ラジオ英会話 7/3 - 7/7, 2023

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 61  Monday, June 3

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, this is Akino Roza. I really appreciate you joining us today.
D: And I'm David Evans. It's July already. Wow! All right, guys, let's have a great month.

◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
D: OK, everyone, it's time for practice. Are you ready to go? OK, let's listen to a few examples as I give you strong intonation versus light and soft intonation. Maybe you can hear the difference. "Take off your shoes." "Take off your shoes, please." OK, now let's practice together.

  • Take off your shoes, please.
  • Wash your hands, please.
  • Empty your pockets, please.

R: Let's do a few more. Here, the endings to the sentences that we add like "OK?" or "Will you?" "Yeah?" They act to lighten the sentence. Let's try together.

(lighten = 軽くする)

  • Make sure to lock the door, OK?

Do you see how that immediately lighten the phrase? Let's continue.

  • Pass the soy sauce, will you?
  • Pass the soy sauce, can you?
  • Pass the soy sauce, yeah?
  • Pass the soy sauce, would you?

D: OK, these next few use "don't" for something you want to avoid them doing. So, let's practice these.

  • Don't play with your food.
  • Don't sit in this area.
  • Don't run with scissors.
  • Don't talk back.

R: OK, let's try one last one. This one, we’ll user "never." So, let's try with the serious tone.

  • Never leave the knife out like this.

One more time.

  • Never leave the knife out like this.

D: Hmm... Scary.
R: Excellent work, guys.
D: Great work!

◆ Ending
O: Hey, David, do you cook?
D: Oh yeah. You know, in Japan, they have the さしすせそ of cooking.
O: Uh-huh.
D: I have the four "S"s of David's cooking. Soup, Salad, Sauce and Scrambled eggs... That's about it.
R: Only one of those is the actual cooking, you know.
D: Ugh....
O: [Laughter] Good point, Roza.

[Q: What’s your dream?]
[Q: Do you cook?]


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 62  Tuesday, June 4

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, this is Akino Roza.
D: And I'm David Evans. Wow, Onishi-sensei, you really are a maverick, aren't you?

(maverick = 独立独行の人、独自路線を行く人、一匹おおかみ independent-minded person)

◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
D: It's practice time. Are you ready?
R: I am. Let's get started.
D: All right. So, today we're practicing orders. Let's try a few different forms. Here is the first.

  • You must submit a 10-page report by tomorrow.

One more time, yeah?

  • You must submit a 10-page report by tomorrow.

R: Great. Let's try another one. This one is more along the lines of advice. Let's try together.

(This one is more along the lines of advice. = これはどちらかというとアドバイスに近い)

  • You should see a doctor.

One more time.

  • You should see a doctor.

D: Great work so far. These next few use "you'd better." It feels like advice too, but if you listen to my intonation, you'll understand it's a very strong suggestion.

  • You'd better tell your boss.

Let's try one more.

  • You'd better lie down.

R: OK, one last example.

  • You are to remain on Mars until further notice.

This one is a very formal phrase. Let's try one more time.

  • You are to remain on Mars until further notice.

R: Excellent work, guys.
D: You are to keep practicing and doing your best.
R: That was very formal, David.
D: Uh-huh.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, guys, what would you do if you lost your wallet?
D: Oh, this happens to me all the time. I misplace things constantly. I'd start by retracing my footsteps.
O: Oh, David, you must keep it on you at all times.

[Q: Have you ever lost something before?]


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 63  Wednesday, June 5

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, this is Akino Roza. Ready for today's lesson?
D: And I'm David Evans. Let's do our best today, OK?

◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
R: OK everyone, let's practice with some softeners of commands.

(softener = 軟化剤、柔軟剤、語調などを和らげるもの to make something soft)

D: All right. All of these have their core command, "Connect to Wi-Fi," "Enter your password," but then we accessorize to change the nuance to something softer. So, let's try a few together. Here we go.

(accessorize = 格好よく見えるように)

  • You need to connect to Wi-Fi first.
  • You have to enter your password.

R: OK, let's continue.

  • What you have to do is to hold down the power button.

Now, let's try this next one without the "to" after the be-verb.

  • What you have to do is hold the brush like this.

D: Let's keep going.

  • You only have to get a set with eight colors.

Let's try "just" instead of "only" here.

  • You just have to get a set with eight colors.

R: All right, and let's do two more.

  • You've got to begin now.
  • You will have to wait a bit more.

R: Well, guys, you were great. What you have to do is keep on practicing.
D: Woo, very nice.

◆ Typical Expressions in Action
★ postal code
R: Also, in American English, you can say "zip code" instead of "postal code."
O: Ah, good point.

◆ Ending
R: And remember, practice, practice, practice.
D: Also, practice, practice, practice.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 64  Thursday, June 6

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here.
D: And I'm David Evans. OK, you two, let's wrap it up and begin today's lesson.

(wrap it up = まとめる、終わりにする、切り上げる to complete or finish something)

◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
D: OK everyone, it's practice time. How are you feeling? Are you ready?
R: A big part of this practice session has to do with a relationship between the people talking.
D: OK, these first few phrases use "I want you to." Now, I'd like you to be careful here because "I want you to" is a high-pressure phrase. Let's practice now.

  • I want you to wear a suit.

Let's try one more.

  • I want you to listen more.

R: Now, for this next example, we'll use "I'd like you to." Now, this is a phrase that you can use without so much pressure. So, if you want to say ~してほしい without much pressure, I'd suggest using this one. Let's try together.

  • I'd like you to write your full name here.

One more time.

  • I'd like you to write your full name here.

D: Oh, that feels much better. OK, let's keep practicing. Sometimes, we need to say "want you" or "need you." So, let's practice a few with those.

  • I want you home by midnight.
  • I need you ready in ten minutes.

Do you feel the pressure?

R: And I think these phrases are often used between family members. Let's do one last one.

  • I expect you all to participate actively in class.

You can imagine a teacher talking to their students. One more time.

  • I expect you all to participate actively in class.

R: Great work, everyone.
D: Fantastic!

◆ Ending
O: Hmm... I want you to commit to this relationship. Scary, isn't it?
D: Keep that up and you'll get a bad rap.

(bad rap = 悪い評判、誹謗中傷、でっち上げ)


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 65  Friday, June 7

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone. This is Akino Roza. It's time for the review. Let's go.
D: And I'm David Evans. Let's have fun with the review today.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, David, do you understand the Japanese pronunciation of mayonnaise? マヨネーズ, do you understand that?
D: I'm sorry. I got lost.
O: What do you mean?
D: Eh? だって迷うね。

R: Of course! Mayonnaise, mayonnaise.