遠山顕のラジオ英会話楽習 Monday, September 10
Wow! Somebody is burying something like pounding on their like ... bon bon bon... a lot of plants.
(bury = 埋める to put something in the ground and cover it with dirt)
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U R the ★
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How often should I water this cactus?
Water it when the soil has dried out.
How do I know?
Just press your finger into the soil.
Ah! That sounds easy enough. Like this? Ouch!!
Oh. You are not supposed to touch the cactus.
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Say It!
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Carolyn, are you ready five times in one breath.
I'll give it a try.
There you go.
You did it.
All right.
Good job!
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Write It!
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★ 手入れは難しくありません
Well, Ken, in the dialog, we heard the phrase "fairly easy to take care of." So we're just going to take out the word "easy" and replace it with "not hard." So it would become "not hard to take care of."
★ 半日蔭
In English, we use the word "partial." So you can either say "partial sun" or "partial shade."
★ 土を乾かさないようにしてください
Well, this also probably sounds familiar. In the dialog, we use the sentence "don't let the soil get soggy." And instead of using the word "soggy," we are going to use the word "dry." So it becomes "don't let the soil get dry."
(soggy = wet and soft, especially in an unpleasant way)
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This houseplant is not hard to take care of. It likes partial sun. Don't let the soil get dry.
This houseplant is not hard to take care of. It likes partial shade. Don't let the soil get dry.
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In Another Situation!
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So Carolyn, what's another situation going to be like?
Well, Ken, now Kristi has brought a strange houseplant.
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I brought you a Transylvanian plant, Jake.
(Transylvania =トランシルヴァニア地方はルーマニア中部に広がる地域で、中世の町、境界線をなす山脈、ドラキュラ伝説とつながりがあるとされるゴシック様式のブラン城などで知られています)
Oh, that's really nice of you, Kristi! It looks unique.
It's fairly easy to take care of.
Cool! Where should I put it?
It's not a sun lover.
How about in this box?
It looks like a casket.
Hmm... It does, doesn't it? It comes with the blood.
Okay. How often should I water it?
Every night. Don't get the soil get dry.
All right.
And it likes tomato juice, not water.
Really? What's the name of the plant?
It's called a Dracula fern.
(fern = シダ a plant with leaves shaped like feathers and no flowers)
But of course.
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Well, they seem to be good friends.
Oh, yes.
Strange friends.
They sure are!
Do you like to take care of houseplants, Carolyn?
I was hoping you would ask Jeff.
Um... I like gardening outside.
I see.
Plants inside are actually, kind of hard to take care of.
I'm not very good at it.
I would say, I'm awfully taking care of plants inside.
I wish I had better green thumb.
(green thumb ⇔ brown thumb)
(green thumb = the ability to make plants grow and be healthy)
(brown thumb = the inability or lack of skill in gardening or growing plants)
How about you, Ken?
Well, I got a wonderful green thumb.
Oh, yeah.
That I haven't used for a while these days.
I would like to spend more time in the garden.
Yeah, but, you know what?
I have to water myself more often. I mean hydrate myself a little more.
(hydrate = cause to be hydrated; add water or moisture to)
Yeah, It's hard and all that..
Yes, true.
Me, before the plants.
遠山顕のラジオ英会話楽習 Tuesday, September 11
Somehow, it sounds like a new way of training... no training wheel here? Maybe?
Evidently not.
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Words & Expressions
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It's simple as riding a bike.
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U R the ★
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We hope you can do it, too.
All right. Carolyn, you are the star.
Yes. Alrighty.
How are you doing with your kendama?
Not bad. Here goes the airplane. There!
Wow! You're getting the hang of it!
You are going to have to teach me that trick.
Okay. It's easier said than done.
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Say It!
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Carolyn, are you ready. five times in one breath?
I can do this.
Oh, yeah.
Airplane, Jeff.
All right.
That's the most beautiful sound in the world.
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Write It!
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★ あなたはまず最初に…する必要があります
Well, this is just like it was in the dialog, "First of all, you need to 何々."
★ この低い平均台で
Oh, well, in English it's balance beam. The full phrases is "on this low balance beam."
★ 行ったり来たりして
Well, in English we don't say "go and come."
"Come and go." No. We say "go back and forth." So "go back and forth!"
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First of all, you need to practice how to balance on this low balance beam. Go back and forth. Good! You're getting the hang of it.
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In Another Situation!
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So Jeff, what's another situation going to be like this time?
Oh, it's the first day in a space car for the boy.
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First of all, you need to practice thinking in universelies. If you think in English, the space car won't run.
That's hard to do! I've studied the language, but I'm far from perfect.
Is not that hard. Just remember how to say "go," "stop" at the speed of light, and some other easy phrases.
Okay, I wish it were a stick shift.
Now let get the ball rolling.
Here goes.
Good! Now glide round that little asteroid. You're getting the hang of it!
(glide = 滑らかに動く)
(asteroid = 小惑星 a mass of rock that moves around in space)
Now what do I do?
Now practice turning. Turn left.
Not right. That's right. Go left.
That's right.
No, that's left.
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I don't think he's getting the hang of it!
Oh, that's right.
I think he's getting the hang of the language itself or ...
Maybe not that either.
First of all, I need to learn that.
Oh, my. Good. And Second of all. We have to say Good-bye.