遠山顕の英会話楽習 Monday, August 13
It sounds like it.
(binge = to do too much of something you enjoy, especially eating ; an occasion when someone does too much of something they enjoy, such as drinking)
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U R the ★
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Hi! Can I help you?
No, thanks. I'm just looking.
Give me a holler if you need anything.
(holler = 叫ぶ to shout very loudly)
I will.
I'll be right over there.
OK. Thanks.
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Say It!
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Jeff, are you ready five times in one breath.
I think I can get through this one. It's kind of a tongue twister.
(get through = 処理する、やり終える、切り抜ける)
(tongue twister = a sentence or phrase that is intended to be difficult to say, especially when repeated quickly and often)
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
She sells sea shells by the seashore.
All right. Let's hear it.
It really suits you.
Hands down. That was really well done.
(Hands down = 楽々とwithout much effort : easily)
English really suits you.
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Write it!
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★ 今日私は
Starting a sentence with "today" isn't wrong. It just kind of stresses the word "today," it brings into the foreground and makes it sound like something very important happened. So putting "today" at the end of the sentence sounds a little more conversational.
(foreground = 最前面 the front part of a scene or picture)
★ 秋物のリバーシブルジャケット
Well, you have to remember that English has a word order.
And in this particular instance, the word order is type or type of thing, the purpose of the thing and then the noun.
Reversible fall jacket, in that order.
★ 3色ありましたが
In the dialog, it was in the present tense.
But here, we're changing to the past tense. So it would be "It came in three colors."
I see.
★ が
I think ... Didn't we talk about this before?
I think we did. But uh...
It'll be nice to reinforce the knowledge.
(reinforce = 〜を強化する、強める、高める)
Oh, no. I think ... I think this is good. It's the more the merrier. Because there is really no contrast, we would use the word "and" not "but."
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I got a reversible fall jacket today at Yofukuya. I liked the style. It came in three colors and I got a purple one.
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In Another Situation!
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So Carolyn, what's another situation going to be like this time?
Well, now, the shopper is looking for a space rocket.
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Hello! Can I help you find something?
No, thanks. I'm just looking.
These fall rockets are rechargeable.
Wow! They're really cute.
They come in five autumn colors. Would you like to try one out?
Okay. Wow! I like the seat.
It really suits you.
Thanks. Do you take Uchu Card?
Yes, we do.
Good. But can I take a test drive first?
Of course.
Okay. How far can I go for a test flight?
To the moon.
Excellent. Here I go!
Oh, Ma'am.
Would you put on the seatbelt?
Oh, of course. Sorry.
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Well, times are changing but seatbelts don't change.
That's right. The laws are the same.
So Jeff.
Would you like to buy one?
Uh... no, thanks. I'm just looking.
Oh! Ken?
Same here.
遠山顕の英会話楽習 Tuesday, August 14
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U R the ★
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Do you have this shirt in yellow?
We have one like this.
That's just what I was looking for!
And do you take this card?
Of course.
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Say It!
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Jeff, are you ready five times in one breath.
This is kind of a long one. I have to take a big breath.
Here we go.
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We just got in these trendy colors.
You did it.
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Write it!
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★ 当店では
Well, "our store" sounds a little bit, like someone making a speech in front of audience. So using "we" is a little bit more familiar, a little more friendly, so "we" is probably better.
★ 〜を入荷したところです
Well, in English, I would use the phrase "just got in 〜."
★ 流行のカラーパンツ
Trendy colored pants.
I see.
So if you put it together, it would be "just got in trendy colored pants."
★ 売れ筋商品
Oh, "hot seller."
★ お探しものは間違いなく見つかります
Well, this is pretty similar to the phrase we heard in the dialog, but instead of using "I," it's going to be "you." So it would be "You'll find just what you're looking for."
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We just got in trendy colored pants. They are all hot sellers. You'll find just what you're looking for.
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In Another Situation!
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So Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like?
Well, this time, it's 20 years from now. And a man is looking for "hair polish."
