6/4 - 6/5

遠山顕のラジオ英会話楽習   Monday, June 4

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Write it!

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★ 私の知り合い
Yeah. We wouldn't really say "my friend" here. We could say "my acquaintance," but that sounds a little too formal, doesn't it?
So it's probably best to say "someone I know."

★ 生涯を通じて
Well, in the dialogue, the man is talking about himself, so he says "all my life." But if you're talking about someone else with man, it would be "all his life." And in this particular instance, it's a woman. So it's "all her life."

Well, in English, we would say "a cross," right? It's a mixture of two things, so "cross." But don't confuse it with the one word "across" like "across the street".

Well, I think we should say "a cross between a ukulele and shamisen."
I see.

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Someone I know has been collecting ukuleles all her life, and she has something that may be of interest to you. It's a cross between a ukulele and a shamisen.

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In Another Situation

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So, what's another situation going to be like, Carolyn?
Well, the year is 2152.

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How long have you been collecting paper, Dustin?
All my life, Eriko.
No kidding! Wooooo.
Come. I have something that may be of interest to you.
What's that?
It's a paper brochure commemorating the 2100 Mars Solar System Expo!
Wooooo! And it's as good as new. It's over half a century old!
Half a century and two years, to be exact.
Wooooo! How did you get this?
My Martian friend gave it to me. Uh..., Eriko, why do you say "Wooooo?
Oh. It's a trendy word for "wow" on Jupiter.


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I have something to say that may be of interest to you.
Oh! What's that?
What is it?

Well, until next time...
Oh. And?


遠山顕のラジオ英会話楽習   Tuesday, June 5

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Write it!

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★ 祖父
Well, in English, we can say either "grandpa" or "grandfather." "Grandpa" is more casual and "grandfather" is a little bit more formal. You can use either one, but it really depends on who you're talking to.

★ すごい秘密
That's "big secret."

★ 〜の
Well, in this case we would use the word "about."
Because you're explaining about something.
So you don't say "the big secret of"...
No, we use the word "about."

★ もう謎は解けました
Yeah, it's not in the dialogue. But in English it's pretty much a set phrase.
And there are two ways you can say this. We could say "Now the mystery is solved." Or we could also say "Now the mystery is over."

★ それは魔法のようです
Well, before we know what the answer is, "It's magic." But once the mystery is solved, once the secret is out, we say "It's like a magic." or "It's magical."

★ なぞは解けましたがの「が」はbutですか? それとも and?
Well, here because there is a contrast between the ideas used, we would say "but."

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My grandfather told me the big secret about a ship in the bottle. Now the mystery is shoveled, but it's like a magic.
My grandfather told me the big secret about a ship in the bottle. Now the mystery is over, but it's magical.

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In Another Situation

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What's another situation going to be like this time?
Very interesting. This time, the roles are reversed.

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How did you put that ship in the bottle?
It's magic.
Oh yeah? It looks like magic.
Well, I'll tell you the big secret.
Good. I've wondered about it all my life
Okay. First, build the ship outside the bottle with the masts down.
Oh, I'm getting it.
Then you insert it in the bottle and raise the masts.
But how?
With these forceps.
Now the mystery is solved. Still, it's magic all right!
It's abracadabra-bottle.

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Wow! It was like magic.
A magical ending.