7/8 〜 7/11

ラジオ英会話   Monday, July 8

Well, let me see if I can get this straight.

                                        • -

All right.
Everything is going to be okay now.

It sounds a little bit Australian.
Sounds familiar. Yeah.

July and August, people travel a lot, these months.
That's right.
And this is a good exercise for that because when they get to the airport, they will probably hear a lot of different accents.
How true.
Different foreigners.
That's very true.
A lot of different English.
Airports and ...
Restaurants ... souvenir shops ...
Right... Hotels ...

Well, so much for our time today.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, July 9

Oh, dear.
Play on words.
Not d-e-e-r.

                                      • -

Are you all right, dear.
I'm fine, dear.

                                • -

Oh, I see some storm clouds up ahead.
Those thunderheads look ominous.
Is this de ja vu?
Let's pull over and have forty winks.
Look, dear. There are so many deer.
Oh, dear, oh, deer.
Oh, dear.

Am I dreaming or what?
I don't know. Yeah. Oh, dear.
That's the word.
Dear me! (おや!まあ!)


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, July 10

Ohhh!! This storm is the mother of all thunder storms.

No, I can't make out a word he's saying.
You can if you turn up the volume more.
Maybe we should pull over. Oh, it's starting to hail.
We're almost there.
Just pull over, Mr. Doe.

Okay, Mr....
Busybody. James Busybody. (busybody = おせっかい、でしゃばり)

Wow! The radio talks back.
Anything talks in this program for better communication.

In the dialog, Mr. Busybody wasn't clear enough, I mean ...
We didn't know what he was saying.
They couldn't make out a word he was saying.
Because of static.
That's right.
And then, in the new situation, he came through loud and clear.
He came right through the radio, almost. Surprise!
I liked it.
He came through too loud and clear.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, July 11

A mistake.
He went to the wrong hotel.
How embarrassing.

                                  • -

A reservation for Doe. D-O-E.
D-O-E, a female deer. There's no reservation under that name.
It's a guaranteed reservation.
Sorry. It's not a valid one.
There must be some mistake.
Sir, we're fully booked tonight due to the storm.
Now just a minute! I expected more from the Big Hills Hotel.
This is not a Big Hills Hotel. This is a Pig Hills Inn.
It is?

You are the 32nd customer tonight have mistaken our hotel for the Big Hills.
I wonder why.
No idea.
I apologize.
Accepted. Bye.

Service for the smile.
Wow! No thank you.
Or not.