ラジオ英会話 3/14-3/18, 2022

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 231 Monday, March 14

R: Akino Roza here. Hey, Chris, have you been to the Pyramid of the Sun?
C: I have actually.
R: Really?
C: Yeah, but nobody offered me any iced tea. Chris McVay here.

O: What kind of nuance does "Let's just say" have?
C: We use "Let's just say" when you don't want to talk about the details of something.
R: For example, I'll ask Chris, "Hey, Chris, how old are you?"
C: Let's just say I'm a little bit older than you.
C: So, I don't want to admit my real age. It's a delicate subject so then we say, "Let's just say."

◆ as many as を加えることで「こんなにたくさん」を表現しています。
O: Do you really use this type of phrase in daily conversation?
R: Maybe not daily, often it's used in a boasting way.
C: Yeah, I agree, often it's, "Uh... look at me. I read four books in a day."

(boast 自慢する brag / talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities.)

◆ gripping について
O: Hey, Chris...
C: Uh-huh.
O: This adjective "gripping" is often used for stories?
C: Yeah, I like it actually, stories or movies, when basically you can't stop watching or you can't stop reading. It holds your attention so much, grip. Roza?

R: ... and continuing on what Chris said uh... it's often used to describe books, like, "This book is a gripping thriller." or "This movie is a gripping adventure."

O: So, in the same nuance as page-turner or something?
R: Yeah, yeah.

(page-turner 読み出したらやめられない本 a book that is so exciting that you want to read it quickly)

O: So, by the way, what do you think will happen to them, I mean Aki and Peacock?
R: Let's just say they have a lot to catch up on.
C: Let's just say watch out Jessica.


◆ catch up on と catch up with の違い
・catch up on + information 久しぶりに会ってお互いの近況を話す、何かの遅れを取り戻す
・catch up with + person/people 人に追いつく
I’ll catch up with you later. 後で追いつくから(先に行っていて)

(catch up on 積もる話)


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 232 Tuesday, March 15

R: Hey, everyone, this is Akino Roza.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. Wow Roza, you look great.
R: Why, thank you.
C: Oh, no, no. I'm just practicing the dialog.
R: Hey!

(Why この場合のWhy は「なぜ」ではなく、「おや」「まあ」「あら 」などの驚きを表す)

O: Hmm... The second example, "Radio Eikaiwa is becoming more and more interesting." Is that true?
R: Of course, that goes without saying.
C: Absolutely.

(goes without saying  言うまでもなく)


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 233 Wednesday, March 16

O: We're not alone in the universe.
R: But sensei is alone in the studio. Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here.
C: Hi, guys, Chris Mcvay here. I have a feeling I'm not alone in this studio.
C: Ah! Roza and sensei are here. Yap! Pyu du-bi do...

O: Hey, Chris, talking about lectures, you gave a farewell lecture in your university, right?
C: That's right, you know, because I retired so I gave a farewell lecture.
C: Wa, wa, wa... wait a minute, I've got quite enough work as it is. Thank you very much.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 234 Thursday, March 17

R: Hey, everyone, this is Akino Roza. I think Rajio Eikaiwa will go down in history as the most influential English radio program.
C: Chris McVay here. Are you serious?
R: Yeah.
C: Well, we can always dream.

◆ What's so remarkable about them? のフレーズについて
O: You frequently use this phrase, right?
C: Yeah, I mean, as you said, we can replace "remarkable" with lots of other adjectives, and it works. "What's so good about them?"
R: Or you could say, "What's so interesting about it?"

O: So, Roza, cats, that smart?
R: Yeah, they're actually really smart. You know, my cat is always trying to find new ways to communicate with me. You know, he's thinking about so many things. I just ...
C: Wow, you are really a cat lover, huh?
R: Yes, of course.
O: You love cats so much, right?
R: I do, more than humans mostly, actually.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 235 Friday, March 18

R: Hey, guys, it's the day you've all been waiting for. It's Friday, time for the review. Akino Roza here.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. Yap, do your best for this review. Go, go, go.

O: Hey, guys, there are so many learners who think their English sucks even though they are good, right?
R: That's right. I think the most important thing to remember is that "Are you getting your point across?" and if you are, that's fantastic. Practice makes perfect.
C: Just be confident, be proud of your level. Keep at it.


◆ Keep at it. と Keep it up. の違い
・Keep at it. … is usually used when a person isn't succeeding, but you want them to keep trying.
・Keep it up. … is usually used when a person is succeeding, and you want them to keep succeeding.

