9/14 〜 9/17

ラジオ英会話   Monday, September 14

Yeah, I think this happens to the best of us.
(It happens to the best of us.= 誰にでもあることです)
It happens to me.
It happens to everyone.
I lose mine all the time.

                              • -

So what's another situation going to be like, Katie?
They are giants.

                              • -

Have you seen my phone, Roger?
No, I haven't.
It's probably right under my nose.
I'll keep my eyes peeled, Sharon.
I think it's a lost cause.
How long has it been missing again?
A week. I'm really at my wit's end.
Ha ha! Just get a new one.
Say! That's a great idea. I'm so tired of looking for it.

Hello? What's this?
What is it, Roger?
I found your phone under my foot.
Oh! Thanks for a nothing.

(Thanks for nothing. = 何もしてくれなくてありがとう。皮肉的に使う。もう、いいよ。役に立たなないなあ、と言った意味)

                        • -

Did you step on the phone?
I think so.

Uh... Katie and Jeff?
Do you often have to look for your cellphone?
I lose it all the time.
All the time. And the problem is I have it on silent mode so I can't call it.
I know that feeling.
Yeah, you do?
It's so irritating, annoying. It's so terrible.
But when you finally look for it, it's usually right under your nose.
But recently, I've been very careful.
So I keep my phone in my che (chest と言おうとして途中で止めた).... uh, I can't find it.
I don't see it.
Well, it's probably right under my nose.
If I keep moving my nose here and there...


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, September 15

So Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like this time?
Well, this time, Miranda is actually deeply disappointed.

                                • -

Miranda, I know you had your heart set on the fishing trip. I'm sorry.
It's quite all right, Fred.
I've been up to my ears in work lately.
I understand. You were drowning in a sea of work.
You could say that.
Now, I'm drowning in a sea of disappointment.
Oh, please, Miranda. We can go next weekend.
Yes, if it comes.
It will, Miranda. What did you do all day?
I did housework.
You were cleaning all day?
Yes. It's such a great feeling to have a clean house! And such an awful feeling not to have a fish in the fridge.
Oh, Miranda. Don't go anywhere. I'll be there with a fish right now.
Oh, Fred! Thank you. I'm jumping like a fish.

                      • -

So she loves fish.
She certainly does.
And I think she likes to put people on guilt trips.
(guilt trip =他人に罪悪感を抱かせる)
I know you two have your hearts set on talking about these trip things on and on and on.
And longer. Yes.
Time is up.
We have to go. So until next time.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, September 16

What was that? Faux?
That's right. Faux leather jacket.

                              • -

So what's another situation going to be like, Katie?
Well, this seems interesting. They are unknown child actors.

                                              • -

I had my eye on this leather jacket.
Very nice, Matt. Oh, look at the price tag.
Uh-oh. That'd cost me an arm and a leg.
How about this faux leather jacket?
Yeah, but does it look as good?
It looks even better! Try it on for size.
How do I look?
You look like a movie star.
Frieda, put on the faux leather coat.
Sure. How do I look?
You look like a movie star, too!
Hi, is there anything I can help you guys with?
Not now.
Maybe you can in ten years. Bye!
Bye. Please come again.

Well, they're having a good time.
They are. Certainly are
Uh... to be young again
Oh, yeah. I thought you were.
You're young enough, right?
Well, I'm still young. Young at heart.
Well, not bad for a 34-year old man like you.
Ummmm... no comment.
You know, I had my eye on these wonderful English sentences, so...
Did you?
I'm going to introduce them to you.
Well, that's about it for today. So until next time...
Oh. Keep listening.
Keep practicing.
And keep on smiling. Well read.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, September 18

Sounds like a happy ending.
Sounds good.

                              • -

So what's another situation going to be like this time?
Well, we are singing again.
You are?
Uh-huh. They sing their line to the tune of "Old Folks at Home."
The nation will be exhilarated. (国民はウキウキするでしょう)
We hope so.
Excuse me.

                          • -

I talked to Marsha yesterday.
She cried her eyes out after you said she was texting you too much.
I really put my foot in my mouth.
She thought you were cold-hearted.
I don't blame her.
You know, she's had a change of heart.
Yes, she misses you.
I'm going to text her right now!
He's (I'm) going text her right now!

Broadway material. Westerned material, man.
You always say that.
I have to say I agree.
Farewell, Jeff. Farewell, Katie.
Oh, Ken.
Come back, Jeff. Come back, Katie.
Will you miss us?
I will. I will be missing you for a few days.
We'll text you.
Yeah, until the next recording. So have ever had a change of heart?
Oh, big one.
Let's hear it. What is it?
When I came to Japan for the second time...
Second time
Yes, I was only going to be here for uh... maybe a year and then go home, and find a job.
But I had a huge change of heart and I've been here ever since.
70 years now
70 years. Thanks.
Just kidding.
Letting the cat out of the bag.
What made you stay?
Umm... I just found that I really loved Japan. Every time I went home I got homesick to come back.
Wow. Well, there's a lot to be homesick about Japan for...
I see.
... people, the food, the beauty, friendliness.
All of the above.
I hope you guys won't have a change of heart regarding this program.
Oh, Ken. Thank you.
Thank you.