have no friends here.
I'm your friend; you can confide in me.
I'm feeling homesick.
(homesick = feeling sad and alone because you are far from home)
It's normal to feel homesick.
And today is my birthday.
Let's celebrate! I'll call other Martians.
And I'll turn on Rajio Eikawa for Mars.
Okay! I love Katie.
I love Jeff.
I love Ken.
Don't you?
Oh, yes.
Of course.

Scary ending there.
Well, I just didn't want to sell myself short.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, August 25

I want to go to that party. It sounds like fun.
With earplugs.

                            • -

So, what's another situation going to be like, Jeff?
They are expressionless.

                    • -

You're both off-key.
(off-key = music or singing that is off-key does not sound good because the notes are slightly wrong)
Let's try it again!
No, please don't!
Make a wish and blow out the candle.
What did you wish for?
Not telling.
Come on!
Not to change the subject, but what did you guys get on your geology test?
Not telling.
B plus.
I got an A minus.
This calls for another song!
I'm plugging my ears!

For she's a jolly good fellow, for she's a jolly good fellow, for she's a jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny.

("For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" is a popular song that is sung to congratulate a person on a significant event, such as a promotion, a birthday, a wedding a wedding anniversary, the birth of a child, or the winning of a championship sporting event.)

What did you guys give yourself on your performance?

A plus.
Oh, A plus.
This call for another song.
Well, now be prepared to be shocked.
We’ve got to go.