4/17 〜 4/20

ラジオ英会話   Monday, April 17

I hope she can do it.
That's very tall, that's an order.

                      • -

Now ...
What's another situation going to be like, Katie?
Well, the woman is a positive thinker.

                        • -

Marie and I have a big favor to ask of you concerning our wedding reception.
I'm happy to help, Lewis.
Could you bake the wedding cake?
Of course! How many guests will there be?
Three hundred.
Sounds like a movie. Okay!
She wants the cake to look exactly like her in her wedding gown.

(wedding gown = wedding dress)

That's a tall order!
We have faith in you.
Just kidding. But how would you cut the cake?
Ouch! Right... I'll talk to her and get back to you!
You do that.

                  • -

Yes, that's a very tall order.
Well, that's all about it for today.
So until next time...
Keep listening.
Keep practicing.
And then what should I say?
Oh, we are happy to help.
Keep on smiling.
There you go!


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, April 18

So, Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like?
Oh, this time, the daughter is a pragmatist.

                    • -

May I ask what's wrong?
May I ask who you are?
I'm just a mysterious old man.
And may I ask how you opened the door? It was locked.
It's top secret. May I ask what's wrong now?
I'm in quite the predicament. And it might sound like a poorly written fairy tale.

(a poorly written fairy tale = 出来の悪いおとぎ話)

But the king has ordered me to spin this straw into gold by tomorrow morning.

I could easily do that.
You must be joking, mysterious old man. How?
It's a question of mind over matter again.
How mysterious!
But you must give me something in return for my work.
I'll give you all the gold.
It's a deal.
If you can make it happen. Good luck. Bye!
Oh, no! She has escaped! Ugh!

                    • -

Well, that was interesting.
It was fun.
Can you help me end the program now?
Oh, we could easily do that.
Great! Go ahead.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, April 19

It's a little windy up there.
And colder.
Oh, yes.

                  • -

So Katie, what's another situation going to be like today?
Right, Ken, well, this time, the man is famous tightrope walker's son.

                          • -

In a minute, Mr. Walker is going to start walking on a tightrope from the Fuji Building to the Everest Tower. Would you call this a daredevil stunt, Mr. Walker?
Your father warned you not to go too fast on the rope. Can you explain why you don't think that's important?
It's not rocket science. I've got newly developed super thin shoes.
So you're getting cold feet?
I've got things under control.
Have a nice walk!
Will do. Oops!
Are you all right, sir?
Just kidding. Bye!

                    • -

Good. Happy ending. I don’t know how to end this program today.
Well, it's not rocket science.
No, I think you've got things under control.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, April 20

Quite biblical.
I mean, music.
Quite biblical. Wow! Cinerama!

(biblical = 聖書の文体を思わせる)

                      • -

So, what's another situation going to be like, Jeff?
Oh, this is a Japanese fairy tale.
Oh, is that right?
Issunboshi meets the oni.

                          • -

You're but a mere one-inch boy!
The best things come in small packages.
So you think you can defeat me?
Oh, yes, oni. It's child's play.
How do you expect to win?
With my sword.
What sword? What if I ... swallowed you? Ha ha ha ha!
I'll use my needle sword. There! There!
Ow! That hurts!
Give up?
I give up. Let's be friends. Shake?
Shake. Ow! That hurts!
He he he he...

              • -

Very nice.
They're off to a good start.

(be off to a 〜 start = 〜なスタートを切る)

Very good. Happy ending is child's play.