ラジオ英会話 Lesson 206 Monday, February 7
R: It's great to have you back with us, guys. Akino Roza here.
C: Yeah, Chris McVay here. You know, you are always key friends for me.
R: Hey, guys, I'm sure the textbook will be a key player for you and your English studies. So, check it out.
C: Sensei, I was given some chocolates, but I won't share them with you.
R: Sensei, several restaurants were recommended to me, but I won't go to them with you.
( won't の部分、want to にして欲しいなあ~。つぶやきでした)
<Sensei, I was given some chocolates, so, I want to share them with you.>
<Sensei, several restaurants were recommended to me, so, I want to go to them with you.>
ラジオ英会話 Lesson 207 Tuesday, February 8
R: Sensei, その話は、very, verry good でした。Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. I'm really in the mood for a banana smoothie. Anyone got one?
O: funny という単語が出てきましたね。Hey, what does it mean, exactly?
C: I'd say it means like strange. Right? Roza?
C: Yeah, or peculiar.
C: Peculiar, unusual.
O: That's too bad. 「残念ね」と訳しました。「お気の毒に」と訳すこともできますけれども、Chris-san, this sentence is a bit difficult to say, right?
C: Yes, well... more than difficult. It depends on the context, on how you say it, right? For example, here, it must have gone out of business. So, I will say, "That's too bad." (元気よく明るいイントネーションで)
That doesn't sound right at all. How should you say, Roza?
R: "That's too bad." (気の毒そうなイントネーションで)
You can see how my tone shows that "Oh, I'm feeling sad about what happened." "That's too bad."
C: Exactly, where as I was kind of delighted about this incident.
C: Well, I think our textbook is very, very good. Don't you agree? Nothing is going to take its place.
R: I hope we make another one.
O: I agree.
O: Hmm... This lesson was so tough especially the pronunciation of "Very-Berry Good."
C: Hmm...
R: But I think everyone did "Very-Berry Good."
C: And you know, I think it's a good idea to have fun with language, you know. Everyone knows it's very, very good, but "Very-Berry good." Just have fun, enjoy playing with words.
ラジオ英会話 Lesson 208 Wednesday, February 9
R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. Ready for today's lesson?
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. Roza, where are you now? I can't see you.
R: I'm right in front of you, Chris. Put on your glasses.
C: Ah, there you are. OK. Now, we can start.
R: Hey, guys, if you already have a textbook, don't worry, you can have as many as you want.
R: Hey, Chris, when was the last time you walked hand in hand with someone?
C: Well, you may find it a bit strange, but even after 45 years of marriage, we always walk hand in hand together.
R: Ohh...
O: Oh, really?
R: What about you, sensei?
O: Ages ago, but not exactly a human being, you know. I walked with a beetle.
(ages ago ずいぶん昔、はるか昔)
ラジオ英会話 Lesson 209 Thursday, February 10
R: Hi, guys, Akino Roza here. Are you ready for today's lesson?
C: Hey, guys, Chris McVay here. Roza, I'm a bit sad. I guess my best years are behind me, right?
R: Didn't I tell you to stop thinking like that, Chris?
C: Yeah, okay, I'll try.
O: Chris, could you explain this word?
C: Yeah, "expedition" is on a large scale, on a grand scale, seriously well organized, like a research expedition, totally different from... let's say, a field trip or an excursion or an outing. That's far more casual, right?
O: Hey, Chris, our book is expected to be a best seller.
C: No way! It's not expected to be. It already is!
O: Yeah, it is!
R: Yeah, yeah, in your dreams, guys.
ラジオ英会話 Lesson 300 Friday, February 11
R: Hey, everyone. Welcome to Friday’s lesson. Did you enjoy this week? I hope so because we are going to review. Akino Roza here.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. Yes, it’s review time. So, relax and do your best. OK?
R: Hey, guys. You know, Onishi-sensei actually has a really cool business card.
C: Yeah, I’ve seen it. It’s transparent, right? Very unusual, made of plastic, I think.
R: What made you get a transparent business card, sensei?
O: Yeah, I chose that design, you know, to be a bit different from others.
C: Well, you are very successful, I think.