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Hi, I'm looking for one-touch purple hair polish.
Great! We just got in these trendy colors.
This is just what I was looking for!
The ocean blue is one of our hottest sellers.
I'll take that one, too.
Fine. Anything else?
Umm... I'll take that "Forever Top Toupee" in gold.
(Toupee = 発音は トゥペイ はげた部分を隠す男性用のかつら a small hairpiece to cover partial baldness)
(Forever Top Toupee = 頭部を永久に隠してくれる男性用かつら)
Great! How would you like to pay?
I'll pay in cash. Wait. Umm... to pay or no to pay.
Well, sir, you need to pay to get these.
No Toupee today. (今日は、はげ隠しのかつらはやめておくよ)
All right, sir.
How much do I owe you? (いくらになる?)
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You know, this is just what I was looking for.
What's that, Ken?
Oh? Yeah.
I was looking for the end of the show.
遠山顕の英会話楽習 Wednesday, August 15
What is this commercial about?
Jeff, did you happen to catch the answer?
Yeah, a couple of times.
Oh, you did. Oh. great! Let's hear it.
The Little Brown Art Cottage is hosting a free knitting workshop.
OK, I have a question about this name "Little Brown Art Cottage."
It's not a collage, right?
No. It's a cottage. Yes.
Is this a cottage, a little hut?
(hut = a small simple shelter)
Yeah, I mean...
A little house.
A little house... Is this brown a typical cottage color?
Not necessarily.
Not really. They don't use dark color so much.
Oh, really.
I mean anything is possible but usually … what? ... whites…
Whites or maybe softer green, softer ...
Where do you find this cottage ... thing?
Near water.
Yeah. Usually in Canada, it's usually by a lake somewhere.
Oh, I see. That sort of thing.
And California would be near the beach.
Oh, yeah.
Beach cottage. Uh-huh.
I see.
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When is the workshop?
The answer... Carolyn?
I believe the answer is "this Sunday."
Yeah, because the owner of the Little Brown Art Cottage says, "Come on down to my shop this Sunday for a free knitting workshop."
I see.
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What will the owner be teaching?
Jeff, did you happen to catch the right answer?
I did.
All right. Let's hear it, "What will the owner be teaching?"
How to knit a simple hat.
And it sounds like a great class because yarn and knitting needles, everything will be provided.
All you have to do is just show up.
And how long is the workshop?
All day long.
All day long.
Oh, very relaxed workshop here. And where is the Little Brown Art Cottage?
Uh... where was it?
16 Maple Street, I think. Yeah. Uh-huh.
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Well, well, well... knitting.
And some of the most interesting people knit.
Oh, yeah? Like?
I knew an NFL, National Football League, American football player ...
... who was a very tough player on a field ...
But he would go home and he would knit.
That's very what do you ...what ...
To relax.
Okay, to relax. That's very ... well, I should say cute... considering that he is a tough American football player.
A really big guy about 6'4", about 300 pounds.
6'4", Wow!
Yeah, and he would ...
(6'4" = 193.04 cm 300lb = about 136kg)
Can... can you knit?
No, I can't.
Oh. Ken, can you knit?
No, no. I think I tired once or twice.
Because we had to learn at school... elementary school.
Oh, you did.
That's interesting. Wow!
So ... But I just gave it up. But I did some embroidery.
(embroidery = a design of colored stitches on cloth)
Wow! Okay!
That's really neat.
Yeah, after class or something, for a while.
Oh, Okay.
Do you knit, Carolyn?
No, no. I think I tired years ago to make a scarf and I never finished it.
Yes, a scarf. I tried to knit a scarf. Yeah.
My mother loved knitting.
Ah! So she taught you.
Yes. Yes, she did.
Hmm... Well, Ken.
Not to nitpick or anything ...
Oh, Jeff!
But I think time to go.
(nitpick = 細かいことにうるさく言う、あら探しをする、いちいちけちをつける、重箱の隅をつつく to criticize small unimportant details of something in a way that annoys other people)