11/20 〜 11/23

ラジオ英会話   Monday, November 20

Oh, suspense.
The plot thickens.

(The plot thickens. = It is said when a situation suddenly becomes more complicated or mysterious.)

                      • -

So, Katie, what's another situation going to be like this time?
Well, Ken, today, they talk in rhyme.

                              • -

Sandra called me today.
What did she want if I may?
She said she gave Glenn the list of many a thing. She needs help with in the morning.

(many a thing = many things / just more poetic. Many things is everyday usage.)

How did he take it? I'm curious to know.
He's acting like a baby feeling very low.

(feeling low = 元気ない、気が沈む feeling sad or depressed)

How so?
Oh, oh. He's not speaking to her not a word. I'm seriously worried that I made everything worse.

Hello? Glenn! Okay, see you then.

                      • -

Oh, no. It didn't work well. I thought it would be okay.
Oh, there he goes again, acting like a baby.
Oh, Ken, it was perfect.

Well, that's about it for today. So until next time ...
Keep listening.
Keep practicing.
And keep on smiling and you can sometimes act like a baby.
Well, sometimes.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, November 21

That's a good idea.

                      • -

So Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like today?
Well, this time, two co-producers are worried about the producer and the author.

(author = the writer of a book, article)

                    • -

How did it go?
Margaret said the producer is making unreasonable demands.
That's because he gave her the list! She needs to grow up!
She said the list is impossibly long.
How long is it?
Three hundred sentences.
Good grief! And she has to choose one for the last scene with Livien Veigh and Glark Cable?
She said the producer wants to wear the pants in the production.
He's taking it all wrong! It's Margaret's book and she does what she pleases.
I suggested they make a truce.
What did she say about it?
She says, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."

(Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. = 正直言って、俺の知ったこっちゃない/知らないね、勝手にするがいい)

Hmm... That's not a bad line.
Yes, let's add it.

              • -

Sounds like a famous movie.
Very famous.
It sure does. Alien.
You're taking it all wrong, Katie. Gone with the Wind, right?
That's right.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, November 22

They were laughing at the end, but does that mean the story is over?
Hmm... It seems hopeful but they don't know yet.
Hopeful is the word.
(まさしくhopefulだよね/hopeful という言葉がピッタリだよね)


                          • -

So, what's another situation going to be like, Katie?
Well, they've been invited by Lady Macbeth.

                        • -

I talked to Lady Macbeth today.
Oh, what now?
She told me that she had an epiphany.
An epiphany?

(epiphany = awakening, a moment when you suddenly realize or understand something important)

She said that when she got married she didn't have a strong sense of self.
Now she knows what exactly she wants and what her husband really needs.

(intriguing = very interesting, especially because of being strange or mysterious)

And she invited us for dinner on Sunday at their castle.
Well, well, well! Let us hope for the best!
And prepare for the worst!

                          • -

Well, great story, but they wasted like five seconds by laughing.
That's right.
Oh, my goodness! I hope really this story ends well.
Let's hope for the best!
And prepare for the worst.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, November 23

Very unique way...
… of laughing. They're funny.

So Jeff, what's another situation going to be like?
Well, this time, it is 100 years later.

                    • -

On this day 110 years ago, I married my lovely wife Sandra. To the love of my life, Sandra!
Hmm... Congratulations!
Happy anniversary!
We came to the realization that our relationship is a mirror.
I was projecting my shortcomings onto her.

(shortcoming = weak point, a fault or failure to meet a certain standard, typically in a person's character)
(shortcoming ⇔ strong point)

And vice versa.

(vice versa = used to say that what you have just said is also true in the opposite order)

You two are amazing!
We couldn't have done it without you!
You're right. A hundred years ago, you helped us save our marriage.
On Rajio Eikaiwa.
Come on, Ken! Join us!
Thank you, everybody.
To a hundred and ten years and still going strong!
Oh, here, here.
What's Rajio Eikaiwa? What is it?

                      • -

Well, that was really well done.
Thank you.
That was perfect.
Well, Ken, we couldn't have done it without you.
That's right.
Oh, you are just saying that.

(You are just saying that. = ただ言っているだけでしょう? = お世辞でしょう)