6/5 〜 6/8

ラジオ英会話   Monday, June 5

It's nice when everything falls into place.
Well put.

(Well put. = 上手い事言うね、それって言えてるね That's a good way of saying)

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What's another situation going to be like, Katie?
Well, Dean started writing songs when he was well into his 90s.

                  • -

Dean, when did you start writing songs?
Well, it wasn't until I was well into my 90s.
Wow! You're a late bloomer.
You could put it that way. Very late bloomer for that matter.

(for that matter = そういうことなら、そのことについては as for that, so far as that is concerned)

Did you ever imagine you'd be a 130-year-old singer-songwriter?
No, not in a million years. I joined a friend's band on a lark.

(on a lark = 面白半分で just for fun)

That's when The Centenarian Rock N' Rollers rose to fame.

(Centenarian = 100歳以上の人物)

Yup. Everything fell into place.

What is your latest song?
Smiling Seniors.
Can you play the CD?
No problemo.

("No problemo" is a slang expression used in North American English to indicate that a given situation does not pose a problem.  problemをスペイン語風に綴ったもの)

                          • -

Great! Hmm... nice.
I see.
So Ken, when did you start into radio?
It was not until I was well into my 90s.
I don't believe that.
Well, that was like 80 years ago. I’m still on it.
And everything fell into place.
You're right.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, June 6

I would like to see some of those.

                          • -

So, um... Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like this time?
Well, this time, the crafter is a very serious person.

                        • -

What are you working on?
It's a beaded wallet. I'm just about finished.
That's incredible beadwork!
I've used 7,352 beads so far. Thank you.
These are so tiny and pretty. Oops!
You dropped my No.7,357!!
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Just be careful. I'm weaving scarves and kitting baby hats for the fair. Oh, and I'm making lawn ornaments, too.
You're a woman of many talents.
Well, I have a few, mind you, I have a few.

(mind you = 念のために言っておくけど just so you know, I have to say, I have to admit)

How do you have time to do all this?
I make time for it come what may.

(come what may = どんなことがあっても、何が起ころうと whatever happens)

For me, craftwork is a very serious undertaking.

(undertaking = 仕事 job, campaign, project)

                                  • -

That woman is a woman of many talents.
Yes, she is. She is working on a lot of things.
Yeah. What are you working on, Ken?
I'm working on a way to close the program.
Oh, now I know.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, June 7

Sounds like an interesting guy.
He does.
Toothpicks, of all things.

(of all things = 事もあろうに、よりによって)


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So, what's another situation going to be like, Katie?
Well, Jacob is a professional wood carving artist.

                          • -

Does anyone have a question for Mr. White?
Uh, Yes.
Is wood carving what you do for living?
No. I was welder by trade. When I retired, I turned to carving as a hobby.

(weld = to join two pieces of metal by heating them and pressing them together)
(by trade = used when indicating someone's job, especially a job that requires special training and skills and is done by using the hands I am a carpenter/electrician/beautician by trade.)

Hmm... that's not a bad idea. It's very competitive out there.
Is that right?
Are you kidding? And good wood is hard to find and it's very dear.
(dear = 高価な、値段が高い expensive)

Oh, my goodness. I would stay on an amateur.
You would. Would you?
I wasn't trying to be funny.
(冗談で言っているわけじゃないよ。 = 「本当に大変なんだから」という意味)
Of course not. How did you learn to curve wood?
Hmm... when I was a boy, I used to whittle for hours. I'd make hundreds of these.

(whittle = to make an object out of wood by cutting pieces off the wood with a small knife)

What are they?
Buddha statues.

                                        • -

Very competitive.
Oh, yes.
Two alpha males taking to each other.

(alpha male = 男の中の男 the most successful and powerful male in any group)

Yeah. It's a jungle out there.
(外はジャングルだ = 弱肉強食の世界だからね。)
It is.

So when you retire, what are you going to turn to?
Oh, that's an interesting question.
I don't think I'll ever retire.
I love that.
Me either.
Then I'll ask you, Katie, the same question later.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, June 8

Oh, wow! He can make a few things.
He sure can.

                                • -

So, what's another situation going to be like, Jeff?
Ah, you are going to like it. They sing their lines to the tune of "Coming Through the Rye."

This is kind of new, isn't it?

                          • -

Anyone can make toothpicks with a pocket knife. Just remember you need adult supervision to do this.
It looks hard to do.
It's not.
Can you show us how?
Sure. Ta-da! Have a toothpick.
You can practice whittling with a bar of soup like this. Watch -- I’ll carve an egg. There!
Just don't use a wet bar of soup.

                                • -

Uh, so Ken and Jeff, can you whittle?
No, I can't.
Oh! Can you show us how?

That's whistle.
Well, that's fine.
But nice whistling.