ラジオ英会話 3/4 - 3/8, 2024

ラジオ英会話  Lesson 221  Monday, March 4

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, this is Akino Roza. Thanks for joining us on this beautiful Monday.
D: And I'm David Evans. OK, everyone, let's jump right into it.

◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
D: OK, everyone, let's jump into today's practice. Today, we'll focus on active listening.

Some people, when they speak, wait for the other person to say something, as a sign it's OK to continue and to understand they're listening.

So, these phrases are very important to master, OK?

R: These phrases are pretty short. So, be sure to pay attention to the rhythm when you practice.

D: Right, let's go.

  • For real?
  • Well, I never.
  • Never.
  • Yeah?
  • Hmm...

R: Let's continue.

  • Right.
  • OK.
  • Uh-huh.
  • Sure.
  • Sure thing.
  • Oh, I see.

D: We have so many options. Choose one that works for you.

  • And?
  • And then?
  • Go on.
  • What then?
  • Then what?

R: OK, and the last few are in sentence form.

  • That sounds interesting.
  • That sounds great.
  • That sounds scary.
  • That sounds rough.
  • That sounds tough.

D: All right, everyone, great work today.
R: It sounds like you're getting the hang of it. Excellent job!

◆ Ending
O: Hey, guys, do I look good in jeans?
D: You know, I used to think jeans only looked good on young people, but you pull it off.
O: Hmm, hmm, hmmm, hmm. How about you, Roza?
R: Uh-huh. Sure thing!

(pull it off = うまく着こなす succeed in achieving or winning something difficult)
(Sure thing. = もちろん of course)


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 222  Tuesday, March 5

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here.
D: And I'm David Evans. OK, guys, let's get to it.

◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
R: OK, everyone, it's time to practice. Now, this type of conversation is kind of like playing ball between two people. So, imagine when you're practicing, you've just received the ball and you wanna continue the flow. OK?

D: All right, for each of these, we'll give you a sentence and then we'll practice the reply together. So, this first one is for "I can drive you home." All right? Let's practice our reply.

  • Oh, can you? That would be nice.

Let's try again.

  • Oh, can you? That would be nice.

R: Here's the next example. This one is replying to "Ben and Hiromi broke up!"

  • Oh, did they?

One more time.

  • Oh, did they?

D: OK, let's keep going. Our next is "I've been to Hawaii." Do you know what we should reply with? I'm sure you do. Let's do it.

  • Oh, have you?
  • Oh, have you?

R: And our last sentence. This one is replying to "Cath likes to binge-watch horror movies."

(binge-watch = 一気に見る行為) (binge = 楽しいことへの熱中)

  • Oh, does she?
  • Oh, does she?

R: Great job, everyone.
D: Sometimes, it's hard to choose which to use. So, practice again and again until it's second nature.

(second nature = たくさん練習したりして、行動が自然に出ること。If something is second nature to you, you are so familiar with it that you can do it easily without needing to think very much about it.)

◆ Ending
O: Hey, guys, you know, I love sake.
D: Oh, do you? Wow! Maybe I should bring a bottle next time I go visit.
R: Oh, I'll bring some "amazake."

(go visit = [人]に会いに行く、[人]を訪ねる、~の所に行く、~に出向く)


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 223  Wednesday, March 6

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, this is Akino Roza.
D: And I'm David Evans. I have a night light at my house.
O: Good idea.

◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
D: OK, let's jump into today's practice. Today's phrases are very similar to playing a game of catch. You have to catch the ball first before you can return it.

(play a game of catch = キャッチボールをする)

That's the image of these phrases. All right. Let's try.

  • Yes, but ~
  • That's true, but ~
  • Right, but ~
  • Exactly, but ~
  • Very true, but ~

R: Let's continue. This next one is a full sentence.

  • That may be true, but Bill likes him.

Let's try that one more time.

  • That may be true, but Bill likes him.

D: Moving right along.

(move right along = 順調に運ぶ)

  • That's interesting, but ~
  • That's a nice thought, but ~
  • That would be nice, but ~

R: And our last one.

  • I can understand how you feel, but ~

R: Great job, guys. I hope you were able to feel the push and pull in these sentences while you practiced.
D: Fantastic work.

◆ Ending
R: Hey, David, look at Sensei's jacket. Don't you think it's a bit flashy for his age?
D: Yeah, but he is young at heart, you know?
O: Wait a minute. I'm young at everything.

(flashy = 派手)
(地味 = plain, subtle, conservative)


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 224  Thursday, March 7

◆ Opening
R: Sensei, I agree with you up to a point, but I think that's too old.
O: Don't say that.
R: Hey, everyone, this is Akino Roza.
D: And I'm David Evans. I'm always up for a journey through the stars. Let's get going.

(I'm always up for a journey through the stars. = 星空の旅はいつでも大歓迎だ。)

「ガトランティス」 = アニメ『宇宙戦艦ヤマト2』に出てくる星の名前、あるいは、ガトランティス星人。

◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
R: OK, everyone, it's time to practice. Now, we've practiced these "push and pull" types of phrases several times. So, I want you to really focus on this feeling of "pulling and pushing."

D: Let's go.

  • You're right up to a point, but ~

R: Let's continue.

  • You have a point, but ~

And another one,

  • I can see your point, but ~

D: All right, let's try a few more.

  • I see what you're saying, but ~
  • I see what you mean, but ~
  • I get where you're coming from, but ~

R: That was great, everyone.
D: Fantastic work.

◆ Ending
R: Sensei, isn't it strange for a university professor to be telling bad jokes on an English radio program?
D: Yeah, I wonder about that, too.
O: Yes, it is. You're right.


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 225  Friday, March 8

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, this is Akino Roza. Thanks for joining us for Friday's lesson.
D: And I'm David Evans. Let's enjoy the review together.

◆ Ending
R: Thanks for joining us today.
D: I can't wait for our next lesson.
All: Bye!