2/8 〜 2/11

ラジオ英会話   Monday, February 8

So Katie, what's another situation going to be like?
Well, Ken, this time, Juliet is upset.

                                              • -

I thought you'd stolen my phone ― and my identity!
Is that right? But I’m not a thief.
I owe you an apology.
You bet you do!
I'm sorry.
For what? For being unacceptably rude?
I'm really sorry.
Well, I accept your apology.
And thanks for going out of your way to help me.
Well, it's all right.
Can I buy you a cup of coffee?
You don't need to.
That's the least I can do.
Can you get me a donut too?
And listen to Radio Eiokaiwa with me?
You know, I was just going to say that.
Great! I like Katie Adler.
I like Jeff Manning.
I like Ken, really.

Who was that at the end?
I have no idea.
Oh my goodness.
Well, sorry it was me. I owe you an apology there. Would you accept?
I accept.
Of course.
Thank you.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, February 9

Juliet is very cool.
Oh, yeah.

                                  • -

So Jeff, what's another situation going to be like this time?
Well, this time, they speak in Elizabethan English.

                                    • -

Dost thou live in Verona? (thou = you 汝)
Nay. But I actually grew up in Rockieville.  (Nay = No)
I’m a freshman at Rockieville University now.
Most wondrous. I'm a senior at Colombo High. I'm from Verona.
Mary. 'Tis my mother. (‘Tis = It is)
Prithy m' lady, shall I see thee again annon?
(Prithy = please   m'lady = my lady thee = 汝  annon = )
Happily. If thou playest thy cards fair.
Very well.
Here's my number.
Gramercy. (Thank you.)
Thou art welcome. (You are welcome)

Can I join you sometime, you know, in this another situation thingy?
(thingy = 何とかいうもの、例のあれ)
If you play your cards right.
I knew you were going to say that.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, February 10

That's a good point.
Go man, go!

                                                        • -

So Katie...
What’s another situation going to be like this time?
Romeo is feeling down.

                                              • -

So what's that girl, Juliet, like?
She's gorgeous! I can’t get her off my mind.
I asked if I could see her again.
What did she say?
She didn't give me a straight answer.
Call her and ask again.
Oh, I'd rather bide my time.
I want to play it cool. She might have a boyfriend.
Hey, cheer up, Romeo. Have some cappuccino.

My goodness.
Let's talk about the word "gorgeous."
Is it used only for women?
Oh no.
Or girls?
No, it's used for scenery.
It’s used for food.
And for men, and for cats
Sometimes for guys.
And for dogs and for eyes and for rooms.
Anything it's beautiful.
Oh really.
Cities. It's a gorgeous city.
Yes. That's right.
I see.
He has gorgeous eyes.
Gorgeous what?
Oh, eyes!
It's a gorgeous cat.
Gorgeous cat.
It's a gorgeous day.
It's a gorgeous program.
That's right!
Yes! Ding, ding, ding!


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, February 11

Sounds great.
It does.
Sounds like a date.

                                    • -

So Jeff, what's another situation going to be like this time?
Well, they are talking outside. And it’s freezing cold.

                                                • -

Hi, how's it going?
You called at the right time.
I did?
Yeah. My friend just called.
Your boyfriend?
Not really. Anyway, he backed out of going to this party with me.
What party?
It's a Valentine's Day Ball. Would you be interested in being my plus one?
Great! I'll text you the details.

Hello? Rom…
The sun comes out.
…k you.

Ken, Ken.
You were frozen for a minute.
You were frozen over there. I didn't like the idea so I backed out of being frozen on this scene.