ビジネス英語 2/28-3/2, 2022

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson 61  Monday, February 28

◆ オンライン会議や講義でのチャットボックスはうまく活用すればとても便利です。
Yes! Chat boxes are great! It's very convenient for clarifying information, and in groups, it's a great way to allow everyone to ask questions without talking over each other. Chat boxes can also be used to visualize information. Sometimes it's helpful to see things written out or you can post links with further information.


ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson 62  Tuesday, March 1



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson 63  Wednesday, March 2

◆ 書き出しの部分の説明もっとわかりやすくできないでしょうか?
This is a little confusing, and it would be easier to understand if he said, "how many real estate agents he'll visit in total."

◆ 交通事情の説明をもっとわかりやすくできないでしょうか?
It would be better to explain that he needs two more days to visit the four additional visits because he needs to plan around traffic jams.

◆ 出張は喜べることばかりでもないのですねえ。
Yes. If a business trip gets prolonged unexpectedly, there might be some work piling up at home. But on the other hand, it's good to have unique experiences while you're there and have some fun while working.