6/8 - 6/10, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, June 8

U R the ★
J: All right.
C: Nice.
KCJ: Good job. We're rooting for you.

C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: All right.

J: When is your daughter running the World Marathon?
C: In December.
J: Tell her I'm rooting for her.
C: I will.
J: Are you running too?
C: Oh, no, no. I'm just cheering.
J: Ah.

Say It!
C: I'm not a very scary person.
C: Why is that?

K: Are you ready, Carolyn, five times in one breath?
C: Oh! I was going to say "why is that?" But it doesn't maybe work.

("Why is that?" と言おうとしたけれど、ここではピッタリこないわね)

K: Maybe it doesn't work.
C: So, I will say, "Yes, I am ready."
K: All right.

C: Why is that? ×5

J: Oh, yeah.
C: Great.
KCJ: That was brilliant.

Write It!
★ ジョージにとって初めてのレスリングの試合
C: Well, it's actually … there's an easy way we can do this. We're just going to follow the Japanese order. So, "Gorge's first wrestling match."

★ 近づいています
J: Well, when something is happening soon, we say "something is coming up" or "be coming up."

★ カズコの父は応援していると彼に伝えるように彼女に頼みます
K: The subject it….
C: Yes, "Kazuko's father."

C: Yeah, basically, we can use the verb "tell" here.
K: OK.
C: So, that's going to be, "Kazuko's father tells."

C: That's right, "tells her."
K: That's Kazuko, right?
C: Right. The "her" is "Kazuko."
K: OK. Yeah, but "to" ですよね、そのあと。~するように to ...?
C: "To" and we are going to use the verb "tell" here again.
K: OK.
C: So, it's going to be "to tell him."
K: The whole thing is ...?
C: So, the whole thing is, "Kazuko's father tells her to tell him that 何々."

C: George's first wrestling match is coming up. He thinks that the odds are against him. Kazuko's father tells her to tell him that he is rooting for him.

J: George's first wrestling match is coming up. He thinks the odds are against him. Kazuko's father tells her to tell him he's rooting for him.

J: I think so. Good job!
C: Oh, yeah!

In Another Situation!
K: So, Carolyn, what's another situation going to be like?
C: Well, an amazing boxer is being interviewed.

W: My first match is on Saturday.
F: What weight class are you in?
W: Heavyweight. I think the odds are against me.
F: Why is that?
W: Going to be fighting the world champion.
F: You've got a fighting chance. You have a strong body for your age.
W: Ah! You're right. I'm only 61.
F: I'm rooting for you.
W: Ah, thanks.
F: Yeah. That's right.

K: You're 61. That's uh... What a woman!
C: Yeah! Great shape.

(good shape = 体が強い, 好調)

K: So, Jeff, would you tell her that I'm rooting for her?
J: I think she knows.
K: All right.
C: Oh, I'd like to hear it again.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, June 9

K: 競馬用語ですね、これは。
J: That's right. Horse racing.

U R the ★
J: Oh, yeah.
C: Super!
KCJ: That was a homerun!

J: All right, Carolyn...
C: Uh-huh.
J: You are the star.
C: Alrighty.

J: Are you set for the exhibition?
C: We're on the homestretch.
J: When is it?
C: This weekend. Do you want to come?
J: I wouldn't miss it for the world.
C: Great.

Say It!
K: Jeff, are you ready?
J: Just about.
C: Oh.
K: Alrighty. You're already...
J: Actually, I am ready, yes.
K: Already ready.
J: OK.
K: Let's hear it.

J: Just about. ×5

C: Just fantastic!

Write It!
★ だいたい落ち着いたところです
J: Yeah, these are both in the dialog. So, we are going to put them together and say, "Just about settled in."

K: Another one here, Carolyn.
C: Uh-huh.

★ カズコは父に週末に(車で)こないかと提案します
C: In English, I would recommend using "suggest" here.
K: Suggests her father でよろしいでしょうか?
C: Well, we need to direct the verb to something. So, I would want to use "to" here and say, "Kazuko suggests "to" her father that."

K: Kazuko suggests to her father that he drives down this weekend. でどうでしょうか?
J: Umm... well, because of the word "suggest" in this sentence, grammatically speaking, it's better if you don't use the "s." So, we are going to use "drive." But, in everyday conversations, you might hear it with "s" as well. But grammatically "drive" is the correct way.
K: So, you use the root form there.
C: Yes, that's right.

(root form = 原型 original form)
★ that節に原形をとる動詞
suggest / demand / insist / propose / recommend / request など「要求・提案・依頼・命令」の動詞のあとのthat節には原形を使う

J: Kazuko and her family are just about settled in. Kazuko suggests to her father that he drive down on the weekend.

C: Kazuko and her family are just about settled in. Kazuko suggests to her father he drives down on the weekend.

J: Wonderful.
C: Yes.
J: You did well.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff, what's another situation going to be like?
J: Well, I'm happy to tell you that they sing their lines ...
K: All right!
J: ... to the tune of "Scarborough Fair."

K: Are you going to sing it?
J: We are going to try.
C: Yes, definitely try.

F: Are you all settled in now?
K: Just about. We're on the homestretch. Hold on. I've got another call coming in. I'm back.
F: When can I come visit?
K: As soon as we unpack the boxes in the guest room.
F: I don't mind that.
K: Then why don't you drive down this weekend?
F: Great! Hello? Hello?

J: Hmm...
K: It's very good.
J: Well, we tried.
C: Yeah, really, tried hardest.
J: Could have been better.
K: Yeah, you know, that last part of the phone, when you are on the homestretch.
J: Yeah.
K: That was a little ... um... hard to know what was happening.
J: Well, it was a little low too.
C: Yeah, sorry.
K: But that was enjoyable. Thank you.
C: We would … just about had it. (限界だったかもね)
K: All right.

have (just about) had it = もはやこれまでだ、もう限界
(informal) to not be willing or able to continue doing something
If something has had it, it is not working any longer.
I'm losing my patience! I have little desire for it to continue.

We’ve been to three museums today and I’ve just about had it.
This old vacuum cleaner has had it


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, June 10

★ タンス
K: In Japan, dresser has mirror on top of it.
C: Oh.
J: Oh, yeah. We’ve called that maybe a vanity or something.
C: Vanity, probably, yeah... maybe.
K: 英語では dresser と言った場合、タンスというイメージがある

(vanity = 化粧テーブル)

★ 引き出しが多い
K: 日本語ではよく「引き出しをたくさん持っている」というフレーズがありますが
"He has many drawers." Do you say that?
C: Many drawers ...
J: No.