10/12 〜 10/15

Wow! It's hard to roll with the punches sometimes.
That's an expression we’re learning today, right?

                                • -

So what's another situation going to be like today, Katie?
Well, are you ready?
I think so.
They are professional wrestlers.
I wasn't ready for this.

                                      • -

So how's the tour going?
I think I'm going to throw in the towel.
Oh, no! What's going on?
We're barely making any money.
Uh-oh. But it sounds familiar.
And there's a lot of infighting among members of the band.
So tempers are flaring.
That's right.
That sounds really familiar.
I'm fed up.
Take it easy. Just roll with the punches, Drew.
Okay, Maria. I'll try.

What are you doing?
I'm practicing rolling with the punches.
I didn't mean really roll. It's just an expression.

Well, I was rolling, too, you know ... for a while.
Me, three.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, October 13

So Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like this time?
Shhhh... They are talking in the library.
Oh, they are.

                                              • -

I wasn't prepared to give my presentation today.
What did you tell your professor?
Nothing. I was saved by the bell.
That must have been a relief.
It was. The trouble is that my mid-term paper is due tomorrow.
Sorry, sorry.
Have you started on it?
Nope. I'll have to knock myself out to finish it on time.
Good luck.
Will you keep it down, please?
Oh, excuse me.

Well, speaking of procrastinators, I have a question for you.
Are you a procrastinator?
You are?
I've been saved by the bell more than once.
More than just once?
More than several times actually. I always wait till the last minute.
Oh really?
Uh-huh. How about you, Katie?
Uh... I think I'll answer that question tomorrow.
That was an answer from the true...
True ... procrastinator.
Thank you.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, October 14

So, Katie...
So what's another situation going to be like this time?
Oh, it's a little scary.
They are vampires.
I love your vampires.

                                • -

This apparent has a knockout dark forest surrounding you.
It sure does. It's nice and cool here.
And the town is just a short flight away.
The rent is a little steep, but it includes utilities.
Well, that's not so bad.
And the windows are big enough to fly in and out.
Ohhh... and the bedrooms is big enough for your solid wooden casket.
Oh, I've made up my mind. I'm going to sign the lease.
Yes. I don't want to anyone to beat me to the bites.

Well put, who are you calling?  (Well put = そうそう、うまいこと言ったね)
None but count Dracula Realty
(count Dracula Realty = ドラキュラ伯爵不動産)
But of course. (but of course = そうだよね。もちろんだよね)

Well, it looks like they found a perfect place.
Sounds like it. As an umpire of your performance…
It was knockout performance.
Thank you.
You are welcome.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, October 15

So what's another situation going to be like, Jeff?
Well, get ready. Stanley is a sumo grand champion.
Good for him.

                                    • -

Stan-yama, when will Sumo Overseas Tour be going to Australia?
Good question.
Then it won't be in the near future.
No, not this year. The heavy hitters of the association haven't decided on a location yet.
I see.
Right now, they're weighing in on how to best draw audiences.
And you're the go-to guy for the tour.
That's right, Laura. I'm from Sydney and I know Australia like the back of my hand. (back of my hand = よく知っている、を手の甲のように知っている)
It's a big responsibility.
That's putting it mildly.
Good luck, Stan-yama.
Thanks a bunch.
No problemo.
No problemo.

Well, that's about it for today.
It's catching.