1/12 〜 1/16

ラジオ英会話 Monday, January 12

More than trouble.
Yes. I have that sometimes.
You do?
I do too. How about you, Jeff?
I have it all the time.

                                      • -

Well, Katie.
Yes. Ken.
What's the new situation going to be like?
Sharon is passing through Chikara's neighborhood.

                                    • -

Hello, may I speak to Chikara?
Hi, Chikara. It's Sharon.
Sharon! Hi!
I'm passing through your neighborhood and wondering if I could see you.
Sorry, you're breaking up.
How about lunch?
Sorry, I didn't catch that.
Let's get together for lunch somewhere by the station.
I can't make out a thing you're saying!
I'll call you back!
Now I can hear you loud and clear.
Good. You know why?
No. Why?
Because I'm standing in front of your apartment.
Oh. Wonders never cease.
(Wonders never cease. = 驚きの念を禁じえない。不思議なことは後を絶たない。)

                                            • -

Oh, nice.
I can imagine that.
Yeah I think it's ...
Oh, Ken, you're breaking up.
I think it's a good voice exercise, too.
Oh, yes.
I think so, too.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, January 13

What a place to lose your crown.
Oh, my goodness.

                                  • -

So what's the new situation going to be like, Jeff?
Well, Otoya has a bad toothache.

                              • -

Hello. May I speak to Otoya Ohtaki?
Hello, Otoya?
This is he.
Oh, hi. This is Cindy from Dr. Monk's Dental Clinic. I'm returning your call.
Oh, thank you.
I understand your crown came off?
Yeah, and I have a terrible pain.
Oh I'm sorry. We can fit you in today at 3 o'clock.
That's great!
Be sure to bring your crown with you.
I can't. It fell into Niagara.
That happens.
I don't think I can find it.
That's mission impossible. But no worries, we can get you a new crown.
Oh, great.
See you then.

                          • -

Well, Cindy said that that happens, right? There must be thousands of crowns at the bottom of Niagara.
Niagara Falls.
You said it.
My goodness.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, January 15

Happy ending.

                      • -

So, Katie, what's the new situation going to be like?
Well, Ken. It's a robot that answers the phone.

                      • -

Grandrobbot's Pizza.
Hi. Do you deliver pizza to hotels?
Yes, if they're within a ten-mile radius.
We're at the Fyatton.
That's out of the delivery range, but we can fly, so don't worry.
And no extra charge.
We'll call your room from the front desk. Would you like to place an order?
Yes. Um... What's your specialty pizza?
Pizza Robust for $18 and tax. It comes with feta cheese, olives, lobster and wasabi.
Woo!! I'll take that.
Anything else?
No, that's it.

That'll be $15 and tax. Thank you.
But you said it was $18.
Because you sound like a very nice human.
Oh, thanks.

Well, be nice pays off, discounts.
Yeah, well, we should rather say being a nice human... pays... all this talk about pizza and the rest. (解説:ピザや他のもろもろのことを話していたらお腹がすいてきてしまったのですね。)
Yeah, it's making me hungry.
Me, too.
You, too, huh?

Katie, what's your favorite pizza?
My favorite is Marinara pizza, which is tomato sauce and anchovy.
Oh, wow
How about yours, Jeff?
Everything on it.
Double. Oh!
And Ken...
What is YOUR favorite pizza?
Oh, rajiei pizza
Raji ... what is the pun on it? (pun = ダジャレ) どんなダジャレが乗っかってるの?
Something really good, Katie, Jeff and Ken.
You can ask for better than that.
No, you can't.


ラジオ英会話    Thursday, January 15

So, Jeff, what's the new situation going to be like?
Well, this time the reservations clerk is very quick and responsive.
Oh, he was quick and responsive. All right.
He is even more this time.
Oh my.

                          • -

Eazy Airlines reservations.
I'd like to change the departure date of my ticket.
OK! That's O as in Oscar, K as in Kilo. What's your confirmation code?
That's P as in Papa, B as in Bravo, V as in Victor, O as in Oscar?
Correct. I'd like to leave on the 25th of January instead of the 19th.
There's a thirty-dollar fee for ticket changes.
I understand. Arigato.
That's A as in Alpha, R as in Romeo, I as in India, G as in Golf, A as in Alpha, T as in Tango, O as in Oscar?
Y as in Yankee, E as in Eco and S as in Sierra. Yes! (Sierra = 山脈)
B as in Bravo, Y as in Yankee and E as in Eco.

The last one.
Spelling everything.
Yeah, that took me a minute.
It may take some time to get the knack. (knack =こつ、要領の良さ)
But it would help for spelling.
You bet.
Y as in ...
A new learning experience.
All right. Well, I'd like to …
…. change the subject.
Oh, okay.
Well, that's about it for today.
So until next time
Keep listening ....
Keep practicing ....
And keep on smiling. S as in ... oh, whatever.
Bye. B as in ...
Oh no.
Forget it. Whatever.