ビジネス英語 3/7-3/9, 2022

ビジネス英語 Lesson 64  Monday, March 7

◆ ジェニーさんは個人的にどんなタイプの住宅がお好みですか?
Affordable. But really, I love a contemporary clean style with lots of natural light from windows. And it would be great to have the newest technology for energy efficiency. I also like the aesthetic of the Mediterranean style houses. What's your style, Mr. Shibata?

(aesthetic 〔特に芸術の〕美に関する、景観に配慮した)


ビジネス英語 Lesson 65  Tuesday, March 8

◆ ジェニーさんは住宅のモデルルームを見て楽しむことはありますか?
Yes. But I'd feel pressured to buy or rent. So, I don't really go anymore. But when I have gone, it was great to imagine myself living there. I loved getting ideas for decorating, storage and organizing. What do you think about them, Mr. Shibata?

(feel pressured 圧力を感じる、ストレスを感じる)


ビジネス英語 Lesson 66  Wednesday, March 9

These sentences should be as short as possible. She doesn't need many details in a chat message.

I think the birthday greetings could be kept to a minimum and should be written in the style that he talks to her.

(keep to a minimum  最小限に抑える、最小限にとどめる)

◆ ビジネスチャットの良いところはどんなところだと思いますか?
Chat functions can streamline communication with things like search and tagging functions, organize threads, and file storage or file sharing. In my opinion, business chat is good for having a paper trail. That way, misunderstandings are less likely to occur because there's a written record.

It's on record. So, you can't say you didn't hear it, didn't see it, or forget about it. It's easier than email when exchanging ideas in a group. So, it's more efficient than email. What's important is to decide beforehand what purpose you want to use it for.

ラジオ英会話 3/7-3/11, 2022

ラジオ英会話  Lesson 226   Monday, March 7

R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. Welcome to lesson 226. Let's go.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. For a moment, I thought we were in a jungle or somewhere. So, let's go.

R: By the way, it's more natural to say "highly paid" instead of "high paid."

R: You know, I'd say that Onishi-sensei is the most inspirational Japanese teacher in this studio.
O: Hmm...
C: Uh..., wait a minute, you are the only Japanese teacher in the studio, eh?
O: Oh, that's why she is saying that, right?
RC: Exactly.


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 227   Tuesday, March 8

R: Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here. Let’s get started.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. I just wanna say, you are by far the best people I've ever worked with.
O: Me?
C: Huh?

◆ it + ing というのはなかなか目にしたことはないと思うのですが……
O: Chris, in what sense are you using i-n-g form here?
C: You know, I think it's our typical image of, you know, it's really happening there or imagining the real-life thing going on.

O: Roza, thank you for all your hostility toward me.
R: Hostility? I'm not hostile. What are you talking about?
C: Wa, wa... wait, stop, stop. Please make sure you use "hospitality."


What is the oldest temple in the world?
Göbekli Tepe in southern Turkey (ギョベクリ・テペ遺跡/トルコ)


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 228   Wednesday, March 9

R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. I hope you enjoyed Onishi-sensei's だじゃれ for the start of your day. Let's get started.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. Well, I love Onishi-sensei's puns, but I don't like smoothies.

C: OK guys, let's practice the key sentence together. And the key word here is contrast. So, when you practice this kind of sentence, you have to make the contrast very clear. Something like this, "at best (ポンポンポン) and at worst (ポンポンポン)."
All right, let's just use English, eh? "At best he's an entertaining writer, and at worst he's just a dreamer." Let's say it. Go!

Do you feel that contrast? Once more. "At best he's an entertaining writer, and at worst he's just a dreamer." Last time.

Excellent. Well done.

O: The second example, "Even the best golfers miss easy putts once in a while." This is your excuse, right Chris?
C: Well, I use this every time I'm on the green. Taking three putts is my specialty.
R: Um..., "every time" is different from "once in a while," you know.


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 229   Thursday, March 10

R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. Let's see what will happen with Yuko and Thomas today.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. Roza, I need your help.
R: OK, keep calm. I'll get there as fast as I can.
C: No, it's OK. I'm just practicing. Let's get started guys.

C: If you want get our textbook, I’ll recommend you do so as fast as you can.

R: OK guys, let's practice the key phrase together. Now here, like Onishi-sensei said, the important part is to remember that "as fast as I can." You should memorize this phrase so that you can say it without thinking. So, "as fast as I can." It's one phrase. "As fast as I can." Got it? OK. Now, let's put it together. "OK, keep calm. I'll get there as fast as I can."

Were you able to say it as one phrase? Let's try one more time. "OK, keep calm. I'll get there as fast as I can."

Great job!

