ラジオ英会話 Lesson 221 Monday, February 28
R: Well, that was quite an uneventful opening, wasn't it, Sensei? Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. Let's get started.
C: Chris McVay here. Guys, did I tell you about the time the Quine invited me to Buckingham Palace?
O: Really?
C: Nah! That’s because it’s never happened. Let’s get started.
R: Ah... a second textbook is my dream.
O: Oh, is it?
C: What a load of rubbish.
(a load of rubbish まったくのたわごと、くだらんたわごとだ、本当にばかげたもの something that is not true, or something of very bad quality)
ラジオ英会話 Lesson 222 Tuesday, March 1
R: Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here.
C: Chris McVay here. I'm glad you could remember your name, Roza. And a question for you. How would you rate my computer skills?
R: Um... I think you should stick to real paints and brushes.
C: That wasn't the answer I was hoping for.
O: You know, it's much more fun to watch Chris play table tennis than to play it with him.
C: Ugh... You don't want to play table tennis with me?
R: Because he doesn't want to lose. That's why.
O: That's right.
ラジオ英会話 Lesson 223 Wednesday, March 2
R: Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here. Let's get started.
C: Hey, guys, Chris McVay here. Roza, you got your name right again… *1
R: [Laughter]
C: I was just wondering about taking six months off.
R: Dream on.
C: Uh, okay.
◆ taking the morning off ーー the ではなければいけないのでしょうか?
O: So, is this "the" obligatory here?
(obligatory 義務的な、必須の)
R: You can also say "a," for example, if you are not sure which morning of which day you wanna take off.
C: Yeah, like, "I'd like to take a morning off next week."
R: Uh-huh.
C: Something like that. Yeah.
R: The textbook is one of the key aspects of our program.
C: OK, guys, are you ready to practice? You know, we always tell you it's important to feel the overall flow of the sentence, not just word by word.
So, here, we should feel the position of the gap it comes after "seems." So, it's "Nolan is a lot smarter than he seems."
"Smart," so, with that in mind, let's practice the sentence together. Are you ready? "Nolan is a lot smarter than he seems." Go!
Get that feeling "He seems smart." "He seems smart." The gap is at the end. "Nolan is a lot smarter than he seems." Go.
Excellent. Well done.
O: You know, I'm more important to my family than you think.
R: Why is that?
C: To believe or not to believe, that is the question.
ラジオ英会話 Lesson 224 Thursday, March 3
R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. Are you ready for today's lesson? Let's go.
C: Hey, guys, Chris McVay here. "Buenos días, bienvenidos a nuestro programa." (スペイン語)
This just means "Hi, guys, welcome to our program." Let's begin.
R: OK, guys, are you ready to practice the key sentence together? This sentence might seem a little bit difficult because it says "the most talented artist," right? But you don't have to worry about it. You're just putting "the most" in front of "talented artist." That's it. So, don't think about it too hard.
R: OK, so let's practice together. Ready?
"I'd say she is the most talented artist in our family."
One more time, "I'd say she is the most talented artist in our family."
See? Easy as pie.
(Easy as pie. とてもたやすく extremely easy; piece of cake)
O: You know, I'd say Chris is the most talented British guy in the studio.
C: Oh, thank you for such a lovely compliment. Ow…, wait a minute.
R: There's only one British guy in the studio.
O: Right. That's exactly what I meant.
C: That's not funny.
ラジオ英会話 Lesson 225 Friday, March 4
R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. Welcome to Friday's lesson.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. It's time for the review. He, he.
O: So, Chris, what's your birthstone?
C: Well, you know, I was born in November. So, I'm lucky we have two birthstones, the topaz and the citrine. How about you, Roza?
R: Well, I was born in September. So, my birthstone is sapphire. But I don’t really like it. So, Sensei, what’s your birthstone?
O: I was born in October. So, my birthstone is opal. But I don’t really care.
R: Why not?
O: Nobody gives me anything, anyway.
C: No way!
January: garnet (ガーネット)
February: amethyst (アメジスト)
March: aquamarine (アクアマリン), bloodstone (ブラッドストーン)
April: diamond (ダイヤモンド)
May: emerald (エメラルド)
June: pearl (パール), alexandrite (アレキサンドライト) and moonstone (ムーンストーン).
July: ruby (ルビー).
August: peridot (ペリドット), spinel (スピネル), sardonyx (サードニックス).
September: sapphire (サファイア).
October: opal (オパール), tourmaline (トルマリン).
November: topaz (トパーズ), citrine (シトリン).
December: tanzanite (タンザナイト), turquoise (ターコイズ), zircon (ジルコン).
*1:didn’t you?