ラジオ英会話 Monday, February 19, 2018
So, Katie, what's another situation going to be like this time?
Well, a boy is going to a mountain bike show.
- -
Can I borrow your bicycle, Paty? I'm going to a mountain bike show.
I love mountain bikes! Can I tag along on my sister's bike?
Not this time. I'm meeting a friend. We're planning to have lunch after the show.
Oh. I don't want to be the third wheel.
(third wheel = an extra person in a social venue, especial one that interferes or gets in the way)
Ha ha! That's a good one.
Is this a date?
Yeah, sort of.
Well, do you want a piece of advice?
I don't think I need training wheels either.
(training wheels = 補助輪 small wheels attached to each side of the back wheel of a bicycle to prevent it from falling over when a child is learning to ride it)
That's well put.
(well put = うまいこと言ったな!)
I'll be back by two or three.
Take your time.
Okay. Bye!
Cycle safe. And have fun!
- -
By the way, Ken.
Um... Can I have a ride home after the show?
Oh, sure. Yeah.
Drive safe.
Yeah. Thanks, Katie. I'll try.
Katie, do you want to come too?
No, I don't want to be the third wheel.
Maybe you don't want to be in my car (etc.)... because of the driver...
ラジオ英会話 Tuesday, February 20, 2018
What's another situation going to be like this time?
Well, this time, it's not a car show. It's a motorcycle show.
- -
This is the motorcycle my grandmother rode -- only it was blue.
That's a '58 YAMARI X.
What I wouldn't give to have a motorcycle like that!
You're really into these old motor bikes.
How did you guess?
I used to fix up old bikes with my father and brother.
You're a handy guy to have around.
I'm glad you think so!
- -
Yeah. That was a good one, a motorcycle show.
And you did as usual a great job there.
We're glad you think so.
Yes. Thank you.
You're welcome.
And Ken, you always do a great job as well.
Wow, thank you. I'm glad you would think so.
We do.
So, when did we join this mutual admiration society?
(admiration = 称賛 a feeling of respect and approval)
Uh, just now!
All right.
ラジオ英会話 Wednesday, February 21, 2018
He's from ...
Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona.
That's right.
- -
So, Katie.
What's another situation going to be like this time?
Well, Hazel is talking to a Martian.
(Martian = an imaginary creature that lives on the planet Mars)
- -
Have you thought about buying a new space car?
Yeah. The trouble is I'm really attached to that old one.
Wow. How did you managed to drive it across our solar system without breaking down?
Who said I didn't have breakdowns?
So now you tell me. What happened?
My space radiator overheated over Mars.
Mars! I could have fix it for you.
Where were you when I needed you?
I was Martian marching in the Martian Parade.
Yeah, I think he is trying to be humorous.
I think so too.
"Marching" and "Martian."
Well, I could have helped him, or we could have helped him.
Where were you when I needed you?
ラジオ英会話 Thursday, February 22, 2018
That could be the famous last words.
That's right.
My goodness.
- -
So, what's another situation going to be like, Jeff?
Well, this time, the woman needs to study English.
- -
This is for you.
You're too much!
A copy of Rajio Eikaiwa! How did you know I needed to learn English?
I had a hunch you liked the program.
There's something written on the back.
"I want to enjoy every minute of the program with you." Oh, how sweet!
I'm glad you like it.
It's perfect! George, you are the best birthday present I could get.
- -
Oh, Wow.
They're too much!
This is too much self-promotion on our part.