ラジオ英会話 12/12 - 12/16, 2022

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 171  Monday, December 12

◆ Opening
R: そーなんだねぇ~。Akino Roza here.
C: Chris McVay here. Can I smell curry in the studio?
R: I'm getting hungry.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, guys. It's the moment you've all been waiting for. It's practice time. And today, we're going to practice "bare plurals" and "uncountable nouns" alongside each other. So, are you ready?

(bare plurals, 裸複数名詞、無冠詞複数名詞)

Here we go, "I love dogs."
You say, it's not this dog. It's not my dog. It's just dogs in general, and that's what the bare plurals do.
"I love sports cars."
"I love wine."
"I love cheese."

R: OK, now let’s continue to some longer sentences.
"Cats are highly intelligent animals."
"Water boils at 100 ℃"
"Computers have changed our daily life a lot."

C: Good, and the final one, "We need potatoes, leeks, garlic and olive oil."
"How about cheese?"
"We need potatoes, leeks, garlic and olive oil."
"How about cheese?"

C: (You) did a good job, guys.
R: That was fantastic.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, which do you prefer rice or bread?
R: Hmm... that's a difficult question. I love both.
C: I'm gonna (going to) go for bread. How about you?
R: Yeah, Sensei, what about you?
O: I prefer ナン.

(インド料理に出てくる nann と none を掛けているのでしょう)


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 172  Tuesday, December 13

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, this is Akino Roza. Ready for today's lesson?
C: Hi guys, Chris McVay here. Uh... Roza, can I bother you for a second?
R: Well, just for a second.
C: It doesn't matter. I'm just practicing.
R: Uh!!

◆ During the Japanese translation part
★ That's good news the poor raccoon wasn't hurt.
本来は it that になるべきかたち
It's good news that the poor raccoon wasn't hurt.
でもここでは That が使われています。

O: Hey Chris, what kind of impression do you get from this construction?
C: Well, we have a strong impression is expressed first followed by a clear explanation with nothing in the middle. The end result is a very strong impact as a statement.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, guys, it's practice time. Today, we're looking at the word "the." This is one of the most common words in English and it's a nightmare for learners.

But we're hoping you will be able to use it better if you focus on our image of just that one. Keep that in your head and you'll do a lot better, I hope.

OK, let's get started. "I talked to a businessperson during my flight to London. The guy was so kind."

OK, it's very clear? That guy that the person was talking to, it's only one, right? So, "the guy."

Once more, "I talked to a businessperson during my flight to London. The guy was so kind."

R: Next example, "Can you close the door?"
Here again, there is probably just one open door, so "the" is used here.
"Can you close the door?"

C: OK, moving on, "Look at the penguins over there?"
"the United States of America"
"the Yamadas"

C: There you go, little by little, you're gonna (going to) get used to the use of "the."
R: That was excellent.

◆ Ending
C: That's right, the main message is to relax because "the" is so difficult.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 173  Wednesday, December 14

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here. Let's get started.
C: Chris McVay here. Let's enjoy our English practice together.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: Hi guys, are you ready to practice? Today, we're going to continue looking at the word "the." We're gonna (going to) give you lots of examples and all of them have the same unique, これっきゃない image.

OK, here we go, "It's not the only one in town."
"It will be the first vegan ramen I've tried."

R: Continuing on, "the earth"
"the world"
"the sun"
"the moon"
That was easy, right?

C: OK, few more, "You've picked the right place."
"He's the right person for the job."
"The problem is that ~."
"The thing is that ~."

R: And our last few examples, "Where is the restroom?"
"Where is the city hall?"
"She's gone to the bank."
"She's gone to the supermarket."

C: Well done guys. Little by little, are you getting used to "the"? We hope so.
R: Just keep on practicing.
C: Uh-huh.
R: You're doing great.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, I want to continue talking but the problem is that I'm starving.
C: I see, but the thing is that you have no choice.
R: Sensei, we just had lunch and you're starving again?


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 174  Thursday, December 15

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza.
C: Hi guys, let's enjoy today's lesson. Chris McVay here.

◆ During the Japanese translation part
★ the air guitar
O: Chris, could you explain this phrase to the audience?

C: Air guitar is when you pretend to be playing a heavy metal electric guitar, and then, you make wild gestures while imagining the shrieking sounds of a real rock guitar.

(shrieking 金切声のような、エレキギターの高い音)

R: But you don't actually have a guitar, right?
C: That's right. You just imagine, you are pretending.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK guys. Are you ready to practice? This will be our final practice of the word "the." And this time, we're focusing on the way describes the common image of something, rather than the actual thing. OK? Let's try together.

R: And the thing to keep in mind is to think in English.

C: OK, here we go, "You play the violin like a pro."
So, we're not looking at a particular specific violin, just the instrument, the common image of the violin. So, we'll try that once more, "You play the violin like a pro."
"I often listen to the radio."
"Please call the police."

R: Let's do one more example. Here too, we're talking about the general version of the words that we use "the" in front of. OK? Let's try, "The poor are getting poorer, the rich are getting richer."

You see that there? Let's try one more time, "The poor are getting poorer, the rich are getting richer."

C: OK, and the final group, "the giant panda"
"The car is the most convenient way of transportation."
So again, we're not speaking about my car. We're talking about the image of a car.

So, let's try that once more, "The car is the most convenient way of transportation."

And the final one which is my favorite, "The British gentleman is a dying breed."
Once more, "The British gentleman is a dying breed."

R: That was excellent.
C: That was wonderful. Well done, guys.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, is the British gentleman extinct?
C: Well, we can't say it's extinct, but it's endangered spices.

(endangered species 絶滅の危機にある生物のこと)

O: Uh-huh.
R: Well of course, we can't say it's extinct. We have one right here -- Chris.
C: Ta-da!


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 175  Friday, December 16

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, welcome back. Thanks for joining us for Friday's review. This is Akino Roza.
C: Chris McVay here. Yes, let's enjoy the review together. Here we go.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, have you ever won the lottery?
C: Yes, I've won the lottery several times.
O: Really!?
C: In my dreams.
R: Actually yes. I won the lottery when I met you guys. I'm the luckiest person in the world.
C: You can say that again.