1/18 〜1/21

ラジオ英会話   Monday, January 18

So you are texting it to him.
It's so convenient.

                        • -

Another situation, so what's it going to be like today?
Well, the man called Clark has only ten minutes.

                          • -

How long do you have to wait for my prescription?
Ten minutes or so, mother.
What are you doing now?
Nothing. I'm just killing time.
Clark, could you run a few errands for me?
First, pick up my cardigan at the dry cleaner's. Then pick up a vegetarian soup at Super Duper Soup's. And I need eggs, milk and goat cheese and if you have (the) time, pick some wildflowers for our house.
All right, mother. I don't think that'll be a problem.
Should I text you the list?
No, mother. I'll do my flying chore right now.  (chore = 雑事、雑用)
Go, Clark! Go, Superman!

That was a surprise ending.
That's the Clark they were talking about.
Clark Kent.
And you are Mrs. Kent.
I must be his wonderful fabulous mother.
Wow. He needs only ten minutes to do all that.
Right. He could probably do it in less time. (in less time = 少ない時間で)

Yeah. He is Superman.
That's right.
I see.

Um... Ken?
What are you doing right now?
What are you doing?
Well, I'm just killing time.
Is that allowed?
I don't think so. Rules are made to be broken. (規則は破られるためにある)
Ta da da!

dry cleaner's のアポストロフィー s は、「〜屋」を意味するs 
実際にはdry cleaner's store(shop)から,store(shop)を省いたもの。
dry cleaner = クリーニング師のお店
McDonald's = マクドナルドさんのお店 


ラジオ英会話 Tuesday, January 19

Oh! That's so romantic.
Oh, honey.

                    • -

So Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like this time?
Well, this time, the man is talking with his little daughter.

                              • -

Aren't you going to your auto club meeting tonight, daddy?
No, I quit that club, honey.
I thought you liked it.
It was all right. I resigned from the bowling league, too.
Whatever for?
I've been spreading myself too thin lately.
Yup. Besides, I'd rather spend quality time with my darling daughter.
Oh daddy, you're the best! Can we listen to Rajiei together?
Of course. I like that Jeff guy a lot.
I like Katie.
I like Ken, really.

Oh, we've been spreading ourselves too thin lately.
I'm afraid... Better collect ourselves, put ourselves together.
And grow.

(collect oneself = 落ち着いて) (put oneself together = しっかりしなさい。襟を正して)


ラジオ英会話  Wednesday, January 20

What a smart mother.

                  • -

So, Katie.
What's another situation going to be like this time?
Oh, poor Gordon. The mother is very strict with Gordon.
She sounds strict enough now.
She does.

                      • -

Gordon, I made a casserole for you.
Thank you, Mother. Please excuse the mess. I've let the housework slide.
Are these your moving boxes?
Yes, Mother. I put unpacking on hold.
Hmm… Where’s your kitchen timer?
Here it is, Mother.
Set it for one hour, Gordon. Now open a box.
Yes, Mother. I’ll start unpacking.
Do this every day until you finish unpacking.
Whatever you say, Mom.

It's been an hour, Mother.
No cheating, Gordon.

Oh, poor Gordon.
Really strict.
Very strict.
Sounds like a boot camp or something.
No. She accused him of cheating.
Hmm... That was such a short hour, though.
I think he was letting his unpacking slide.
You can say that again.
He wanted to keep it on hold.
Well, I can't let this closing slide.
Oh, yes.
Because it's time. So until next time


ラジオ英会話 Thursday, January 21

He is a very shy guy.
Who? Me?
Yes, you!

                            • -

So Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like this time?
Oh, I'm so relieved. It has a very happy ending.

                        • -

Look, there's my friend, Tara. She's smiling at you. Smile back, Shizuo!
This is awkward, Annie.
Go strike up a conversation with her.
The music is too loud.
That's no excuse.
She's talking to another guy.
Come on! I'll introduce you. It's now or never.
But I don’t know what to say.
Ask her to dance! Come on!

How did it go, Shizuo?
Good. I've got a date!
Yeah, it's a Rajio Eikawa date. We'll listen to it together.
Rajio Eikaiwa bringing great people together.

Wow. That’s wonderful.
That's a newfangled something or other. (newfangled = 最新式の,流行の)
Tag line. (tag line = キャッチ コピー)
What the heck. It's now or never. (What the heck. = 何てこった)
Oh! Excellent.
Good for you.