ビジネス英語 3/7-3/9, 2022

ビジネス英語 Lesson 64  Monday, March 7

◆ ジェニーさんは個人的にどんなタイプの住宅がお好みですか?
Affordable. But really, I love a contemporary clean style with lots of natural light from windows. And it would be great to have the newest technology for energy efficiency. I also like the aesthetic of the Mediterranean style houses. What's your style, Mr. Shibata?

(aesthetic 〔特に芸術の〕美に関する、景観に配慮した)


ビジネス英語 Lesson 65  Tuesday, March 8

◆ ジェニーさんは住宅のモデルルームを見て楽しむことはありますか?
Yes. But I'd feel pressured to buy or rent. So, I don't really go anymore. But when I have gone, it was great to imagine myself living there. I loved getting ideas for decorating, storage and organizing. What do you think about them, Mr. Shibata?

(feel pressured 圧力を感じる、ストレスを感じる)


ビジネス英語 Lesson 66  Wednesday, March 9

These sentences should be as short as possible. She doesn't need many details in a chat message.

I think the birthday greetings could be kept to a minimum and should be written in the style that he talks to her.

(keep to a minimum  最小限に抑える、最小限にとどめる)

◆ ビジネスチャットの良いところはどんなところだと思いますか?
Chat functions can streamline communication with things like search and tagging functions, organize threads, and file storage or file sharing. In my opinion, business chat is good for having a paper trail. That way, misunderstandings are less likely to occur because there's a written record.

It's on record. So, you can't say you didn't hear it, didn't see it, or forget about it. It's easier than email when exchanging ideas in a group. So, it's more efficient than email. What's important is to decide beforehand what purpose you want to use it for.