6/3 〜 6/6

ラジオ英会話    Monday, June 3

Well, everyone, perk up your ears. Tha daughter is a fast talker.

                                          • -

My favorite game is "Planetary Conquest" and so far conquered Mercury,
Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus.

What about earth?
What about it?
Have you conquered earth yet?
Why not?
It's no fun. It's too close.
Oh, for haven's sake.

Whew! That was fast.
Yeah, faster than a speeding bullet.
Yes. She knows what she is talking about.
Yeah, and kids do talk fast.

I have a question.
Do you play video games ever?
Uh... not anymore.
No, I don't.

What kind of video game did you play?
Well, when I was in college, I was working in an electronics store.
And that was the first time that "Pong" and "Space Invaders" came out.
Do you remember the old ones?
Yes, I remember.
And we used to play that all day because nobody would come into the store.
You got paid to play video games?
Yeah, got paid to play video games.

That was a genesis I should say. (genesis = 誕生、 始まり )
It was. No three dimensional games. They were just two dimensional. And
uh... one was even just black and white.

So you don't know much about new games? ... 3-D games.
No, not about the new ones, but I played the old one so much. I know what
I'm talking about.

                                                                  • -

(参考 Reference)
水星 Mercury (マーキュリー)
金星 Venus (ビーナス)
地球 Earth (アース)
火星 Mars (マーズ)
木星 Jupiter (ジュピター)
土星 Saturn (サターン)
天王星 Uranus (ユラヌス)
海王星 Neptune (ネプチューン
冥王星 Pluto (プルート)


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, June 4

Never hear of it.

That's perfect my darling. Do you think my clothing line will take off?
Of course, my love. It's written in the stars.
No, you're too much.
I mean it. It's in the stars.
And so is our love.

Oh, where is my handkerchief?
East Side Story....
Kind of a love story, kind of thing, evidently.

Success is written in the stars, right?
Oh, you're too much.
Well, ... It's time to end the show.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, June 5

Ms. Pluto, could you spare me a minute?
Sure. What is it, Mr. Neptune?
Well, rumor has it that you are going to be demoted to a dwarf planet.
It can't be true. I'm the ninth planet of the solar system.
I'm sure you are, but some scientists say you don't meet the requirements.
Oh, no. That's not fair. I orbit around the sun just like any other fellow
I feel your pain. Hang in there.
I'll be back.

                                        • -

She'll be back.
She changed at the very end.


ラジオ英会話 Thursday, June 6

No kidding. No kidding.
It also says its winds are 10 times stronger than a hurricane.
Close but no cigar. Its 100 times stronger. (Close but no cigar = あと一歩で, 惜しい)
Well, they have to be there to find out.
When will they be there?
Another two centuries.
That's mind-boggling.

                                      • -

Yeah, that was mind-boggling. Yes.
Thank you.

Ken? Earth to Ken!
So sorry, sorry. I was spaced out.