ラジオ英会話 10/23 - 10/27, 10/30 - 11/3, 2023

ラジオ英会話  Lesson 136  Monday, October 23 / October 30

◆ Opening
O: Boys be ambitious と ペドロ&カプリシャス って似ているよね?
D: Hmm... I don't see the connection.

R: I'm disappointed in your opening today. That opening wasn't one of a kind. This is Akino Roza.
(one of a kind ユニークな、独自の)

D: And I'm Dad Evans. Oh, come on, Roza. Be nice.

◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
R: OK, everyone, it's time to practice. Today, I want you to focus on connecting the words in the sentence for a more smooth and natural flow.

D: That's right. "Know" is a word that has many meanings and lots of potential. So, remember the entire chunk to preserve the meaning you want.

R: Great advice, David.
D: Let's practice together.

  • I know little about him.

Let's go again.

  • I know little about him.

R: Great, let's continue.

  • I know a lot about Beethoven.
  • I know all about Beethoven.
  • I know nothing about Beethoven.

D: Good work so far. Let's keep going.

  • I know Jim.
  • I know that movie.
  • I know Nagoya.
  • Did you know?

R: OK, and our last example.

One more time.

(アンセル・イーストン・アダムス2世 [Ansel Easton Adams II, 1902年2月20日 - 1984年4月22日] はアメリカの写真家。カリフォルニア州ヨセミテ渓谷のモノクロ写真で有名。)

R: Great job, everyone.
D: Very good work. I knew you could do it.

◆ Ending
D: Hmm... what's his name?


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 137  Tuesday, October 24 / October 31

◆ Opening
R: Well, it's beyond me. This is Akino Roza.
D: And I'm Dad Evans. しょっぱいっすね。

◆ During the Japanese Translation Part
★ I know not
O: Hey, guys, do you usually use "I know not"?
R: Well, it's quite an old phrase and isn't used very often, but it can be used for dramatic effect like here.
D: That's right. People like this, say things like this, in situations like this.

◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
D: All right, everyone, it's time for today's practice. Today's phrases are something, many people aren't good at, and that's saying "They don't know." But it's important to admit it when it's true. So, let's practice today's phrases.

Here's our first.

  • I have no idea.
  • No idea.
  • I have no clue.
  • No clue.
  • I don't have a clue.
  • Not a clue.

Use the full version to be more polite, and the short version only in casual situations.

R: OK, let's continue.

  • It's beyond me.
  • It's beyond my expertise.

D: All right, let's move on.

  • Search me.
  • It beats me.
  • Beats me.

R: Let's do the last few.

  • It's anybody's guess.
  • That's over my head.

D: All right, great job today, everyone.
R: Fantastic work!

◆ Ending
O: Hey, guys, why do I like イカの塩辛 so much?
R: Who knows?
D: I know not.


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 138  Wednesday, October 25 / November 1

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, this is Akino Roza.
D: And I'm David Evans. OK, you two, let's jump in.

◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
R: OK, everyone, it's time to practice.
D: Let's get to it. Here's our first.

  • I've heard that you like playing video games.
  • I hear that you like playing video games.

R: Let's continue.

  • I heard about Dan's new business.
  • I heard about Dan's new idea.
  • I heard about Dan's new venture.

And one more.

  • I've never heard of such a thing.

D: All right. Our next two are "can" and "can't." For "can" sentences, try to get through to the verb as quickly as possible, but "can't" make it nice and staccato. So, you can tell the difference between the two.

(staccato 歯切れの良いcrisp)

  • I can tell the difference.

Feel that? Instead of "I can (キャ~ン)," it's "I can (クン)," "I can (クン)." Just like that. Let's try that one more time.

  • I can tell the difference.

Now, let's try "can't."

  • I can't tell the difference.

R: OK, let's practice our last few.

  • Rumor has it that we're getting downsized.
  • It is rumored that we're getting downsized.
  • Word on the street is we're getting downsized.

R: Great job, guys.
D: Excellent!

◆ Ending
O: Hey, David, I hear that you like playing video games. Is that true?
D: Who told you? Oh, man, I was trying so hard to keep that a secret. Ugh!
O: How did you get into that?
R: Sensei, you are asking a lot of questions today.
O: Oh, I'm just practicing.
D: Oh, thank goodness.


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 139  Thursday, October 26 / November 2

◆ Opening
R: This is Akino Roza.
D: Oh, you mean Wakkanai, Hokkaido? Woo, I love it, there. Let's go. I'm David Evans.

◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
D: OK, everyone, it's time for today's practice.
R: For today's practice sentences, I want you guys to pay attention to which sentences are used for which scenarios. OK?

D: All right. Our first sentences use "can" and "can't," just like we did previously. So, listen to how I use them and practice the sounds together with me.

  • My boss can be stubborn at times.

All right? Now let's try "can't."

  • That can't be right.

R: OK, let's continue.

  • Humans are social animals.
  • Time is money.
  • Bevers build dams.
  • One plus two is three.
  • I jog every morning.

D: All right, and let's try a few more here at the end.

  • Accidents will happen.
  • Problems will arise.
  • My sister will talk for hours.
  • My dad would often take us fishing.

R: You guys did absolutely great.
D: Really nice work.

◆ Ending
D: Hey, Roza, I wrote a haiku about today's lesson. Do you wanna hear?
R: Yeah, sure.
D: Mr. Emori, do I need to bring a coat? -- Wakkanai. What do you think, Sensei?


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 140  Friday, October 26 / November 2

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, it's Akino Roza. Welcome to Friday's review.
D: And I'm David Evans. Let's enjoy today's review lesson.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, what do you think of guys who like to talk on the phone?
D: Well, this was me maybe 20 years ago, but now I prefer a quieter life.
O: Uh-huh. How about you, Roza?
R: Well, I don't mind it as long as I'm the one he's talking to.