8/1 〜 8/4

ラジオ英会話   Monday, August 1

Nice start!
Seems like she has already found a friend.
A friend and a guide.
All right.
And you need a friend your first day.

                                          • -

What's another situation going to be like, Katie?
They are aliens.

                        • -

Excuse me, do you know where the Orient is?
(Orient = the countries of Asia)
It's in sector 5. Are you heading there now?
(sector = a part of an area)
I was trying to. I got turned around.
It's this way. First day on Earth?
(Earth = the 3rd planet from the sun; the planet on which we live)
Yeah. This planet is huge! I'm a little overwhelmed.
We can fly together if you like.
Great. My earth name is Katie, by the way.
Hi, Katie. My earth name is Jeff.
You must be listening to Rajio Eikaiwa for space!
What about me?
This spaceship's name is Ken.
I'm speechless. Thank you.

                        • -

Very friendly promotion of the program.
I agree 100%.
Even aliens are supporting us.
That's right.
Yes, they are, of course.
Even if this is ...
... your first day listening to the program…
We can study together if you like.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, August 2

The same major.
What a coincidence.

                        • -

So what's another situation going to be like, Jeff?
This time, they are vampires.

Good intro there. Oh, my goodness.

                  • -

Are you a transfer student? I transferred from Transylvania Community College.
(Transylvania = ルーマニア北西部の地方 Transylvania is best known as the mysterious land of bloodthirsty vampires and howling wolves)
I came from Full Moon Community College.
Hmm. How was Full Moon?
It was a good stepping stone.
Exactly! I needed time to figure out what I wanted to study before enrolling in a university.
I changed my major twice.
What's your major now?
Draculogy. How about yours?
Same here. Draculo!

It sounds like it's a good stepping stone for them to play in a new TV series.
I think so.
Draculogy or something.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, August 3

Brings back memories.
Oh, it does?
Yes, good memories.
Oh, good.

                  • -

So, what's another situation going to be like?
They speak in monotone.

                    • -

Your first priority is to register for classes.
Yes, sir! When is registration, sir?
It starts at noon in the computer labs in the Star Building.
And what time is the campus tour, sir?
It's right after our team-building exercise which begins at two on the lawn across from the Sanchez Library.
Thank you, sir! Do you have an extra copy of the schedule, sir?
Sure. Here.
Thank you, sir. I have a question, sir.
Fire away!
(fire away = 〔銃などを〕撃ち始める、浴びせ始める、〈弾薬を〉撃ち尽くす.〈質問・仕事などを〉(どしどし)始める used to tell someone they may begin asking questions)

How do you speak monotone all the time, sir?

Well, doesn’t it sound great?  

That was a surprise.
Sort of militaristic situation.
But they speak in monotone.
They do?
They do. They deliver everything flat and loud.

Hey, Katie?
Do you have an extra copy of Rajio Eikaiwa that I can borrow?
No, I guard mine with my life.
How about you, Ken?
No way. I guard mine with a vengeance.  
(with a vengeance = すさまじい勢いで、猛烈に文例, with great force or extreme energy)
And that’s a split.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, August 4

Oh! She is tough.
Very ambitious.

              • -

So Jeff,
What's another situation going to be like this time?
Well, this time, they're talking about taking Japanese literature.

                        • -

Are you taking Japanese Lit 400 with Mr. Manabe?
I'm thinking about it. Are you?
Yes, I figured out my schedule yesterday.
You're ahead of the game!
I hope so. I'd like to get all my easy classes out of the way.
Good call.
I'm taking 18 credits.
That's a heavy workload!
Yeah. Well, I'll see how it goes.
Excuse me, but Japanese Lit 400 is not so easier class.
Is that right?
Did you take his class before?
No, I teach the class.
Are you Mr. Manabe?
Call me Issho.
Yes. Issho Manabe.
What does that mean?
I have no idea.

Sounds like a hard class too.
It does.
Sounds like a heavy workload.