6/15 - 6/17, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, June 15

U R the ★
J: Oh, yeah.
C: Yeah!
KCJ: You know, we wanted to tell you something. That was great!

J: Carolyn, you are the star.
C: Okay.

J: Some of your friends are in the table tennis tournament?
C: That's right.
J: Who are you rooting for?
C: Everyone. I can't choose sides.
J: That would be tough.

Say It!
K: Jeff, are you ready five times in one breath?
J: I think so.
K: All right. I hope so. I'm sure you can do it.

J: I think we got cut off. ×5

J: All right.
KCJ: We think you did a great job.

Write It!
★ 職場での問題
K: 「問題」は problem でよろしいですか?
C: Yeah, I think so, Ken. In this situation, we're only dealing with one problem here, so, singular is fine.
K: 「職場での」は?
C: Well, for this, the preposition I would recommend using is "at." So, it would be "at work." So, the whole phrase together is "her problem at work."

★ XをYに相談します
J: Well, there are probably a couple of expressions that we could use, but the best one, the simplest one, most conversational one would be to use "talks to." So, the whole thing would be something like, "Kazuko talks to her father." Or this time "talks to him about her problem at work."

★ 早まることはないと言います
C: Well, a handy verb to use when we're giving advice is the verb "tell."
K: OK.
C: Um... because this is something her father is telling her, recommend that she do. So, the first part is going to be "her father tells her."

(she do 先週説明があったように recommend の後ろの that 節の中は原型に戻る)

K: OK.
C: And then the latter part we heard in the dialog, right?
K: Yeah.
C: So, the whole thing together is going to be "her father tells her not to jump the gun."

C: Kazuko takes her father off speaker and talks to him about her problem at work. She wants to quit but her father tells her not to jump the gun.

J: Kazuko takes her father off speaker and talks to him about her problem at work. She wants to quit but he tells her not to jump the gun.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Carolyn.
C: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like?
C: Well, now, they are secret agents.

M: Hello, I think we got cut off.
W: I'm here.
M: Let me take you off speaker. I wanted to tell you something.
W: Hmm... yes?
M: My job is really stressful. I want to quit, quit my company for good.

(for good = 永遠に forever)

W: Hey! Don't jump the gun.
M: My team members are complaining to me about each other in private.
W: Oh.
M: I feel I can't choose sides.
W: Maybe desk work is not your cup of tea, 00200 (double O two hundred).

(not one’s cup of tea = 好みではない、嗜好ではない it is not the type of thing that you like)

(right up one's alley = どんぴしゃ、うってつけ、適している、得意分野)
I’m looking for an expert on social media.
That’s right up my alley.

M: Indeed.

K: So, you are 00200.
J: Yeah.
C: It's a high number.
K: Desk work is not your cup of tea.
C: Hmm...
J: No.
K: Well, I can't choose sides but I think I understand how 00200's feeling.
C: Yeah.
J: Thank you.
K: You're welcome.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, June 16

U R the ★
C: Super!
KCJ: You hit the target.

J: All right, Carolyn. You are the star.
C: Uh-huh. Sounds good.

C: Have you decided the date for the next meeting?
J: No, everyone has different ideas.
C: Maybe it's time to play hardball?
J: I wish.
C: Well, good luck with it.
J: Thanks.

Say It!
K: Carolyn, are you ready five times in one breath?
C: Yeah, I feel confident about this.
K: Oh, great. Let's hear it.

C: Give it time. ×5

J: All right.
C: Yeah.
KCJ: Good job! We give it a ten.

Write It!
★ 職場には
J: Yes. We've talked about this before. We're going to use the preposition "at." So, "at work."

★ AそしてBという内容を父に話す
K: There are two clauses here.
C: Yes, there are two clauses.
K: We've gotta (We've got to) put them together, I think.
C: Yes.

K: 父に話すは tells her father でよろしいですか?
C: Yes, that's right. And we're going to connect those two clauses by using "and that."
K: OK.
C: So, the pattern I think we should use is "tells her father that A and that B."
K: OK.
C: But we also don't have to use the first "that." We can leave it out. So, in that case, it's "tells her father A and that B."

★ 彼女にせくことはないと言います
K: Kazuko's father says to her になりますかね? せくことはない = give it time  これでいいですか?
J: Well, you might be tempted to use "says" in this case, but it's a little more conversational, little simpler to use "tells." So, we are going to use "tells." So, the pattern would be "tell A to do B." And so, the sentence would be something like, "Her father tells her to give it time."

J: Kazuko tells her father that there are no team players at work and that everyone wants to play hardball. Her father tells her to give it time.

C: Kazuko tells her father there are no team players at work and that everyone wants to play hardball. Her father tells her to give it time.

J: Wonderful!
C: Yes. Good work!

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like?
J: Well, it's a continued conversation between the secret agents.

M: There are no team players in this company.
W: That's exactly what you used to do, working solo.
M: Yes. I didn't realize what I was getting into, a team of solo players who want to play hard ball.
W: Hmm... Give it time. You've only been there a month.
M: I know. But we need to get down to business. All this infighting is preventing us from hitting our targets.
W: Maybe team work is not your thing. Have some coffee, 00200?
M: No, thank you. Coffee is not my cup of tea.
W: Well, that's all we have here.

K: British accent, eh?

(eh = [軽い驚き・疑い・問いを表わして; また同意を求めて] えっ! 何だって? でしょう?)

J: Well, not perfect, I'm afraid.
C: Could have been better.
K: Give it time. No, no, no, I was just kidding. No, that was great.
J: A lot of time.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, June 17

★ It was very hot there. I didn't know it was very hot.
K: これはちょっとおかしいですよね?
J: Yeah, it's weird. It doesn't sound right.
C: Not at all.

★ It was very hot there. I didn't know it was so hot.
K: これは自然ですかね?
C: Yeah, I think so.
J: Yes. That sounds much better. Yes.

★ It was so hot there. I didn't know it was so hot.
K: これは自然な感じですが……
J: Yeah, that sounds good too.
C: Yeah, definitely.

★ It was so hot there. I didn't know it was that hot.
K: これどうでしょうね?
J: Yeah, that one is good too.
C: Yeah, I like it.
J: Yap.

★ She's so a nice person.
K: これは言えませんね。無理でしょう?
J: No, that sounds terrible.

K: So, it's time to go.
CJ: No! Really?
K: Yeah.
J: It was such a great show.
C: Having so much fun.
J: We wanted to keep going.
K: Well, you know, until next time… We're saying good-bye. So, until next time...