O: Hey Chris, be careful. Here, you are as unsafe as can be.
C: As unsafe as can be? Why is that?
O: Because Roza is here.


◆ What’s happened? と What happened? の違いは?
What happened? 何があったの? 過去のことを聞いている。
What’s happened? = What has happened? 何が起こっているの? 過去から現在まで続いている様子を聞いている。


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 230   Friday, March 10

R: Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here. Ready for the review? It's Friday.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. Don't you just love the review? Let's get started.

R: Hey, Chris...
C: Uh-huh.
R: What was the most exclusive French restaurant you've ever been to like?
C: Well, actually I went to a world-famous exclusive restaurant in Paris. I can't say the name, of course. But you know, I prefer a simple bistro.
R: I think I agree.

(exclusive 特権階級に限られた、高級 expensive and only for people who are rich or of a high social class)
(bistro 〈フランス語〉小さな居酒屋 a small, inexpensive restaurant)

ビジネス英語 2/28-3/2, 2022

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson 61  Monday, February 28

◆ オンライン会議や講義でのチャットボックスはうまく活用すればとても便利です。
Yes! Chat boxes are great! It's very convenient for clarifying information, and in groups, it's a great way to allow everyone to ask questions without talking over each other. Chat boxes can also be used to visualize information. Sometimes it's helpful to see things written out or you can post links with further information.


ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson 62  Tuesday, March 1



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson 63  Wednesday, March 2

◆ 書き出しの部分の説明もっとわかりやすくできないでしょうか?
This is a little confusing, and it would be easier to understand if he said, "how many real estate agents he'll visit in total."

◆ 交通事情の説明をもっとわかりやすくできないでしょうか?
It would be better to explain that he needs two more days to visit the four additional visits because he needs to plan around traffic jams.

◆ 出張は喜べることばかりでもないのですねえ。
Yes. If a business trip gets prolonged unexpectedly, there might be some work piling up at home. But on the other hand, it's good to have unique experiences while you're there and have some fun while working.

ラジオ英会話 2/18-3/4, 2022

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 221 Monday, February 28

R: Well, that was quite an uneventful opening, wasn't it, Sensei? Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. Let's get started.
C: Chris McVay here. Guys, did I tell you about the time the Quine invited me to Buckingham Palace?
O: Really?
C: Nah! That’s because it’s never happened. Let’s get started.

R: Ah... a second textbook is my dream.
O: Oh, is it?

C: What a load of rubbish.

(a load of rubbish まったくのたわごと、くだらんたわごとだ、本当にばかげたもの something that is not true, or something of very bad quality)


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 222 Tuesday, March 1

R: Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here.
C: Chris McVay here. I'm glad you could remember your name, Roza. And a question for you. How would you rate my computer skills?
R: Um... I think you should stick to real paints and brushes.
C: That wasn't the answer I was hoping for.

O: You know, it's much more fun to watch Chris play table tennis than to play it with him.
C: Ugh... You don't want to play table tennis with me?
R: Because he doesn't want to lose. That's why.
O: That's right.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 223 Wednesday, March 2

R: Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here. Let's get started.
C: Hey, guys, Chris McVay here. Roza, you got your name right again… *1
R: [Laughter]
C: I was just wondering about taking six months off.
R: Dream on.
C: Uh, okay.

◆ taking the morning off ーー the ではなければいけないのでしょうか?
O: So, is this "the" obligatory here?

(obligatory 義務的な、必須の)

R: You can also say "a," for example, if you are not sure which morning of which day you wanna take off.
C: Yeah, like, "I'd like to take a morning off next week."
R: Uh-huh.
C: Something like that. Yeah.

R: The textbook is one of the key aspects of our program.

C: OK, guys, are you ready to practice? You know, we always tell you it's important to feel the overall flow of the sentence, not just word by word.

So, here, we should feel the position of the gap it comes after "seems." So, it's "Nolan is a lot smarter than he seems."

"Smart," so, with that in mind, let's practice the sentence together. Are you ready? "Nolan is a lot smarter than he seems." Go!

Get that feeling "He seems smart." "He seems smart." The gap is at the end. "Nolan is a lot smarter than he seems." Go.

Excellent. Well done.

O: You know, I'm more important to my family than you think.
R: Why is that?

C: To believe or not to believe, that is the question.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 224 Thursday, March 3

R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. Are you ready for today's lesson? Let's go.
C: Hey, guys, Chris McVay here. "Buenos días, bienvenidos a nuestro programa." (スペイン語)
This just means "Hi, guys, welcome to our program." Let's begin.

