ビジネス英語 Monday, January 3
◆ 欧米の人は日本人に比べて自己アピールが上手だと言われていますよね。
Well, maybe Americans are more used to it because of job interviews and resumes. We have to stand out and make our skills known otherwise we'll get passed over and maybe lose a chance. However, I know many Americans still find this very uncomfortable.
(pass over 候補から外す)
ビジネス英語 Tuesday, January 4
In business, it's impossible to get everything right all the time. It's good to know where there are problems or areas that need improvement.
ビジネス英語 Wednesday, January 5
◆ 前向きなコメントができなかったことに対するお詫びはこの位置でいいでしょうか?
He could apologize for any inconveniences at the end. I think he can answer the question now that he's thought it through and then add a brief explanation.
◆ 複雑な心境の述べ方について、どう思いますか?
Well, it's not clear what he wants to do. He should make his choice clear and then explain any complicated feelings that need to be resolved.
◆ ジェニーさんは、日本に来た当初、大変だったことはどんなことですか?
Well, Japanese language was a huge problem for me then and continues to be a challenge for me even now many years later. I always encounter new challenges even after many years of study. And sometimes I forget something I studied hard, and that can be frustrating too.