11/17 〜 11/20

ラジオ英会話  Monday, November 17

That could be a human name too, right?
Yes. Uh-huh.

                                                          • -

So Katie, what's the new situation going to be like today?
Ken, they are both cool, calm, and collected.

                                                          • -

Look, Jenny! The kitty just pounced on something.
Hmm... He's carrying something big in his mouth, Layne.
Ah... He just gave it to Rocky.
But of course, it's a cockroach.
Rocky, no. Don't eat it.
Too late.
I can tell right now that the kitty will be a great mouser.
I second that. Let's name him Hunter.
Hmm… Hunter it will be.

Thank you for the name. Did it bug you or anything?
(bug = annoy, bother, irritate)
Not really.
Maybe a little.
Do you love us?
Of course.
Thank you.
You're welcome.

What was that? Sounded like old, old something.
An old soul.
Old soul.
The kitty is getting older.
I see.

Do you use this "pounce on" only about animals?
No. People can "pounce on" an opportunity
A good chance to do something or get something or...yeah.
I see.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, November 18

Unless what?
We don't know yet.
To be continued.
To be continued.
I hope so.

                                                      • -

Jeff, what's the new situation going to be like?
Well, this time, it's a scene from a melodrama called "Unless."

                                                      • -

Darling, I've been reading up on cat behavior.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking, my angel?
Yes, my darling. Cats are programed to hunt and capture their prey.
Those birds outside would be sitting ducks, you know.
Hunter might leave several gifts at our doorstep. I know.
I wouldn't want Rocky eating any of Hunter's prey.
Maybe Hunter should be an indoor cat.
Hmm... Maybe.
Unless what, dear?
To be continued!

Oh, I didn't know it was a musical, right?
What an ending. Yes.
What an ending, yeah. Speaking of reading up on something, have you been reading up on something?
I have been. I've been reading up on English language learners' behavior.
Oh, really?
What did you find out?
They love Rajio Eikaiwa.
All right.
That goes without saying.
You're right.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, November 19

So, Katie, what's the new situation going to be like?
Ken, they are pet specialists.

                                                                • -

According to studies, it's possible for cats to form friendships with prey animals.
Do you mean to say that Hunter the cat could befriend a bird?
It's possible if socialization begins extremely early.
What exactly are you implying?
They should get a budgie.
I beg your pardon?
You know, it's a type of parakeet, which has the ability to mimic human speech.
I see... but how would you incorporate a budgie in the project?
(Incorporate = formed into a corporation 組み入れる)
You will know all about it on the last episode of Animal Lovers!

You know, my cat has the ability to speak English.
He can say "Chikai" in English.
What is it?
Near. (猫の鳴き声、ニャーとかけている).


ラジオ英会話    Thursday, November 19

So, Jeff, what's the new situation going to be like?
Well, you should be happy because we have a musical again.
Oh, great.
It's a finale from a musical called One Big Happy Family.

                                                    • -

You are so pretty, Polly!
I am Polly! I am pretty!
Remember we shouldn't show favoritism.
Rocky is wagging his tail!
And Hunter's purring!
We're one big happy family now.
Well, we have our work cut out for us.
And you're top dog!
Who? Me or Rocky?
Rocky, Rocky, Rocky!
Well, doggone it!
Just kidding!

Polly, Polly, top dog, Polly.

Would you like to go back to the theater? I could see it again and again.
You know, I think Polly is top dog because Polly stole the show.
That's right.
Well, I think Jenny and …
They're top dog.
I don't know.
Wait a minute.
Our listeners are top dog.
You can say that again.