2/6 〜 2/9

ラジオ英会話   Monday, February 6, 2017

So Katie, what's the new situation going to be like?
Wow! Veronica has a big voice.

                                      • -

Someone left this on my desk.
Cool stationery! What does it say?
"Angel of my heart, send me a sigh that you'll be my Valentine." There's no signature.
Maybe it's from you-know-who.
John, the ER doctor! You've been infatuated with him since day one.
(infatuated = in love with someone so much that it seems silly, especially because you do not know them very well / having a very strong but not usually lasting feeling of love or attraction for someone or something / crazy about )
Don't broadcast it to the world!
Sorry! You know, though, Claire, between you and me and the four walls.
Bring it down, Veronica!
(bring something down = to reduce the level of something)
("bring it down" in this case = be quiet, stop it, cut it out, come on!)
It's John.
No way! I'm not infatuated with John ever!
Shhhh! Be quiet! Shhhh!

                    • -

Do you ever go to a Valentine's Day dance?
Yes, sometimes ...
You do.
Kind of a wallflower, though.
Yeah, because I can't dance.
You can't dance?
Hey! Don't broadcast it to the world!

Jeff, you say you can't dance. Is that true?
Well, I can, but not very well.
Imagine a dancing bear in a circus.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Jeff, what's the new situation going to be like?
They are whispering.

                              • -

Who could have written this? John barely notices me.
Flirt a little!
(flirt = to behave toward someone in a way that shows romantic interest in them / to behave as if sexually attracted to someone, although not seriously)
No, I'm too shy to make the first move.
Then again, maybe it was Adam. I think he's got a crush on you.
(have a crush on someone = feel a very strong and romantic emotion, similar to love, but it probably only is temporary)
Flower delivery for Claire Watkins!
Red roses!
That's right!
The plot thickens!
(the plot thickens = when a situation suddenly becomes more complicated or mysterious)

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet.
And so are you.
Oh, thank you and you too.

                        • -

That is an old purpose poem.
In the announcement for this week, the whole thing starts with "Roses are red, violets are blue..."
Violets are blue ...
And then usually it goes on to be like "Sugar is sweet"...
Sugar is sweet, and so are you.
"And so are you."
That's right.
That's a nice, little standard poem.
There are a lot of variations.
That's true.
I see.
So you can make up your own.

Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so am I.
It doesn't right.

                      • -

Well, that's about all for today.
I thought today's lesson was great.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, February 8, 2017

So, Katie, what's the new situation going to be like?
Right, Ken. This is a scene from a musical called "Love Is in the Air."
The "Love Is in the Air"?
You know it?
Yeah, that's a very famous musical.
(fabulous = incredible, unbelievable, pleasing, wonderful, fantastic, marvelous, lovely, gorgeous, amazing, terrific, beautiful, magnificent, splendid, awesome, great, nice, superb, spectacular, brilliant, breathtaking, excellent, stunning, fancy, remarkable, impressive, tremendous, extraordinary, super)

                                    • -

♬ I see that Valentine's Day is in full swing. ♬
Love is in the air!
Who sent the flowers?
Claire has an anonymous suitor.
(anonymous = no one knows their name)
(suitor = a man who wants to get married to a particular woman)

Say, I heard you got a love letter from a doctor.
Who started this rumor?
Beats me. Word gets around fast.
(beats me = I do not know the answer, I cannot figure it out.)
This whole thing is getting blown out of proportion.
Do you know why?
Yes! Because love is in the air!

                        • -

Wow! Big finish.
That was such a big one.
It's famous for that, the musical.
Oh, OK.
... for the big finish.

                      • -

So what else is in the air?
Valentine's Day?
The plot thickening.
Plot thickening too.
Chocolate, flowers.
And it's all up in the air too, because we don't know who sent the flowers.
That's right. We don't know yet.

I think we are going to find out pretty soon though.
You do?
I hope so. I'm getting anxious.
I know who.
How do you know?
Because we wrote it.
But I wouldn't say it because otherwise word gets around fast.

Well, our time is about up. But you know, I can't remember the end of the story.
Oh, I know, but I look forward to knowing in the end.
Me too.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, February 9, 2017

So Jeff, what's the new situation going to be like?
Well, this time, they are two spies on a mission.

                            • -

What can I do for you?
I'm Watkins, Claire Watkins. Do you remember the person who sent me red roses?
As a matter of fact, I do.
Quite frankly, I'm mystified. Was his name Adam Coldwell?
(mystified = to confuse someone by being or doing something very strange or impossible to explain)
Well, I'm afraid I can't divulge his name.
(divulge = to give information about something, especially something that should be kept secret)
I'm with MKOI.
And uh... What's MKOI?
Mission Kind of Impossible.
Well, in that case, here's the data.
Oh, he is clean. No prior records.
(prior = done before a particular time)
Yes, and I can vouch for his character. He is a real gentleman.
Okay, thanks, sir.
Bond. James Bond. Shaken, not stirred.

Shaken, not stirred = ジェームスボンドの映画の決め台詞

                        • -

Now James Bond is now masquerading as a florist?
(masquerading = なりすまし)
Yeah. A man of many faces, many hats.
And this lady spy...
Down to business kind of spy.
She got the info.

All right.
We don't know what happens after this, though.
Sounded pretty much like a Sean Connery?
It did.
Sounded a little bit like Sean Connery.
Shaken, not stirred.
Shaken, not stirred.

Are you a fan of Sean Connery?
I do. I like him. I like him even better now than when he was James Bond.
I think he's gotten more cool as the years have gone by.
He is very seasoned, isn't he?
(seasoned = 年季が入った、熟練した experienced in a particular activity or job)
Yes, the seasoned actor.
(seasoned actor = ベテラン俳優)