ラジオ英会話 8/15 - 8/19, 2022

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 91  Monday, August 15

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, this is Akino Roza.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. Roza, for me, it was a life-changing experience.
R: I bet.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK guys, are you ready for our final practice with "on"? This time the main image I want you to bear in mind is "pressure." "On" is used to give pressure to a specific target, so シュー、ボン!on to that thing. OK? So, with that in mind, let's practice together.

(bear in mind 心に留める)

Here we go, "effect on ~"
"influence on ~"
"emphasis on ~"

R: Let's continue, "get on my nerves"
"put pressure on ~"
"begin to tell on me"

C: Next one, "We need to concentrate on our future."
R: And a last few, "She hung up on me."
"He cheated on me."
"You called the police on me!"

C: Well done, guys.
R: Excellent work.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, guys, what gets on your nerves most?
R: Hey, Chris, you're ready?
RC: You!


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 92  Tuesday, August 16

◆ Opening
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. You know, you are so smart, Roza.
R: Oh, thank you Chris. Wait a minute. Don't you dare say you're ...
C: ... just practicing.
R: Oh... Hey, guys, Akino Roza here. Let's get started, shall we?

(Don't you dare ~しないでよ)

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK guys, it's practice time. So now, we've got a new preposition. It's "in."
And it's just as commonly used as "on."
The basic image here, we're gonna (going to) start with the most basic image of a container.
So, with that image of container in mind, let's get started with the practice.
"in the room"

Right. It's very easy to imagine. This is a container, right, with four walls around you.
There you are in the middle of the room. So, here we go.
"in the building"
"in Urawa"
"in Japan"
"in the situation"
"in a friendly atmosphere"

Even this example, you feel surrounded by the atmosphere of where you are. OK, so the image of container fits pretty well here too.
"in the dark"
"in the morning"
"in April"
"in 2022"
"in the 21st century"

R: Let's practice a couple more expressions. Here, although they are clothes and accessories, they're still a type of container. So, keep that in mind, "Look at the guy in the blue jacket."
"Look at the guy in the T-shirt."
"Look at the guy in pajamas."
"Look at the guy in the hat."
"Look at the guy in dark glasses."

(in pajamas パジャマ姿の)
(in glasses 眼鏡をかけている)

C: OK, and the last one, a romantic one, "I'm in love with you."
You are surrounded by this love, love, love atmosphere and you are in the middle of it. Ohhh…, what a lovely container, Roza?
R: [giggling]
C: So, once more with the last one there, "I'm in love with you."

C: Brilliant!
R: Great job.

◆ Ending
R: Sensei, who is that woman in the shocking pink dress?
O: Ah, of course, she is 林家パー子さん
C: Uh!?
R: Uh!?
O: She is so famous.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 93  Wednesday, August 17

◆ Opening
C: Chris McVay here. I think we'd better start as soon as possible.
R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. I've gotten used to not understanding Onishi-sensei's openings.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, it's practice time. So, we're continuing with the preposition "in."
Now, "in" does not only refer to uh... an easy to imagine physical container.
It's also used for a more figurative type of container where you feel surrounded by something.
So, with that in mind, let's practice together.

(figurative 比喩的な)

R: And remember, think in...
RC: ...English!

C: OK, here we go, "I put in too much salt last time."
Once more, "I put in too much salt last time."
R: Here are some more short examples, "in my opinion"
"interested in math"
"speak in English"
I always tell you guys to think in English, right?
Continuing on, "rich in culture"
"vary in size"

C: OK, a few more, "apply in writing"
"You can write answers in pen or pencil."
"I've been looking forward to seeing you in person."

R: And a last few, "Do you want to eat in?"
"She's never in when I phone her."
"Bright colors are in this year."

C: Well done, guys.
R: Great job.

◆ Ending
C: But you'll get a lot of vitamin C.
O: Right.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 94  Thursday, August 18

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, Roza Akino here.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. I have no idea how to react to that. So, the only thing to do is -- get started.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, practice time again. Here we go. Now, there's no special new image I'm going to give you today. It's the same old image of container.

Look at these expressions and try and figure out how they match the image of container. OK? So, do a lot of deep thinking here.

R: And remember, do your deep thinking in English.

C: Here we go, "hand in your assignments"
"fill in this questionnaire"
"believe in you"
"break in"

R: Here are some more, "We'll never give in."
"The rainy season has set in."

C: And a few more, "in time"
"on time"
"at times"

R: And our last example. Be sure to get this one done because you'll need to use it a lot.
"See you in 30 minutes."
One more time, "See you in 30 minutes."

C: Well done, guys.
R: Fantastic!

◆ Ending
O: Hey, listeners, I'll see you in 24 hours.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 95  Friday, August 19

◆ Opening
R: Hello, everyone, this is Chris McVay. Just kidding. This is Akino Roza.
C: The real Chris McVay here with a much sexier voice. Anyway, it's review time. Let's get started.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, guys, both of you are sometimes late for our recording.
C: Well, it's never my fault. It's always the train line.
R: Well, it's not my fault either. I bashed my knee into the wall today.

(bashed ひどく打つ、激しくぶつける to hit hard)