R: OK, guys, are you ready to practice the key sentence together? This sentence might seem a little bit difficult because it says "the most talented artist," right? But you don't have to worry about it. You're just putting "the most" in front of "talented artist." That's it. So, don't think about it too hard.

R: OK, so let's practice together. Ready?
"I'd say she is the most talented artist in our family."

One more time, "I'd say she is the most talented artist in our family."

See? Easy as pie.

(Easy as pie. とてもたやすく extremely easy; piece of cake)

O: You know, I'd say Chris is the most talented British guy in the studio.
C: Oh, thank you for such a lovely compliment. Ow…, wait a minute.
R: There's only one British guy in the studio.
O: Right. That's exactly what I meant.
C: That's not funny.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 225 Friday, March 4

R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. Welcome to Friday's lesson.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. It's time for the review. He, he.

O: So, Chris, what's your birthstone?
C: Well, you know, I was born in November. So, I'm lucky we have two birthstones, the topaz and the citrine. How about you, Roza?
R: Well, I was born in September. So, my birthstone is sapphire. But I don’t really like it. So, Sensei, what’s your birthstone?
O: I was born in October. So, my birthstone is opal. But I don’t really care.
R: Why not?
O: Nobody gives me anything, anyway.

C: No way!

January: garnet (ガーネット)
February: amethyst (アメジスト)
March: aquamarine (アクアマリン), bloodstone (ブラッドストーン)
April: diamond (ダイヤモンド)
May: emerald (エメラルド)
June: pearl (パール), alexandrite (アレキサンドライト) and moonstone (ムーンストーン).
July: ruby (ルビー).
August: peridot (ペリドット), spinel (スピネル), sardonyx (サードニックス).
September: sapphire (サファイア).
October: opal (オパール), tourmaline (トルマリン).
November: topaz (トパーズ), citrine (シトリン).
December: tanzanite (タンザナイト), turquoise (ターコイズ), zircon (ジルコン).

*1:didn’t you?

ビジネス英語 2/14-2/16, 2022

ビジネス英語 Lesson 55  Monday, February 14

◆ ジェニーさん、シンガポールは行ったことありますか?
Well, I've never been to Singapore, but I would love to visit someday. My impression is that it's a very small country but very clean. I feel comfortable visiting because I don't think I would have to worry about a language barrier.


ビジネス英語 Lesson 56  Tuesday, February 15

Well, customization is key for emerging countries. Knowing your customers' wants and needs and being able to adapt.

(emerging countries 発展途上国)
(adapt 適応させる)


ビジネス英語 Lesson 57  Wednesday, February 16

This is turning out to be a long story. So, he should just keep it short and sweet. No need to paint a full picture, otherwise it'll get confusing.

This is a bit too formal. It can make things a little confusing if your tone in emails doesn't match the general tone of your conversations.

◆ 外国人に向けてプレゼンテーションをするということは、気を使うこともありますよね。
It's important to consider and respect the culture of your audience. And it's also good to try to match the level of formality. I think Takashi was right to ask questions beforehand. Knowing your audience is one of the keys to a successful presentation.

ラジオ英会話 2/14-2/18, 2022

ラジオ英会話  Lesson 211   Monday, February 14

R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here.
C: Hey, guys, Chris McVay here. You know what? A listener told me that our explanations were the easiest she'd ever heard. Doesn't that make you happy?

C: OK, guys, are you ready to practice the key sentence? Now, the main point I want to stress here is don't think "as efficient as" is a problem or is difficult. Why? Because it's in the exactly the same position as a simple adjective. "This software is efficient."

Same position. "This software is as efficient as our current office software." So, bear that in mind. It's simple, it's simple, it's simple. Here we go. Are you ready? "This software is as efficient as our current office software." Try it.

(bear in mind 〈…を〉心に留めておく、覚えておく)

That's right. Exactly the same as just efficient, "this software is efficient." One more time. Are you ready? "This software is as efficient as our current office software." Go!

There! You see. It's a piece of cake. You got it. Well done.

R: That's right, guys. Just remember to keep on practicing and never give up.
C: And all thoughts of comparatives being difficult, well, just throw them away. It's simple. Keep at it.


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 212   Tuesday, February 15

R: Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here. Today's opening was not as good as yesterday's opening, sensei.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. Roza, I want to eat something sweet. Do you have any Belgian chocolates?
R: I have some Japanese chocolates. But they are as good as fine Belgian chocolates.
C: Good. As long as they are as good as fine Belgian chocolates. That's OK.

◆ ask away というフレーズについて
O: So, what is the nuance of "ask away" here?
R: Well, I think it's kind of like just "go ahead and ask as much as you want."
C: Yeah, don't hold back, feel free. It's a bit like, you know, a boat which is tied to the jetty. You untie a knot and whew... off the boat goes.
R: Yeah, really has that feeling of "whew!!"

