ラジオ英会話 5/15 - 5/19, 2023

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 26  Monday, May 15

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here.
D: And I'm David Evans. Let's enjoy today's lesson, OK? Here we go.

(tutor = a private teacher)

◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
D: OK everyone. Let's practice today's typical expressions. Are you ready?
Here we go.

  • Hey, Lucy. I'd like to ask you something.
  • Hey, Lucy. I want to ask you something.
  • Hey, Lucy. I need to ask you something.

R: Great. Let's continue.

  • Hey, Ken. There's something I need to tell you. Do you have time?

Let's try one more time.

  • Hey, Ken. There's something I need to tell you. Do you have time?

D: Great work so far. Here's our next.

  • Hey Charlie. What do you think about our new branch in Singapore?

OK, let's try to make this smooth together.

  • Hey Charlie. What do you think about our new branch in Singapore?

R: And finally, let's do several versions of this last example, OK?

  • Dan, sorry to bother you, but I'd like to hear your opinion about ~.
  • Dan, sorry to trouble you, but I'd like to hear your opinion about ~.
  • Dan, sorry to interrupt you, but I'd like to hear your opinion about ~.

D: All right everyone. How did you do?
R: I think they all did great.
D: Nice.

◆ Ending
O: Hey David, what do you think about this program?
D: Uh, it's wonderful. It's so exciting and fresh.
R: Hey David, what do you think about Ohnishi-sensei?
D: He is great. He is so exciting and f....
R: … fresh?


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 27  Tuesday, May 16

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here.
D: And I'm David Evans. Hey everyone, guess what? Believe it or not, it's time to begin.

◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
D: OK everyone. It's practice time. These phrases are used to build anticipation and excitement. So, put your feeling into it. OK?

(anticipation = hop, a feeling of excitement about something that is going to happen in the near future期待)

R: Let's go.
D: Here is the first.

  • Hey, Ken. You'll never guess what happened!
  • Hey, Ken. You'll never guess what I heard!
  • Hey, Ken. You'll never guess who I met!

R: OK, let's continue. Remember to focus on tone here, too. OK?

  • I have some surprising news from my Aunt Aki.
  • I'm so excited to tell you my good news.
  • OK, so... I got some good news.

D: Nice work so far. Here's some more.

  • Can you believe it?
  • Believe it or not, ~.
  • You'll never believe this, but ~.

R: Great, and finally...

  • Check this out. I passed the exam.
  • Get this. I passed the exam.

R: Hey David, get this. Our listeners did excellent!
D: They sure did.

◆ Typical Expressions in Action
★ opened up
O: David, "opened up," "up" is necessary here?
D: It's OK, either way.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, can you believe it? We have to say "good bye" now.
All: We'll be back. Bye!


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 28  Wednesday, May 17

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone. Akino Roza here. Let's get started.
D: And I'm David Evans. What fun awaits us today? Let's get started.

(selfie = a photograph that you take of yourself)
◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
D: OK, let's practice this first one. "What does" and "Would you" can be shortened to "What does (ワァダァズ)" and "Would you (ウッジュー)." So, let’s try those together. OK? Here we go.

  • What does that mean?
  • Would you care to explain what you mean by that?

R: OK, let's continue.

  • How do you mean?

Next example.

  • How did you come up with that?

D: All right, these next three "that" is the most important word. So, stress "that" in these sentences, OK? Here we go.

  • Why do you say that?
  • What makes you say that?

And one more,

  • Run that by me one more time, would you?

R: And our last few examples,

  • What caused you to think that way?

And let's continue the emphasis on "that" here, too. Next example,

  • What brought you to that conclusion?

And one more,

  • What's that supposed to mean?

R: Excellent work guys.
D: What's that supposed to mean?
R: It means they did great.

◆ Ending
D: Let's go ガンガン!


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 29  Thursday, May 18

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here.
D: And I'm David Evans. All right guys, let's take this seriously and get going.

◆ During Japanese Explanation
★ direction の発音
O: Hey David, how do you pronounce this word?
D: I usually say direction (ダイレクション). How about you, Roza?
R: I usually say direction (ディレクション).

◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
D: All right, it's time for practice. The important point for today's lesson is tone. It's very easy to sound angry or frustrated using these sentences. Let's try this first one with a soft tone.
OK? Here we go.

  • What are you getting at?

One more time,

  • What are you getting at?

R: Let's continue.

  • Come to the point, will you?
  • Get to the point, will you?

Let's try the last one, one more time. And this time, let's make "will you" into "will you (ウィルヤッ)."

  • Get to the point, will you?

R: Excellent.
D: All right, for this next one, let's be frustrated. Use your tone to sound angry.

  • What are you trying to say?

Let's go one more time.

  • What are you trying to say?

R: Well, in that case, let's go to our last example.

  • Spit it out!

Here, let's use the angry tone again. One more time…

  • Spit it out!

D: Oh, when you say it like that, it's super effective.
R: Right? Anyway, great work guys.
D: That was excellent.

◆ Ending
D: What are you trying to say?
O: I'm not trying to say anything. I'm just trying to stop yawning.
D: Ah...
R: Sensei, stop beating around the bush and come to the point, will you?
O: I'm just stopping yawning.
D: Spit it out!


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 30  Friday, May 19

◆ Opening
R: Hey guys, it's Friday. That means it's time for the review. Akino Roza here.
D: And I'm David Evans. Let's enjoy today's review, OK? Here we go.

◆ Ending
R: Hey David, do you spend a lot of time with your friends?
D: I do. I like to have home parties like gyoza parties and nabe parties.
R: Nice.
D: How about you, Sensei?
O: No, I don't, because I don't have any friends.
R: Don't worry. We're your friends, Sensei.