(jetty 突堤、防波堤、桟橋)
(untie a knot 結び目をほどく)

R: OK, guys, let's practice the key sentence together. Now, I think a lot of our listeners perhaps have a problem with "as good as," because maybe you tend to put a pose between as, good, as. So, you think of it as separate words, right?

So, my advice is don't stop between those words. Connect them, make them flow. So, this will make it much easier for you to use this phrase. "As good as." "As good as." Got it?

OK, now, let's practice the key sentence. "They are as good as fine Belgian chocolates."

One more time. "They are as good as fine Belgian chocolates."

Great job!

O: Hey, Roza?
R: Uh?
O: Do you like chocolate?
R: Yes, I love chocolate, especially chocolate with salt. What about you, Chris?
C: Hmm... I like that too, but the chocolate has to be dark, a minimum of 70% cocoa.


"Chocolate" can be either a countable or uncountable noun depending on context. It is countable when it means the individual candies that can be counted, and it is uncountable when it means the substance. "Chocolate" can also be an adjective when it modifies a noun (e.g., "chocolate candy").

ココア(cocoa) とカカオ(cacao) の違い


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 213   Wednesday, February 16

C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. As you know, guys, I'm not as talkative as you too. So, please help me.

R: If you want to be fluent in English, I'll recommend checking out the textbook.
C: I think so too.

O: Hey, Roza, could you lend me some money? I forgot my wallet.
R: Nope! Sorry.
O: Hey, Chris, could you lend me some money?
C: You… relax, sensei. I'm not as unkind as Roza.
O: So, you lend me some, right?
C: No way!


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 214   Thursday, February 17

R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. I guess it's my lucky day since I'm a Libra.
C: Well, I'm not a Libra. Hi, everyone, Chris McVay here. But do you think I'll go up in value someday?
O: Nope.
C: Thank you for your honesty.
R: I think you should get a second opinion.

C: We don't need a second opinion about our textbook. We get lots of valuable feedback from our readers.

O: Hey, guys, global warming is a big issue, right? I hope our heartwarming Rajio Eikaiwa is not warming the earth.
C: Yeah, that's a message I think we should deliver to the world. No longer worry about global warming because Onishi-sesei's jokes are here.


Zodiac Signs

◆ Aquarius (アクエリアス) = みずがめ座 (1/21〜2/19)
Strengths: Progressive, original, independent, humanitarian

◆ Pisces (パイシース) ¬= うお座 (2/20〜3/20) 
Strengths: Compassionate, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, musical

◆ Aries (エリース) = おひつじ座 (3/21〜4/20)
Strengths: Courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate

◆ Taurus (トーラス) ¬= おうし座 (4/21〜5/21) 
Strengths: Reliable, patient, practical, devoted, responsible, stable

◆ Gemini (ジェミナイ) = ふたご座 (5/22〜6/22)
Strengths: Gentle, affectionate, curious, adaptable, ability to learn quickly and exchange ideas

◆ Cancer (キャンサー) = かに座 (6/23〜7/23)  
Strengths: Tenacious, highly imaginative, loyal, emotional, sympathetic, persuasive

◆ Leo (リオ) = しし座 (7/24〜8/23) 
Strengths: Creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous

◆ Virgo (ヴァ―ゴ) ¬¬= おとめ座 (8/24〜9/23)
Strengths: Loyal, analytical, kind, hardworking, practical

◆ Libra (リブラ) = てんびん座 (9/24〜10/23) 
Strengths: Cooperative, diplomatic, gracious, fair-minded, social

◆ Scorpio (スコーピオ) ¬= さそり座 (10/24〜11/22) 
Strengths: Resourceful, powerful, brave, passionate, a true friend

Sagittarius (サジタリアス) = いて座 (11/23〜12/21) 
Strengths: Generous, idealistic, great sense of humor

◆ Capricorn (キャプリコーン) = やぎ座 (12/22〜1/20)  
Strengths: Responsible, disciplined, self-control, good managers


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 215   Friday, February 18

R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. It's the lesson of revenge, I mean, review.
C: Oh, that was so funny. Chris McVay here. I can't think of anything to talk that. So, let's get started. Let's do our review.

O: Hey, Chris...
C: Yeah?
O: You have to persuade Roza not to quit.
C: But you know, we won't able to find anyone as talkative, uh, I mean, as charismatic as Roza.
R: Well, what can I say that is true. I guess I will have to stay with you guys.

(persuade 説得する)